item # block section ordinal resonning response reasonning rt letters flashed letters answer letters rt item duration item_start_time item_end_time item_reason_answer_time item_reason_question_time words in premise letters in premise click count condition subject id age total duration start time end time language sex notes strategy 0 0 examples 0 Yes 9338 QX XQ 9727 20767 1430341093906 1430341114673 1430341104946 1430341095608 12 55 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 1 0 examples 1 No 6612 FJ JF 4099 12420 1430341118180 1430341130600 1430341126501 1430341119889 9 41 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 2 1 VII 1 Yes 6415 MJFR RFJM 7834 17649 1430341134112 1430341151761 1430341143927 1430341137512 16 66 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 3 1 Ibii 0 No 12219 BQML LMQB 6698 22317 1430341155268 1430341177585 1430341170887 1430341158668 17 65 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 4 1 IV 0 No 3212 RXHJ JHXR 11628 18244 1430341181097 1430341199341 1430341187713 1430341184501 8 37 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 5 1 VII 0 Yes 5934 JHXR RXHJ 15222 24558 1430341202850 1430341227408 1430341212186 1430341206252 15 48 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 6 1 Vii 1 Yes 12901 LMBF FBML 17978 34279 1430341230908 1430341265187 1430341247209 1430341234308 6 21 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 7 1 IIii 0 No 10442 BQLR RLQB 14318 28162 1430341268694 1430341296856 1430341282538 1430341272096 8 56 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 8 1 III 1 No 16371 RLMF FMLR 8816 28587 1430341300372 1430341328959 1430341320143 1430341303772 5 24 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 9 1 III 0 No 6754 XMHJ JHMX 8591 18753 1430341332463 1430341351216 1430341342625 1430341335871 4 25 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 10 1 VIII 1 No 8884 LJQB BQJL 7451 19736 1430341354720 1430341374456 1430341367005 1430341358121 11 46 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 11 1 IIi 1 No 6705 BRFJ JFRB 8021 18134 1430341377971 1430341396105 1430341388084 1430341381379 8 44 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 12 1 VI 3 Yes 14803 MRQL LQRM 11504 29709 1430341399618 1430341429327 1430341417823 1430341403020 15 82 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 13 1 Ia 2 Yes 19695 MJHX XHJM 6762 29861 1430341432836 1430341462697 1430341455935 1430341436240 14 70 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 14 1 VI 2 Yes 6186 RQHX XHQR 8290 17876 1430341466200 1430341484076 1430341475786 1430341469600 19 64 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 15 1 Ibi 0 Yes 10155 FMJH HJMF 6905 20459 1430341487582 1430341508041 1430341501136 1430341490981 14 53 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 16 1 VIII 0 No 7304 BLFX XFLB 21566 32270 1430341511547 1430341543817 1430341522251 1430341514947 9 58 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 17 1 Ia 3 Yes 16374 LXRJ JRXL 6882 26664 1430341547321 1430341573985 1430341567103 1430341550729 15 71 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 18 1 Vi 1 Yes 5639 HMRX XRMH 6897 15936 1430341577494 1430341593430 1430341586533 1430341580894 6 28 2 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 19 1 IV 3 No 5451 HLMF FMLH 8908 17761 1430341596932 1430341614693 1430341605785 1430341600334 7 28 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 20 2 Ia 1 Yes 15331 ML LM 4854 21886 1430341618198 1430341640084 1430341635230 1430341619899 18 77 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 21 2 Vii 0 Yes 8537 RQ QR 7531 17776 1430341643592 1430341661368 1430341653837 1430341645300 6 21 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 22 2 III 3 No 5587 LQ QL 4868 12163 1430341664891 1430341677054 1430341672186 1430341666599 5 16 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 23 2 III 2 No 5506 HL LH 3818 11024 1430341680557 1430341691581 1430341687763 1430341682257 3 14 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 24 2 IIi 0 No 7227 JH HJ 5335 14264 1430341695093 1430341709357 1430341704022 1430341696795 8 34 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 25 2 Vi 0 Yes 4466 JR RJ 4747 10917 1430341712861 1430341723778 1430341719031 1430341714565 5 31 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 26 2 VII 2 Yes 5510 JF FJ 6337 13549 1430341727279 1430341740828 1430341734491 1430341728981 17 69 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 27 2 Ibi 1 Yes 11573 FL LF 3727 17000 1430341744328 1430341761328 1430341757601 1430341746028 19 71 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 28 2 VIII 3 No 6538 HR RH 4898 13136 1430341764837 1430341777973 1430341773075 1430341766537 11 52 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 29 2 VI 1 Yes 12901 LM ML 3343 17944 1430341781486 1430341799430 1430341796087 1430341783186 12 50 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 30 2 VI 0 Yes 11725 JF FJ 4791 18216 1430341802935 1430341821151 1430341816360 1430341804635 18 67 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 31 2 VIII 2 No 5271 MJ JM 3098 10076 1430341824668 1430341834744 1430341831646 1430341826375 12 55 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 32 2 IV 1 Yes 7204 JQ QJ 2979 11883 1430341838251 1430341850134 1430341847155 1430341839951 7 31 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 33 2 VII 3 Yes 3528 FX XF 4738 9967 1430341853639 1430341863606 1430341858868 1430341855340 14 60 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 34 2 IV 2 Yes 7639 FH HF 2846 12185 1430341867116 1430341879301 1430341876455 1430341868816 7 34 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 35 2 IIii 1 No 7972 RF FR 4380 14056 1430341882812 1430341896868 1430341892488 1430341884516 9 47 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 36 2 Ia 0 Yes 5655 JB BJ 3801 11162 1430341900382 1430341911544 1430341907743 1430341902088 20 64 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 37 2 Ibii 1 Yes 10675 BL LB 3498 15877 1430341915067 1430341930944 1430341927446 1430341916771 13 66 1 4 letters first 110847303-1430341963 38 837132 1430341114673 1430341951805 English f yes no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7778 -- -- 0 7778 1430344071267 1430344079045 1430344079045 1430344071267 12 55 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 1 0 examples 1 No 4276 -- -- 1 4277 1430344080046 1430344084323 1430344084322 1430344080046 9 41 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 2 1 Ia 3 Yes 6423 -- -- 0 6423 1430344085325 1430344091748 1430344091748 1430344085325 15 71 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 3 1 VI 1 No 7070 -- -- 0 7070 1430344092750 1430344099820 1430344099820 1430344092750 12 50 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 4 1 VIII 2 Yes 6040 -- -- 0 6040 1430344100821 1430344106861 1430344106861 1430344100821 12 55 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 5 1 Ibi 1 Yes 7368 -- -- 0 7368 1430344107863 1430344115231 1430344115231 1430344107863 19 71 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 6 1 III 3 No 5033 -- -- 0 5033 1430344116233 1430344121266 1430344121266 1430344116233 5 16 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 7 1 IV 3 Yes 4251 -- -- 0 4251 1430344122267 1430344126518 1430344126518 1430344122267 7 28 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 8 1 VII 3 Yes 3456 -- -- 0 3456 1430344127520 1430344130976 1430344130976 1430344127520 14 60 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 9 1 IIii 1 No 7267 -- -- 0 7267 1430344131978 1430344139245 1430344139245 1430344131978 9 47 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 10 1 VIII 3 No 6671 -- -- 0 6671 1430344140248 1430344146919 1430344146919 1430344140248 11 52 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 11 1 Vii 1 Yes 3829 -- -- 0 3829 1430344147921 1430344151750 1430344151750 1430344147921 6 21 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 12 1 Ibii 0 Yes 10509 -- -- 0 10509 1430344152752 1430344163261 1430344163261 1430344152752 17 65 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 13 1 IIi 0 No 5244 -- -- 0 5244 1430344164263 1430344169507 1430344169507 1430344164263 8 34 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 14 1 VII 2 Yes 4922 -- -- 0 4922 1430344170508 1430344175430 1430344175430 1430344170508 17 69 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 15 1 III 2 Yes 4214 -- -- 0 4213 1430344176432 1430344180645 1430344180645 1430344176431 3 14 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 16 1 VI 2 Yes 4115 -- -- 0 4115 1430344181646 1430344185761 1430344185761 1430344181646 19 64 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 17 1 Ia 0 Yes 5642 -- -- 0 5642 1430344186763 1430344192405 1430344192405 1430344186763 20 64 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 18 1 IV 2 Yes 3654 -- -- 0 3654 1430344193406 1430344197060 1430344197060 1430344193406 7 34 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 19 1 Vi 0 Yes 4250 -- -- 1 4251 1430344198062 1430344202313 1430344202312 1430344198062 5 31 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 20 2 Ibi 0 Yes 3804 -- -- 0 3804 1430344203314 1430344207118 1430344207118 1430344203314 14 53 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 21 2 III 1 Yes 5654 -- -- 0 5654 1430344208119 1430344213773 1430344213773 1430344208119 5 24 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 22 2 Ia 1 Yes 8015 -- -- 0 8015 1430344214775 1430344222790 1430344222790 1430344214775 18 77 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 23 2 Ia 2 Yes 5199 -- -- 0 5199 1430344223791 1430344228990 1430344228990 1430344223791 14 70 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 24 2 VII 1 Yes 2897 -- -- 0 2897 1430344229992 1430344232889 1430344232889 1430344229992 16 66 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 25 2 III 0 Yes 2719 -- -- 0 2719 1430344233891 1430344236610 1430344236610 1430344233891 4 25 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 26 2 Ibii 1 Yes 5060 -- -- 0 5060 1430344237611 1430344242671 1430344242671 1430344237611 13 66 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 27 2 IV 1 Yes 2437 -- -- 0 2437 1430344243673 1430344246110 1430344246110 1430344243673 7 31 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 28 2 VI 3 No 10687 -- -- 0 10687 1430344247195 1430344257882 1430344257882 1430344247195 15 82 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 29 2 VIII 0 No 7171 -- -- 0 7171 1430344258883 1430344266054 1430344266054 1430344258883 9 58 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 30 2 IIii 0 No 5255 -- -- 0 5255 1430344267056 1430344272311 1430344272311 1430344267056 8 56 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 31 2 VIII 1 No 3321 -- -- 0 3321 1430344273312 1430344276633 1430344276633 1430344273312 11 46 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 32 2 Vii 0 Yes 3657 -- -- 0 3657 1430344277634 1430344281291 1430344281291 1430344277634 6 21 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 33 2 VI 0 No 4510 -- -- 0 4510 1430344282293 1430344286803 1430344286803 1430344282293 18 67 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 34 2 Vi 1 Yes 4376 -- -- 0 4376 1430344287805 1430344292181 1430344292181 1430344287805 6 28 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 35 2 IV 0 Yes 2761 -- -- 1 2762 1430344293182 1430344295944 1430344295943 1430344293182 8 37 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 36 2 VII 0 Yes 2502 -- -- 1 2503 1430344296945 1430344299448 1430344299447 1430344296945 15 48 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 37 2 IIi 1 No 3577 -- -- 0 3577 1430344300450 1430344304027 1430344304027 1430344300450 8 44 1 no letters 116788296-1430344326 25 235838 1430344079045 1430344314883 English f no No special strategy 0 0 examples 0 Yes 3444 RM MR 3315 8470 1430339970729 1430339979199 1430339975884 1430339972440 12 55 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 1 0 examples 1 No 2540 BL LB 2185 6427 1430339982734 1430339989161 1430339986976 1430339984436 9 41 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 2 1 IIi 0 No 7981 FB BJ 5792 15476 1430339992688 1430340008164 1430340002372 1430339994391 8 34 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 3 1 Ibii 1 Yes 8209 HR HR 2146 12065 1430340011685 1430340023750 1430340021604 1430340013395 13 66 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 4 1 IV 3 Yes 9225 BM MB 1990 12926 1430340027268 1430340040194 1430340038204 1430340028979 7 28 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 5 1 VII 1 Yes 6673 HX XR 3585 11969 1430340043717 1430340055686 1430340052101 1430340045428 16 66 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 6 1 VIII 2 Yes 19536 RF FR 1600 22838 1430340059217 1430340082055 1430340080455 1430340060919 12 55 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 7 1 VI 3 No 10529 HL HL 1293 13538 1430340085562 1430340099100 1430340097807 1430340087278 15 82 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 8 1 III 2 Yes 20958 RH HT 3070 25730 1430340102635 1430340128365 1430340125295 1430340104337 3 14 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 9 1 Ia 1 Yes 6118 XF FX 2273 10093 1430340131899 1430340141992 1430340139719 1430340133601 18 77 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 10 1 Vi 1 Yes 6811 XF HX 8390 16917 1430340145524 1430340162441 1430340154051 1430340147240 6 28 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 11 1 IV 1 Yes 6311 JL LJ 1807 9833 1430340165974 1430340175807 1430340174000 1430340167689 7 31 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 12 1 Ibi 1 Yes 8798 RX XR 2827 13332 1430340179328 1430340192660 1430340189833 1430340181035 19 71 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 13 1 VII 2 Yes 11367 XR XR 4006 17073 1430340196199 1430340213272 1430340209266 1430340197899 17 69 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 14 1 VIII 3 Yes 8514 QX XQ 5611 15826 1430340216786 1430340232612 1430340227001 1430340218487 11 52 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 15 1 Ia 0 Yes 13076 XF FX 2472 17257 1430340236129 1430340253386 1430340250914 1430340237838 20 64 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 16 1 IIii 1 No 11380 FH FR 2918 15999 1430340256897 1430340272896 1430340269978 1430340258598 9 47 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 17 1 VI 1 Yes 7195 XH HX 3108 12016 1430340276421 1430340288437 1430340285329 1430340278134 12 50 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 18 1 III 0 Yes 5493 HX XH 1670 8876 1430340291957 1430340300833 1430340299163 1430340293670 4 25 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 19 1 Vii 1 No 8900 RF FR 1471 12078 1430340304357 1430340316435 1430340314964 1430340306064 6 21 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 20 2 VIII 1 No 11389 RMHX MRHV 8515 23307 1430340319957 1430340343264 1430340334749 1430340323360 11 46 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 21 2 Ibi 0 Yes 8734 BJQR RQJB 4430 16566 1430340346781 1430340363347 1430340358917 1430340350183 14 53 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 22 2 Ibii 0 Yes 7663 XJBF FBJX 2969 14040 1430340366873 1430340380913 1430340377944 1430340370281 17 65 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 23 2 VI 2 No 12777 JXMB BMXJ 3501 19691 1430340384437 1430340404128 1430340400627 1430340387850 19 64 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 24 2 III 1 Yes 4639 RLHQ QHLR 4797 12845 1430340407655 1430340420500 1430340415703 1430340411064 5 24 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 25 2 Vii 0 No 6393 FLHR RLHF 2954 12756 1430340424026 1430340436782 1430340433828 1430340427435 6 21 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 26 2 IIi 1 No 6943 XHJF FJHX 3083 13430 1430340440324 1430340453754 1430340450671 1430340443728 8 44 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 27 2 VIII 0 Yes 7488 LFQH HQFL 4999 15889 1430340457279 1430340473168 1430340468169 1430340460681 9 58 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 28 2 Ia 3 Yes 7379 RBFH HFRL 3553 14340 1430340476685 1430340491025 1430340487472 1430340480093 15 71 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 29 2 IV 2 Yes 12384 HBFR RFBH 3849 19646 1430340494548 1430340514194 1430340510345 1430340497961 7 34 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 30 2 Vi 0 Yes 4063 MJRB BRJM 2570 10045 1430340517713 1430340527758 1430340525188 1430340521125 5 31 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 31 2 VII 3 Yes 6582 HLRJ JRLH 4048 14039 1430340531283 1430340545322 1430340541274 1430340534692 14 60 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 32 2 III 3 Yes 3186 LMBJ JBML 3130 9727 1430340548847 1430340558574 1430340555444 1430340552258 5 16 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 33 2 IIii 0 Yes 5815 QRJM MJRQ 4020 13243 1430340562100 1430340575343 1430340571323 1430340565508 8 56 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 34 2 IV 0 Yes 6157 XJMQ QJMR 4528 14088 1430340578884 1430340592972 1430340588444 1430340582287 8 37 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 35 2 Ia 2 Yes 10682 XJLB BLJX 3075 17173 1430340596506 1430340613679 1430340610604 1430340599922 14 70 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 36 2 VII 0 Yes 5665 HQJM MJQH 3833 12900 1430340617197 1430340630097 1430340626264 1430340620599 15 48 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 37 2 VI 0 No 4483 LRJX XJRL 2255 10143 1430340633628 1430340643771 1430340641516 1430340637033 18 67 1 2 letters first 143265457-1430340685 39 683799 1430339979199 1430340662998 english f no i just repeated the sequences and skimmed sentences 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7333 BF FB 2345 11393 1430339737484 1430339748877 1430339746532 1430339739199 12 55 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 1 0 examples 1 No 6562 LF FL 2100 10368 1430339752389 1430339762757 1430339760657 1430339754095 9 41 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 2 1 III 3 No 7856 QMHR RHMQ 3784 15051 1430339766283 1430339781334 1430339777550 1430339769694 5 16 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 3 1 IIii 1 No 7275 MJXF FXJM 6851 17535 1430339784855 1430339802390 1430339795539 1430339788264 9 47 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 4 1 Vii 0 Yes 7491 LQBX XBQL 7232 18134 1430339805911 1430339824045 1430339816813 1430339809322 6 21 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 5 1 VIII 2 No 6884 QRJX XJMF 4753 15043 1430339827572 1430339842615 1430339837862 1430339830978 12 55 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 6 1 IV 0 No 8291 HXRJ JRXH 12765 24463 1430339846145 1430339870608 1430339857843 1430339849552 8 37 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 7 1 VI 3 Yes 11530 QMLR RLMQ 3544 18484 1430339874117 1430339892601 1430339889057 1430339877527 15 82 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 8 1 Ia 0 Yes 9926 MRLH HLRM 3623 16951 1430339896107 1430339913058 1430339909435 1430339899509 20 64 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 9 1 VI 1 Yes 6439 FBHL LHBF 4314 14156 1430339916585 1430339930741 1430339926427 1430339919988 12 50 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 10 1 VII 3 Yes 9342 RLXM MXLR 3841 16590 1430339934257 1430339950847 1430339947006 1430339937664 14 60 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 11 1 Ibi 0 Yes 8496 JHLM MHLJ 6596 18501 1430339954362 1430339972863 1430339966267 1430339957771 14 53 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 12 1 VII 2 Yes 4045 HFJB FHBJ 2864 10316 1430339976387 1430339986703 1430339983839 1430339979794 17 69 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 13 1 Ia 1 Yes 7833 BJXF FXJB 3468 14706 1430339990217 1430340004923 1430340001455 1430339993622 18 77 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 14 1 Ibii 0 Yes 8700 LHJF FJHL 3472 15576 1430340008442 1430340024018 1430340020546 1430340011846 17 65 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 15 1 IV 1 Yes 3153 HBLR RLBH 2991 9553 1430340027545 1430340037098 1430340034107 1430340030954 7 31 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 16 1 VIII 3 No 4500 FLHB BHLF 3004 10908 1430340040610 1430340051518 1430340048514 1430340044014 11 52 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 17 1 Vi 0 Yes 3154 QBFL LFBQ 2673 9229 1430340055024 1430340064253 1430340061580 1430340058426 5 31 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 18 1 IIi 1 Yes 5604 HJMF FMJH 3532 12542 1430340067781 1430340080323 1430340076791 1430340071187 8 44 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 19 1 III 2 No 3005 XJMR RMJH 3182 9599 1430340083851 1430340093450 1430340090268 1430340087263 3 14 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 20 2 Ibii 1 Yes 6414 JM MH 2234 10358 1430340096980 1430340107338 1430340105104 1430340098690 13 66 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 21 2 Ibi 1 Yes 6248 BF FB 1261 9211 1430340110859 1430340120070 1430340118809 1430340112561 19 71 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 22 2 Ia 3 Yes 8272 MB BM 1405 11383 1430340123589 1430340134972 1430340133567 1430340125295 15 71 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 23 2 Ia 2 Yes 6099 JF FJ 1154 8958 1430340138484 1430340147442 1430340146288 1430340140189 14 70 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 24 2 VI 2 Yes 32416 RJ JR 1036 35163 1430340150972 1430340186135 1430340185099 1430340152683 19 64 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 25 2 Vii 1 Yes 4164 ML LM 1084 6959 1430340189655 1430340196614 1430340195530 1430340191366 6 21 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 26 2 IIi 0 No 4071 MX XM 2025 7807 1430340200134 1430340207941 1430340205916 1430340201845 8 34 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 27 2 VII 1 Yes 4655 BQ QB 2614 8976 1430340211449 1430340220425 1430340217811 1430340213156 16 66 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 28 2 VI 0 Yes 4722 QJ QJ 1417 7850 1430340223937 1430340231787 1430340230370 1430340225648 18 67 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 29 2 VIII 0 No 6326 FH HF 2109 10146 1430340235317 1430340245463 1430340243354 1430340237028 9 58 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 30 2 VIII 1 No 21033 JL LJ 1430 24172 1430340248978 1430340273150 1430340271720 1430340250687 11 46 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 31 2 IV 2 Yes 4616 XQ QX 1588 7920 1430340276676 1430340284596 1430340283008 1430340278392 7 34 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 32 2 Vi 1 Yes 3139 MB BM 1078 5929 1430340288108 1430340294037 1430340292959 1430340289820 6 28 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 33 2 VII 0 Yes 4106 BX XB 1829 7646 1430340297556 1430340305202 1430340303373 1430340299267 15 48 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 34 2 III 0 No 4345 HM MH 1794 7841 1430340308725 1430340316566 1430340314772 1430340310427 4 25 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 35 2 III 1 No 3332 RM MR 1133 6174 1430340320079 1430340326253 1430340325120 1430340321788 5 24 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 36 2 IIii 0 No 6051 JQ QJ 1697 9456 1430340329778 1430340339234 1430340337537 1430340331486 8 56 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 37 2 IV 3 Yes 4974 HL LH 1139 7816 1430340342759 1430340350575 1430340349436 1430340344462 7 28 1 4 letters first 15691603-1430340395 25 616061 1430339748877 1430340364938 english f no tried to make the letters into anagrams (maria like jungle xrays... etc.) to remember them 0 0 examples 0 Yes 6436 RH HR 4840 12977 1430339603693 1430339616670 1430339611830 1430339605394 12 55 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 1 0 examples 1 No 8090 MJ JM 3032 12822 1430339620175 1430339632997 1430339629965 1430339621875 9 41 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 2 1 VIII 1 No 12625 HX XH 3849 18174 1430339636503 1430339654677 1430339650828 1430339638203 11 46 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 3 1 IIi 1 Yes 6131 RQ QR 2697 10528 1430339658181 1430339668709 1430339666012 1430339659881 8 44 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 4 1 VI 0 No 6217 MH HM 1729 9647 1430339672213 1430339681860 1430339680131 1430339673914 18 67 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 5 1 IIii 0 No 5674 LR RL 2561 9935 1430339685365 1430339695300 1430339692739 1430339687065 8 56 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 6 1 VII 3 Yes 4385 XR RX 2521 8607 1430339698805 1430339707412 1430339704891 1430339700506 14 60 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 7 1 Vii 0 No 7538 MF FM 3857 13095 1430339710916 1430339724011 1430339720154 1430339712616 6 21 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 8 1 Vi 0 Yes 5569 RH HR 1585 8855 1430339727516 1430339736371 1430339734786 1430339729217 5 31 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 9 1 Ibii 0 Yes 17761 JM MJ 2337 21799 1430339739875 1430339761674 1430339759337 1430339741576 17 65 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 10 1 IV 3 No 4370 QL LQ 2073 8143 1430339765179 1430339773322 1430339771249 1430339766879 7 28 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 11 1 Ia 1 No 12747 BM MB 2224 16671 1430339776826 1430339793497 1430339791273 1430339778526 18 77 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 12 1 Ibi 1 No 5066 QH HQ 1785 8551 1430339797002 1430339805553 1430339803768 1430339798702 19 71 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 13 1 III 3 No 4378 QF FQ 1897 7975 1430339809058 1430339817033 1430339815136 1430339810758 5 16 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 14 1 IV 1 Yes 6578 QM MQ 3465 11743 1430339820538 1430339832281 1430339828816 1430339822238 7 31 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 15 1 VII 2 Yes 9234 FX XF 2938 13872 1430339835785 1430339849657 1430339846719 1430339837485 17 69 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 16 1 VI 2 No 6553 ML LM 1521 9773 1430339853163 1430339862936 1430339861415 1430339854862 19 64 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 17 1 III 0 No 4258 JX XJ 3233 9192 1430339866440 1430339875632 1430339872399 1430339868141 4 25 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 18 1 Ia 3 Yes 7057 BR RB 5466 14223 1430339879137 1430339893360 1430339887894 1430339880837 15 71 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 19 1 VIII 3 No 6713 LM ML 1289 9703 1430339896864 1430339906567 1430339905278 1430339898565 11 52 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 20 2 IV 2 Yes 4663 XFMQ QMF 4656 12719 1430339910071 1430339922790 1430339918134 1430339913471 7 34 2 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 21 2 IIii 1 No 6893 MFBR RBFQ 4481 14775 1430339926295 1430339941070 1430339936589 1430339929696 9 47 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 22 2 Ia 2 Yes 7831 MQXR RBQF 3712 14943 1430339944574 1430339959517 1430339955805 1430339947974 14 70 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 23 2 IV 0 Yes 2777 FMXL LXMF 6921 13098 1430339963020 1430339976118 1430339969197 1430339966420 8 37 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 24 2 VI 3 No 4224 QXLB BLXQ 8480 16104 1430339979621 1430339995725 1430339987245 1430339983021 15 82 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 25 2 Vi 1 Yes 3845 LJMB BMJL 5369 12615 1430339999631 1430340012246 1430340006877 1430340003032 6 28 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 26 2 Ibii 1 Yes 8800 HLQM MQLH 8586 20786 1430340015749 1430340036535 1430340027949 1430340019149 13 66 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 27 2 IIi 0 No 4446 FRHB BHRF 6592 14438 1430340040039 1430340054477 1430340047885 1430340043439 8 34 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 28 2 III 1 No 4448 BRMH HMRB 9753 17601 1430340057981 1430340075582 1430340065829 1430340061381 5 24 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 29 2 III 2 No 2664 BFJM MJFB 5537 11601 1430340079085 1430340090686 1430340085149 1430340082485 3 14 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 30 2 Ibi 0 No 6047 JMRH HRMJ 6001 15448 1430340094190 1430340109638 1430340103637 1430340097590 14 53 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 31 2 VI 1 No 3560 MJFR RFJM 4785 11745 1430340113157 1430340124902 1430340120117 1430340116557 12 50 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 32 2 Vii 1 No 3704 FXJB BJXF 7055 14159 1430340128407 1430340142566 1430340135511 1430340131807 6 21 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 33 2 VIII 2 No 5430 LRJF FJRL 4441 13272 1430340146069 1430340159341 1430340154900 1430340149470 12 55 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 34 2 VII 1 Yes 8062 QLJR RJFQ 6193 17655 1430340162846 1430340180501 1430340174308 1430340166246 16 66 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 35 2 VIII 0 No 1631 QBJM QJLM 9584 14615 1430340184005 1430340198620 1430340189036 1430340187405 9 58 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 36 2 VII 0 Yes 4246 JXQL LQXJ 4777 12424 1430340202124 1430340214548 1430340209771 1430340205525 15 48 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 37 2 Ia 0 Yes 5799 HMBQ QBMH 7352 16551 1430340218052 1430340234603 1430340227251 1430340221452 20 64 1 2 letters first 161108441-1430340262 45 636221 1430339616670 1430340252891 English m no This study was interesting. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 5214 -- -- 0 5214 1430344969350 1430344974564 1430344974564 1430344969350 12 55 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 1 0 examples 1 No 7439 -- -- 0 7439 1430344975573 1430344983012 1430344983012 1430344975573 9 41 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 2 1 VIII 2 No 10757 -- -- 0 10756 1430344984015 1430344994771 1430344994771 1430344984014 12 55 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 3 1 IV 1 Yes 6956 -- -- 0 6956 1430344995775 1430345002731 1430345002731 1430344995775 7 31 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 4 1 VII 1 Yes 6081 -- -- 0 6081 1430345003746 1430345009827 1430345009827 1430345003746 16 66 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 5 1 Ibi 1 Yes 9982 -- -- 0 9982 1430345010829 1430345020811 1430345020811 1430345010829 19 71 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 6 1 III 1 Yes 6686 -- -- 0 6686 1430345021829 1430345028515 1430345028515 1430345021829 5 24 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 7 1 VII 0 Yes 4532 -- -- 1 4533 1430345029519 1430345034052 1430345034051 1430345029519 15 48 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 8 1 Ia 0 Yes 6529 -- -- 0 6529 1430345035058 1430345041587 1430345041587 1430345035058 20 64 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 9 1 III 0 Yes 5131 -- -- 0 5131 1430345042592 1430345047723 1430345047723 1430345042592 4 25 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 10 1 VIII 1 No 8042 -- -- 0 8042 1430345048736 1430345056778 1430345056778 1430345048736 11 46 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 11 1 Vii 1 Yes 5852 -- -- 0 5852 1430345057785 1430345063637 1430345063637 1430345057785 6 21 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 12 1 Ibii 0 Yes 6717 -- -- 0 6717 1430345064650 1430345071367 1430345071367 1430345064650 17 65 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 13 1 Vi 0 Yes 5408 -- -- 0 5408 1430345072371 1430345077779 1430345077779 1430345072371 5 31 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 14 1 Ia 3 Yes 7971 -- -- 0 7971 1430345078784 1430345086755 1430345086755 1430345078784 15 71 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 15 1 VI 1 Yes 8962 -- -- 0 8962 1430345087768 1430345096730 1430345096730 1430345087768 12 50 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 16 1 IIi 1 No 6753 -- -- 0 6753 1430345097737 1430345104490 1430345104490 1430345097737 8 44 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 17 1 IIii 1 No 8208 -- -- 0 8208 1430345105506 1430345113714 1430345113714 1430345105506 9 47 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 18 1 VI 0 Yes 9045 -- -- 0 9045 1430345114725 1430345123770 1430345123770 1430345114725 18 67 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 19 1 IV 3 Yes 3214 -- -- 0 3214 1430345124771 1430345127985 1430345127985 1430345124771 7 28 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 20 2 Ia 1 Yes 5170 -- -- 0 5170 1430345128999 1430345134169 1430345134169 1430345128999 18 77 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 21 2 VI 2 Yes 7193 -- -- 0 7193 1430345135176 1430345142369 1430345142369 1430345135176 19 64 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 22 2 VIII 3 No 6060 -- -- 0 6060 1430345143381 1430345149441 1430345149441 1430345143381 11 52 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 23 2 VIII 0 No 13747 -- -- 1 13748 1430345150448 1430345164196 1430345164195 1430345150448 9 58 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 24 2 Ibi 0 Yes 4594 -- -- 0 4594 1430345165207 1430345169801 1430345169801 1430345165207 14 53 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 25 2 IIi 0 No 3244 -- -- 0 3244 1430345170805 1430345174049 1430345174049 1430345170805 8 34 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 26 2 Vii 0 Yes 4239 -- -- 1 4240 1430345175065 1430345179305 1430345179304 1430345175065 6 21 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 27 2 IV 0 Yes 4775 -- -- 0 4775 1430345180306 1430345185081 1430345185081 1430345180306 8 37 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 28 2 III 2 Yes 7971 -- -- 1 7972 1430345186093 1430345194065 1430345194064 1430345186093 3 14 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 29 2 III 3 Yes 6363 -- -- 0 6363 1430345195079 1430345201442 1430345201442 1430345195079 5 16 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 30 2 IV 2 Yes 5234 -- -- 0 5234 1430345202458 1430345207692 1430345207692 1430345202458 7 34 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 31 2 IIii 0 No 8290 -- -- 0 8290 1430345208698 1430345216988 1430345216988 1430345208698 8 56 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 32 2 VI 3 Yes 9487 -- -- 1 9488 1430345217996 1430345227484 1430345227483 1430345217996 15 82 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 33 2 VII 3 Yes 3492 -- -- 0 3492 1430345228500 1430345231992 1430345231992 1430345228500 14 60 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 34 2 Vi 1 Yes 3181 -- -- 0 3181 1430345233003 1430345236184 1430345236184 1430345233003 6 28 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 35 2 VII 2 Yes 5576 -- -- 0 5576 1430345237200 1430345242776 1430345242776 1430345237200 17 69 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 36 2 Ibii 1 Yes 6161 -- -- 1 6162 1430345243782 1430345249944 1430345249943 1430345243782 13 66 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 37 2 Ia 2 Yes 6434 -- -- 0 6434 1430345250958 1430345257392 1430345257392 1430345250958 14 70 1 no letters 170864654-1430345298 49 303210 1430344974564 1430345277774 English m no No special strategy. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7546 FL LF 8794 18039 1430339996185 1430340014224 1430340005430 1430339997884 12 55 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 1 0 examples 1 No 5046 RH HR 3377 10123 1430340017725 1430340027848 1430340024471 1430340019425 9 41 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 2 1 Vi 0 Yes 10939 HBRX XRBH 8569 22907 1430340031349 1430340054256 1430340045687 1430340034748 5 31 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 3 1 Ia 2 Yes 6060 QLJH HJLQ 4834 14293 1430340057756 1430340072049 1430340067215 1430340061155 14 70 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 4 1 VI 3 No 8018 QHLF FLHQ 5659 17076 1430340075549 1430340092625 1430340086966 1430340078948 15 82 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 5 1 IV 0 Yes 4187 HRML LMRH 3058 10644 1430340096125 1430340106769 1430340103711 1430340099524 8 37 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 6 1 Ia 3 Yes 9474 FQJB BJQF 5578 18451 1430340110269 1430340128720 1430340123142 1430340113668 15 71 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 7 1 IIii 1 Yes 4923 XRBF FBRX 3642 11964 1430340132221 1430340144185 1430340140543 1430340135620 9 47 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 8 1 VI 0 Yes 17837 RLMH HMLR 3089 24325 1430340147699 1430340172024 1430340168935 1430340151098 18 67 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 9 1 VIII 1 No 6059 FXRH HRXF 5457 14915 1430340175525 1430340190440 1430340184983 1430340178924 11 46 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 10 1 IV 3 No 10179 MHXF FXHM 4434 18012 1430340193941 1430340211953 1430340207519 1430340197340 7 28 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 11 1 III 3 No 10482 QRJM MJRQ 5010 18892 1430340215453 1430340234345 1430340229335 1430340218853 5 16 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 12 1 VIII 2 No 11091 FHXJ JXHF 6473 20963 1430340237845 1430340258808 1430340252335 1430340241244 12 55 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 13 1 III 2 No 2619 FJRX XRJF 3898 9916 1430340262309 1430340272225 1430340268327 1430340265708 3 14 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 14 1 Ibi 0 Yes 8195 JHXQ QXHJ 3681 15275 1430340275725 1430340291000 1430340287319 1430340279124 14 53 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 15 1 Ibii 1 Yes 4755 HRLJ JLRH 3153 11307 1430340294501 1430340305808 1430340302655 1430340297900 13 66 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 16 1 VII 0 Yes 4026 MLQX XQLM 2818 10244 1430340309309 1430340319553 1430340316735 1430340312709 15 48 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 17 1 VII 1 Yes 4596 FRQJ JQRF 3185 11180 1430340323053 1430340334233 1430340331048 1430340326452 16 66 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 18 1 IIi 1 No 5732 RMHL LHMR 4329 13460 1430340337733 1430340351193 1430340346864 1430340341132 8 44 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 19 1 Vii 1 Yes 18291 HQBR RBQH 3761 25451 1430340354693 1430340380144 1430340376383 1430340358092 6 21 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 20 2 VI 2 Yes 10174 JH HJ 2489 14363 1430340383645 1430340398008 1430340395519 1430340385345 19 64 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 21 2 VIII 3 No 5022 MX XM 1914 8636 1430340401509 1430340410145 1430340408231 1430340403209 11 52 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 22 2 IIii 0 No 7276 QF FQ 2058 11035 1430340413646 1430340424681 1430340422623 1430340415347 8 56 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 23 2 VII 2 Yes 4168 XL LX 1929 7796 1430340428181 1430340435977 1430340434048 1430340429880 17 69 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 24 2 Ibii 0 Yes 8270 RQ QR 2322 12292 1430340439477 1430340451769 1430340449447 1430340441177 17 65 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 25 2 III 0 No 9486 QM MQ 2242 13428 1430340455269 1430340468697 1430340466455 1430340456969 4 25 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 26 2 VII 3 Yes 4831 HQ QH 2137 8667 1430340472197 1430340480864 1430340478727 1430340473896 14 60 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 27 2 Ia 1 Yes 5775 ML LM 2034 9508 1430340484365 1430340493873 1430340491839 1430340486064 18 77 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 28 2 IV 1 Yes 4190 MX XM 1745 7635 1430340497374 1430340505009 1430340503264 1430340499074 7 31 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 29 2 IV 2 Yes 2710 RQ QR 2081 6491 1430340508510 1430340515001 1430340512920 1430340510210 7 34 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 30 2 VI 1 Yes 7535 JQ QJ 1905 11139 1430340518501 1430340529640 1430340527735 1430340520200 12 50 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 31 2 VIII 0 No 6055 XM MX 1769 9524 1430340533141 1430340542665 1430340540896 1430340534841 9 58 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 32 2 Ia 0 Yes 10990 QL LQ 1905 14595 1430340546166 1430340560761 1430340558856 1430340547866 20 64 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 33 2 Vii 0 Yes 4335 HL LH 1977 8011 1430340564262 1430340572273 1430340570296 1430340565961 6 21 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 34 2 III 1 No 3647 MH HM 2314 7660 1430340575773 1430340583433 1430340581119 1430340577472 5 24 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 35 2 IIi 0 No 2751 JR RJ 1593 6044 1430340586933 1430340592977 1430340591384 1430340588633 8 34 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 36 2 Vi 1 Yes 4470 RM MR 1474 7644 1430340596477 1430340604121 1430340602647 1430340598177 6 28 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 37 2 Ibi 1 Yes 5911 LH HL 1722 9332 1430340607621 1430340616953 1430340615231 1430340609320 19 71 1 4 letters first 178091222-1430340651 50 623519 1430340014224 1430340637743 english f no none 0 0 examples 0 Yes 2656 -- -- 0 2656 1430344467065 1430344469721 1430344469721 1430344467065 12 55 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 1 0 examples 1 No 990 -- -- 0 990 1430344470732 1430344471722 1430344471722 1430344470732 9 41 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 2 1 Ia 3 Yes 4703 -- -- 0 4703 1430344472729 1430344477432 1430344477432 1430344472729 15 71 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 3 1 VI 3 No 1877 -- -- 0 1877 1430344478435 1430344480312 1430344480312 1430344478435 15 82 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 4 1 IV 0 Yes 3908 -- -- 0 3908 1430344481318 1430344485226 1430344485226 1430344481318 8 37 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 5 1 Vii 0 No 1975 -- -- 0 1975 1430344486232 1430344488207 1430344488207 1430344486232 6 21 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 6 1 IV 3 Yes 13491 -- -- 0 13491 1430344489215 1430344502706 1430344502706 1430344489215 7 28 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 7 1 VIII 3 Yes 3647 -- -- 0 3647 1430344503709 1430344507356 1430344507356 1430344503709 11 52 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 8 1 Ibii 1 Yes 2460 -- -- 0 2460 1430344508363 1430344510823 1430344510823 1430344508363 13 66 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 9 1 Vi 0 No 5604 -- -- 0 5604 1430344511827 1430344517431 1430344517431 1430344511827 5 31 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 10 1 Ibi 0 Yes 3192 -- -- 0 3192 1430344518436 1430344521628 1430344521628 1430344518436 14 53 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 11 1 Ia 2 Yes 2816 -- -- 0 2816 1430344522634 1430344525450 1430344525450 1430344522634 14 70 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 12 1 VII 2 Yes 4491 -- -- 0 4491 1430344526457 1430344530948 1430344530948 1430344526457 17 69 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 13 1 VII 3 Yes 4164 -- -- 0 4164 1430344531952 1430344536116 1430344536116 1430344531952 14 60 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 14 1 III 0 Yes 2498 -- -- 0 2498 1430344537121 1430344539619 1430344539619 1430344537121 4 25 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 15 1 IIi 0 Yes 5883 -- -- 0 5883 1430344540629 1430344546512 1430344546512 1430344540629 8 34 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 16 1 III 2 Yes 6084 -- -- 0 6084 1430344547517 1430344553601 1430344553601 1430344547517 3 14 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 17 1 IIii 0 Yes 5901 -- -- 0 5901 1430344554609 1430344560510 1430344560510 1430344554609 8 56 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 18 1 VI 0 Yes 7925 -- -- 0 7925 1430344561517 1430344569442 1430344569442 1430344561517 18 67 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 19 1 VIII 2 Yes 3674 -- -- 0 3674 1430344570448 1430344574122 1430344574122 1430344570448 12 55 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 20 2 IV 2 Yes 2464 -- -- 0 2464 1430344575127 1430344577591 1430344577591 1430344575127 7 34 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 21 2 Ia 0 Yes 3554 -- -- 0 3554 1430344578596 1430344582150 1430344582150 1430344578596 20 64 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 22 2 III 1 Yes 1644 -- -- 0 1644 1430344583154 1430344584798 1430344584798 1430344583154 5 24 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 23 2 VII 0 Yes 3799 -- -- 0 3799 1430344585803 1430344589602 1430344589602 1430344585803 15 48 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 24 2 VI 1 Yes 5857 -- -- 0 5857 1430344590609 1430344596466 1430344596466 1430344590609 12 50 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 25 2 Ia 1 Yes 14281 -- -- 0 14281 1430344597471 1430344611752 1430344611752 1430344597471 18 77 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 26 2 III 3 Yes 1785 -- -- 0 1785 1430344612755 1430344614540 1430344614540 1430344612755 5 16 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 27 2 IIii 1 Yes 5404 -- -- 0 5404 1430344615543 1430344620947 1430344620947 1430344615543 9 47 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 28 2 VIII 0 No 4014 -- -- 0 4014 1430344621956 1430344625970 1430344625970 1430344621956 9 58 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 29 2 Vii 1 No 5191 -- -- 0 5191 1430344626974 1430344632165 1430344632165 1430344626974 6 21 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 30 2 IIi 1 Yes 3858 -- -- 0 3858 1430344633171 1430344637029 1430344637029 1430344633171 8 44 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 31 2 Vi 1 Yes 3726 -- -- 0 3726 1430344638035 1430344641761 1430344641761 1430344638035 6 28 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 32 2 Ibi 1 Yes 8550 -- -- 0 8550 1430344642767 1430344651317 1430344651317 1430344642767 19 71 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 33 2 IV 1 Yes 2980 -- -- 0 2980 1430344652323 1430344655303 1430344655303 1430344652323 7 31 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 34 2 VIII 1 No 6972 -- -- 1 6973 1430344656309 1430344663282 1430344663281 1430344656309 11 46 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 35 2 VI 2 No 3288 -- -- 0 3288 1430344664285 1430344667573 1430344667573 1430344664285 19 64 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 36 2 Ibii 0 Yes 11721 -- -- 0 11721 1430344668577 1430344680298 1430344680298 1430344668577 17 65 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 37 2 VII 1 Yes 3013 -- -- 0 3013 1430344681307 1430344684320 1430344684320 1430344681307 16 66 1 no letters 198605126-1430344755 21 274851 1430344469721 1430344744572 english m no No, None. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 15046 JF FJ 16540 33290 1430339122264 1430339155554 1430339139014 1430339123968 12 55 3 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 1 0 examples 1 No 12819 RM MR 4312 18849 1430339159079 1430339177928 1430339173616 1430339160797 9 41 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 2 1 Ia 1 Yes 29626 LFQB BQFL 9609 42642 1430339181438 1430339224080 1430339214471 1430339184845 18 77 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 3 1 VIII 2 Yes 16928 HQRM MRQH 5958 26293 1430339227594 1430339253887 1430339247929 1430339231001 12 55 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 4 1 VI 2 No 16525 QLFX XFLQ 5252 25182 1430339258154 1430339283336 1430339278084 1430339261559 19 64 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 5 1 IIii 0 No 31388 MBFJ JFBM 7763 42553 1430339286850 1430339329403 1430339321640 1430339290252 8 56 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 6 1 VII 1 Yes 24487 BQXL LXQB 17898 45788 1430339332918 1430339378706 1430339360808 1430339336321 16 66 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 7 1 VII 0 No 21723 MQJL LJQM 3558 28688 1430339382216 1430339410904 1430339407346 1430339385623 15 48 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 8 1 IIi 1 No 43215 HFRX XLRH 4899 51523 1430339414435 1430339465958 1430339461059 1430339417844 8 44 2 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 9 1 Vi 1 Yes 18941 XQLR RLFX 5106 27449 1430339469475 1430339496924 1430339491818 1430339472877 6 28 2 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 10 1 Ibi 1 Yes 38134 JLFQ QLFJ 5299 46847 1430339500436 1430339547283 1430339541984 1430339503850 19 71 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 11 1 IV 0 Yes 30744 FLHQ QHDL 24120 58279 1430339551104 1430339609383 1430339585263 1430339554519 8 37 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 12 1 IV 2 Yes 13165 MLBJ JBLM 7878 24459 1430339613066 1430339637525 1430339629647 1430339616482 7 34 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 13 1 VIII 0 Yes 28325 QFRJ JRFQ 5200 36931 1430339641036 1430339677967 1430339672767 1430339644442 9 58 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 14 1 III 2 Yes 16924 FMRH HRMF 4537 25014 1430339681491 1430339706505 1430339701968 1430339685044 3 14 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 15 1 Ibii 0 Yes 43187 JLXH HFLJ 7325 53921 1430339710013 1430339763934 1430339756609 1430339713422 17 65 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 16 1 Ia 2 Yes 23714 JHMQ QMLJ 4697 32087 1430339767500 1430339799587 1430339794890 1430339771176 14 70 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 17 1 VI 3 Yes 15301 FBLM MLBF 10402 29109 1430339803120 1430339832229 1430339821827 1430339806526 15 82 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 18 1 III 0 No 14065 MHXQ QXHM 6350 23816 1430339835931 1430339859747 1430339853397 1430339839332 4 25 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 19 1 Vii 1 No 16764 BMFX XFMB 7488 27660 1430339863266 1430339890926 1430339883438 1430339866674 6 21 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 20 2 III 3 No 11305 FR RF 3672 16695 1430339894452 1430339911147 1430339907475 1430339896170 5 16 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 21 2 IIii 1 No 8548 XQ QX 3574 14443 1430339914848 1430339929291 1430339925717 1430339917169 9 47 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 22 2 Ia 3 Yes 12472 RF FR 2457 16635 1430339932806 1430339949441 1430339946984 1430339934512 15 71 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 23 2 VI 0 Yes 8264 ML LM 5279 15245 1430339952966 1430339968211 1430339962932 1430339954668 18 67 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 24 2 IIi 0 No 8423 QR PQ 17677 27807 1430339971721 1430339999528 1430339981851 1430339973428 8 34 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 25 2 VIII 1 No 15587 ML LM 2940 20231 1430340003042 1430340023273 1430340020333 1430340004746 11 46 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 26 2 Vii 0 No 9243 JM MJ 2101 13049 1430340026786 1430340039835 1430340037734 1430340028491 6 21 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 27 2 III 1 No 12320 LR RL 1234 15262 1430340043361 1430340058623 1430340057389 1430340045069 5 24 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 28 2 Ia 0 Yes 4974 BJ JB 2814 9505 1430340062164 1430340071669 1430340068855 1430340063881 20 64 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 29 2 VI 1 Yes 8672 RX XR 1864 12247 1430340075201 1430340087448 1430340085584 1430340076912 12 50 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 30 2 VII 3 Yes 7917 BJ JB 2488 12109 1430340090953 1430340103062 1430340100574 1430340092657 14 60 2 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 31 2 Ibi 0 Yes 11206 FB BF 2735 15650 1430340106570 1430340122220 1430340119485 1430340108279 14 53 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 32 2 Ibii 1 Yes 7424 FB BF 2696 11969 1430340125740 1430340137709 1430340135013 1430340127589 13 66 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 33 2 VII 2 Yes 7233 JM MJ 2746 11695 1430340141221 1430340152916 1430340150170 1430340142937 17 69 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 34 2 IV 1 Yes 6682 XJ JX 2230 10624 1430340156440 1430340167064 1430340164834 1430340158152 7 31 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 35 2 IV 3 Yes 6263 RM MR 9330 17302 1430340170574 1430340187876 1430340178546 1430340172283 7 28 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 36 2 VIII 3 No 8832 LM ML 1410 11952 1430340191400 1430340203352 1430340201942 1430340193110 11 52 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 37 2 Vi 0 Yes 18862 QH HQ 1891 22464 1430340206871 1430340229335 1430340227444 1430340208582 5 31 1 4 letters first 200326001-1430340287 28 1106031 1430339155554 1430340261585 English f no Came up with phrases to remember the letters. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 4342 XR RX 4098 10142 1430341955938 1430341966080 1430341961982 1430341957640 12 55 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 1 0 examples 1 No 5768 FR RF 2476 9943 1430341969589 1430341979532 1430341977056 1430341971288 9 41 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 2 1 Ia 2 Yes 15018 BL LB 4287 21005 1430341983036 1430342004041 1430341999754 1430341984736 14 70 2 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 3 1 VI 2 Yes 7003 BX VB 1820 10523 1430342007544 1430342018067 1430342016247 1430342009244 19 64 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 4 1 IIii 1 No 6466 JB BJ 4234 12400 1430342021572 1430342033972 1430342029738 1430342023272 9 47 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 5 1 IV 1 Yes 4884 LQ QL 7226 13810 1430342037477 1430342051287 1430342044061 1430342039177 7 31 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 6 1 Ibi 1 Yes 8248 HQ QH 3247 13195 1430342054791 1430342067986 1430342064739 1430342056491 19 71 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 7 1 VII 1 Yes 4200 HR RH 1792 7692 1430342071491 1430342079183 1430342077391 1430342073191 16 66 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 8 1 IIi 1 No 3967 QF FQ 2207 7874 1430342082686 1430342090560 1430342088353 1430342084386 8 44 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 9 1 III 0 No 8928 FQ QF 3043 13671 1430342094062 1430342107733 1430342104690 1430342095762 4 25 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 10 1 Ia 3 Yes 13374 MX XM 3632 18705 1430342111236 1430342129941 1430342126309 1430342112935 15 71 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 11 1 III 3 No 4544 LM ML 2321 8565 1430342133445 1430342142010 1430342139689 1430342135145 5 16 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 12 1 VI 0 No 13929 MQ LF 5844 21472 1430342145512 1430342166984 1430342161140 1430342147211 18 67 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 13 1 Vii 0 No 4884 RQ QR 1297 7881 1430342170488 1430342178369 1430342177072 1430342172188 6 21 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 14 1 IV 0 Yes 4514 MF FM 1784 7998 1430342181872 1430342189870 1430342188086 1430342183572 8 37 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 15 1 Ibii 1 Yes 5440 HX XH 3213 10353 1430342193373 1430342203726 1430342200513 1430342195073 13 66 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 16 1 VII 0 Yes 4069 QF FQ 1414 7183 1430342207231 1430342214414 1430342213000 1430342208931 15 48 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 17 1 Vi 1 Yes 8058 LH HL 2264 12024 1430342217917 1430342229941 1430342227677 1430342219619 6 28 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 18 1 VIII 3 No 7730 XM MX 3035 12465 1430342233445 1430342245910 1430342242875 1430342235145 11 52 5 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 19 1 VIII 1 No 3759 JR RJ 5486 10945 1430342249413 1430342260358 1430342254872 1430342251113 11 46 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 20 2 VI 1 No 7229 FXQR RQXF 4349 14978 1430342264482 1430342279460 1430342275111 1430342267882 12 50 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 21 2 Ibi 0 Yes 8091 JHMB BMHJ 4440 15930 1430342282963 1430342298893 1430342294453 1430342286362 14 53 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 22 2 VI 3 No 10581 LFMJ JMFL 3195 17174 1430342302396 1430342319570 1430342316375 1430342305794 15 82 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 23 2 IV 2 Yes 2641 JQRM MRQJ 4319 10361 1430342323074 1430342333435 1430342329116 1430342326475 7 34 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 24 2 IIii 0 No 6310 HXQR XRMQ 6980 16690 1430342336940 1430342353630 1430342346650 1430342340340 8 56 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 25 2 IV 3 Yes 5381 JMRQ QRMJ 6237 15018 1430342357134 1430342372152 1430342365915 1430342360534 7 28 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 26 2 VII 2 Yes 6636 FBXM QRBF 16342 26378 1430342375654 1430342402032 1430342385690 1430342379054 17 69 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 27 2 IIi 0 No 5267 HFRB BRFJ 7503 16170 1430342405535 1430342421705 1430342414202 1430342408935 8 34 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 28 2 III 1 No 7533 MRFB BFRM 10019 20950 1430342425208 1430342446158 1430342436139 1430342428606 5 24 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 29 2 Ia 0 Yes 7265 HMFR RFMH 5368 16033 1430342449661 1430342465694 1430342460326 1430342453061 20 64 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 30 2 Vi 0 Yes 3217 HMQR RQMH 6870 13485 1430342469197 1430342482682 1430342475812 1430342472595 5 31 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 31 2 III 2 No 3313 LHQF FQHL 3391 10103 1430342486185 1430342496288 1430342492897 1430342489584 3 14 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 32 2 Vii 1 Yes 4527 MLBQ BQLM 5672 13596 1430342499793 1430342513389 1430342507717 1430342503190 6 21 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 33 2 VIII 2 No 5084 RLJH QJLM 7891 16372 1430342516893 1430342533265 1430342525374 1430342520290 12 55 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 34 2 Ia 1 Yes 6127 HXLQ LQXH 6614 16139 1430342536769 1430342552908 1430342546294 1430342540167 18 77 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 35 2 Ibii 0 Yes 7115 JRLB BLRM 8666 19179 1430342556411 1430342575590 1430342566924 1430342559809 17 65 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 36 2 VIII 0 No 5645 HFJR XHJR 7695 16740 1430342579093 1430342595833 1430342588138 1430342582493 9 58 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 37 2 VII 3 Yes 5043 JBHF FHBJ 5627 14070 1430342599336 1430342613406 1430342607779 1430342602736 14 60 1 2 letters first 236736496-1430342652 28 663519 1430341966080 1430342629599 english m no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 13130 RF FR 4792 19623 1430339338368 1430339357991 1430339353199 1430339340069 12 55 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 1 0 examples 1 No 11913 LH HL 2263 15877 1430339361497 1430339377374 1430339375111 1430339363198 9 41 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 2 1 VI 0 Yes 15035 FHMB MFLB 3187 21623 1430339380879 1430339402502 1430339399315 1430339384280 18 67 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 3 1 III 3 No 25416 BQHM MHQB 4192 33009 1430339406006 1430339439015 1430339434823 1430339409407 5 16 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 4 1 Ibi 0 Yes 21257 LRQJ JQRL 3964 28622 1430339442520 1430339471142 1430339467178 1430339445921 14 53 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 5 1 Ibii 1 Yes 21826 JFHQ QHFJ 4004 29230 1430339474647 1430339503877 1430339499873 1430339478047 13 66 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 6 1 VII 1 Yes 16846 FQMR RMQF 9877 30124 1430339507381 1430339537505 1430339527628 1430339510782 16 66 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 7 1 VIII 3 No 17711 QLBM MBLQ 3761 24873 1430339541010 1430339565883 1430339562122 1430339544411 11 52 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 8 1 Ia 3 Yes 25631 JXML LMXJ 3774 32806 1430339569388 1430339602194 1430339598420 1430339572789 15 71 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 9 1 Vi 1 Yes 17643 LFXQ QXFL 3578 24622 1430339605699 1430339630321 1430339626743 1430339609100 6 28 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 10 1 IV 2 No 21358 FJXH HXJF 3927 28686 1430339633825 1430339662511 1430339658584 1430339637226 7 34 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 11 1 III 0 No 18088 JLFB BFLJ 4382 25871 1430339666016 1430339691887 1430339687505 1430339669417 4 25 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 12 1 VII 0 Yes 15146 BJHM MHJB 4292 22838 1430339695392 1430339718230 1430339713938 1430339698792 15 48 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 13 1 VI 1 Yes 18203 BLHQ QHLB 3562 25166 1430339721734 1430339746900 1430339743338 1430339725135 12 50 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 14 1 Ia 2 No 20384 QMXB BXMQ 3685 27470 1430339750405 1430339777875 1430339774190 1430339753806 14 70 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 15 1 Vii 0 Yes 20600 LJRQ QRJL 3629 27630 1430339781380 1430339809010 1430339805381 1430339784781 6 21 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 16 1 VIII 1 No 16214 LJXF FXJL 3728 23343 1430339812515 1430339835858 1430339832130 1430339815916 11 46 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 17 1 IV 1 No 16015 BRQJ JQRB 3806 23222 1430339839363 1430339862585 1430339858779 1430339842764 7 31 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 18 1 IIii 1 No 23334 HRXL LXRH 4031 30766 1430339866089 1430339896855 1430339892824 1430339869490 9 47 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 19 1 IIi 0 No 16228 LHRJ JRHL 3346 22974 1430339900360 1430339923334 1430339919988 1430339903760 8 34 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 20 2 Vi 0 Yes 17341 LJ JL 3158 22200 1430339926838 1430339949038 1430339945880 1430339928539 5 31 1 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 21 2 VII 2 Yes 19903 HX XH 3882 25486 1430339952543 1430339978029 1430339974147 1430339954244 17 69 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 22 2 VII 3 Yes 12635 HB BH 2110 16446 1430339981534 1430339997980 1430339995870 1430339983235 14 60 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 23 2 IV 3 Yes 11202 BH HB 2561 15464 1430340001483 1430340016947 1430340014386 1430340003184 7 28 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 24 2 IIii 0 No 15932 JM MJ 3445 21078 1430340020452 1430340041530 1430340038085 1430340022153 8 56 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 25 2 VIII 0 No 12796 JX XJ 2974 17471 1430340045035 1430340062506 1430340059532 1430340046736 9 58 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 26 2 IV 0 Yes 8510 BL LB 1835 12046 1430340066011 1430340078057 1430340076222 1430340067712 8 37 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 27 2 Vii 1 Yes 7101 FQ QF 2014 10815 1430340081562 1430340092377 1430340090363 1430340083262 6 21 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 28 2 VIII 2 No 10988 XF FX 1254 13942 1430340095882 1430340109824 1430340108570 1430340097582 12 55 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 29 2 VI 3 Yes 13713 JH HJ 2591 18005 1430340113328 1430340131333 1430340128742 1430340115029 15 82 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 30 2 VI 2 Yes 8297 XL LX 1964 11961 1430340134838 1430340146799 1430340144835 1430340136538 19 64 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 31 2 III 2 No 8481 RL LR 1095 11276 1430340150304 1430340161580 1430340160485 1430340152004 3 14 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 32 2 Ibi 1 Yes 10836 BJ JB 1848 14385 1430340165085 1430340179470 1430340177622 1430340166786 19 71 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 33 2 Ibii 0 Yes 15114 RB BR 1504 18319 1430340182974 1430340201293 1430340199789 1430340184675 17 65 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 34 2 III 1 No 6044 HM MH 1293 9038 1430340204798 1430340213836 1430340212543 1430340206499 5 24 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 35 2 IIi 1 Yes 9291 QB BQ 2142 13134 1430340217340 1430340230474 1430340228332 1430340219041 8 44 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 36 2 Ia 1 Yes 12163 BQ QB 1951 15815 1430340233978 1430340249793 1430340247842 1430340235679 18 77 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 37 2 Ia 0 Yes 12905 FH HF 1228 15834 1430340253297 1430340269131 1430340267903 1430340254998 20 64 2 4 letters first 243946179-1430340350 47 930704 1430339357991 1430340288695 English f no If there were four letters, I would group them together two by two. I would make up words to remember the two letters by. For example if it were LH, I knew that I had to flip it so I would remember HL by thinking of my favorite bowling alley ''Holiday Lanes.'' 0 0 examples 0 Yes 5911 MH MH 2816 10428 1430340046503 1430340056931 1430340054115 1430340048204 12 55 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 1 0 examples 1 No 9649 MR RM 3956 15304 1430340060436 1430340075740 1430340071784 1430340062135 9 41 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 2 1 VIII 3 Yes 14354 RXFQ QXRF 6379 24134 1430340079244 1430340103378 1430340096999 1430340082645 11 52 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 3 1 Ia 0 Yes 6648 QFXH QX 5255 15303 1430340106882 1430340122185 1430340116930 1430340110282 20 64 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 4 1 Ibi 0 Yes 4859 JLRF HB 3301 11560 1430340125689 1430340137249 1430340133948 1430340129089 14 53 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 5 1 VI 0 Yes 4079 FQBR QRB 3601 11081 1430340140752 1430340151833 1430340148232 1430340144153 18 67 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 6 1 Vii 0 Yes 6724 XLJR XLM 3300 13424 1430340155335 1430340168759 1430340165459 1430340158735 6 21 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 7 1 VII 0 Yes 3215 RXQF FQXE 2912 9528 1430340172263 1430340181791 1430340178879 1430340175664 15 48 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 8 1 IV 3 Yes 5155 LFMQ FM 1797 10352 1430340185295 1430340195647 1430340193850 1430340188695 7 28 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 9 1 III 1 No 7978 FMJH HJ 2991 14368 1430340199150 1430340213518 1430340210527 1430340202549 5 24 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 10 1 IIi 1 No 5667 LBHF FJBM 3893 12960 1430340217022 1430340229982 1430340226089 1430340220422 8 44 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 11 1 Ibii 0 Yes 7237 LXBQ QRFC 2547 13185 1430340233484 1430340246669 1430340244122 1430340236885 17 65 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 12 1 Ia 3 Yes 10589 FQJX HQ 2883 16872 1430340250172 1430340267044 1430340264161 1430340253572 15 71 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 13 1 IV 1 Yes 2556 XQMF FMQX 3207 9163 1430340270547 1430340279710 1430340276503 1430340273947 7 31 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 14 1 VIII 2 Yes 7014 LFXQ FM 4192 14606 1430340283213 1430340297819 1430340293627 1430340286613 12 55 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 15 1 IIii 0 No 9797 FJMR HMBHY 2747 15944 1430340301323 1430340317267 1430340314520 1430340304723 8 56 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 16 1 VI 3 Yes 3951 HXFB XM 5016 12367 1430340320771 1430340333138 1430340328122 1430340324171 15 82 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 17 1 III 2 Yes 7505 FHXR XR 4431 15337 1430340336641 1430340351978 1430340347547 1430340340042 3 14 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 18 1 Vi 0 Yes 2964 RQFM FM 1500 7864 1430340355481 1430340363345 1430340361845 1430340358881 5 31 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 19 1 VII 2 Yes 4219 QJRM QRML 3485 11104 1430340366849 1430340377953 1430340374468 1430340370249 17 69 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 20 2 IIi 0 No 5324 MH HM 2160 9184 1430340381456 1430340390640 1430340388480 1430340383156 8 34 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 21 2 VI 1 Yes 3232 XR XR 2307 7240 1430340394144 1430340401384 1430340399077 1430340395845 12 50 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 22 2 IIii 1 No 4667 XJ XJ 1561 7928 1430340404888 1430340412816 1430340411255 1430340406588 9 47 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 23 2 VI 2 Yes 4114 JX XJ 2442 8256 1430340416319 1430340424575 1430340422133 1430340418019 19 64 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 24 2 VIII 1 No 3912 JL LJ 1733 7345 1430340428078 1430340435423 1430340433690 1430340429778 11 46 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 25 2 Vii 1 No 6181 FH FM 2167 10048 1430340438927 1430340448975 1430340446808 1430340440627 6 21 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 26 2 Ibii 1 Yes 3321 RM MR 1979 7000 1430340452478 1430340459478 1430340457499 1430340454178 13 66 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 27 2 III 0 Yes 3593 FB BF 1460 6753 1430340462982 1430340469735 1430340468275 1430340464682 4 25 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 28 2 VIII 0 No 3480 RF FR 2284 7464 1430340473238 1430340480702 1430340478418 1430340474938 9 58 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 29 2 IV 0 Yes 2912 LR LR 1163 5776 1430340484205 1430340489981 1430340488818 1430340485906 8 37 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 30 2 Vi 1 Yes 2772 LF LF 1977 6448 1430340493485 1430340499933 1430340497956 1430340495184 6 28 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 31 2 III 3 Yes 2323 JQ QR 2299 6321 1430340503436 1430340509757 1430340507458 1430340505135 5 16 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 32 2 IV 2 Yes 2523 JM MJ 1842 6065 1430340513260 1430340519325 1430340517483 1430340514960 7 34 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 33 2 Ibi 1 Yes 6291 FM FM 1671 9663 1430340522829 1430340532492 1430340530821 1430340524530 19 71 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 34 2 VII 1 Yes 4137 RH JR 2994 8832 1430340535996 1430340544828 1430340541834 1430340537697 16 66 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 35 2 VII 3 Yes 2409 MQ MQ 1571 5680 1430340548331 1430340554011 1430340552440 1430340550031 14 60 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 36 2 Ia 2 Yes 3245 RH HR 1703 6648 1430340557515 1430340564163 1430340562460 1430340559215 14 70 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 37 2 Ia 1 Yes 7465 XH HX 2164 11329 1430340567666 1430340578995 1430340576831 1430340569366 18 77 1 4 letters first 274083213-1430340596 26 535658 1430340056931 1430340592589 english f no no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7349 -- -- 0 7349 1430339043747 1430339051096 1430339051096 1430339043747 12 55 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 1 0 examples 1 Yes 5819 -- -- 0 5818 1430339052129 1430339057947 1430339057947 1430339052128 9 41 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 2 1 Ia 2 Yes 10407 -- -- 0 10407 1430339058954 1430339069361 1430339069361 1430339058954 14 70 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 3 1 Vi 0 Yes 9197 -- -- 0 9197 1430339070390 1430339079587 1430339079587 1430339070390 5 31 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 4 1 VII 0 Yes 9527 -- -- 0 9527 1430339080598 1430339090125 1430339090125 1430339080598 15 48 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 5 1 VIII 0 No 10144 -- -- 0 10144 1430339091140 1430339101284 1430339101284 1430339091140 9 58 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 6 1 IIi 1 No 7277 -- -- 0 7277 1430339102287 1430339109564 1430339109564 1430339102287 8 44 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 7 1 VII 3 Yes 4168 -- -- 0 4168 1430339110566 1430339114734 1430339114734 1430339110566 14 60 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 8 1 Vii 0 Yes 6955 -- -- 0 6955 1430339115740 1430339122695 1430339122695 1430339115740 6 21 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 9 1 IV 3 Yes 3956 -- -- 0 3956 1430339123724 1430339127680 1430339127680 1430339123724 7 28 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 10 1 III 0 Yes 8522 -- -- 0 8522 1430339128681 1430339137203 1430339137203 1430339128681 4 25 2 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 11 1 IIii 1 No 5375 -- -- 0 5374 1430339138216 1430339143590 1430339143590 1430339138215 9 47 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 12 1 Ibi 1 No 8139 -- -- 0 8139 1430339144603 1430339152742 1430339152742 1430339144603 19 71 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 13 1 III 2 Yes 4423 -- -- 0 4423 1430339153757 1430339158180 1430339158180 1430339153757 3 14 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 14 1 VIII 3 No 6496 -- -- 15 6511 1430339159190 1430339165701 1430339165686 1430339159190 11 52 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 15 1 Ibii 1 No 7111 -- -- 0 7111 1430339166707 1430339173818 1430339173818 1430339166707 13 66 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 16 1 IV 0 Yes 6533 -- -- 0 6533 1430339174827 1430339181360 1430339181360 1430339174827 8 37 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 17 1 VI 1 Yes 28722 -- -- 0 28722 1430339182361 1430339211083 1430339211083 1430339182361 12 50 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 18 1 Ia 3 Yes 8012 -- -- 0 8012 1430339212084 1430339220096 1430339220096 1430339212084 15 71 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 19 1 VI 3 Yes 10688 -- -- 0 10688 1430339221104 1430339231792 1430339231792 1430339221104 15 82 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 20 2 III 3 No 4807 -- -- 0 4807 1430339232797 1430339237604 1430339237604 1430339232797 5 16 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 21 2 Ibi 0 No 18759 -- -- 0 18759 1430339238612 1430339257371 1430339257371 1430339238612 14 53 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 22 2 Vi 1 Yes 10736 -- -- 0 10736 1430339258406 1430339269142 1430339269142 1430339258406 6 28 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 23 2 IV 2 Yes 2819 -- -- 0 2819 1430339270155 1430339272974 1430339272974 1430339270155 7 34 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 24 2 VIII 1 Yes 11948 -- -- 0 11948 1430339273982 1430339285930 1430339285930 1430339273982 11 46 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 25 2 VII 2 Yes 4184 -- -- 0 4184 1430339286968 1430339291152 1430339291152 1430339286968 17 69 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 26 2 Ia 0 Yes 17501 -- -- 0 17501 1430339292156 1430339309657 1430339309657 1430339292156 20 64 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 27 2 VI 2 Yes 4256 -- -- 0 4256 1430339310659 1430339314915 1430339314915 1430339310659 19 64 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 28 2 VII 1 Yes 17996 -- -- 0 17996 1430339315932 1430339333928 1430339333928 1430339315932 16 66 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 29 2 VI 0 Yes 8508 -- -- 0 8507 1430339334931 1430339343438 1430339343438 1430339334930 18 67 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 30 2 III 1 No 12562 -- -- 0 12561 1430339344443 1430339357004 1430339357004 1430339344442 5 24 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 31 2 Vii 1 Yes 4182 -- -- 0 4182 1430339358027 1430339362209 1430339362209 1430339358027 6 21 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 32 2 IV 1 Yes 6195 -- -- 0 6195 1430339363231 1430339369426 1430339369426 1430339363231 7 31 2 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 33 2 VIII 2 No 16894 -- -- 0 16894 1430339370457 1430339387351 1430339387351 1430339370457 12 55 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 34 2 Ia 1 Yes 13287 -- -- 0 13287 1430339388354 1430339401641 1430339401641 1430339388354 18 77 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 35 2 IIi 0 No 14791 -- -- 0 14791 1430339402669 1430339417460 1430339417460 1430339402669 8 34 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 36 2 Ibii 0 Yes 22894 -- -- 0 22894 1430339418461 1430339441355 1430339441355 1430339418461 17 65 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 37 2 IIii 0 No 6679 -- -- 0 6679 1430339442355 1430339449034 1430339449034 1430339442355 8 56 1 no letters 274647783-1430339479 40 422153 1430339051096 1430339473249 English m no None 0 0 examples 0 Yes 5472 -- -- 0 5472 1430344083073 1430344088545 1430344088545 1430344083073 12 55 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 1 0 examples 1 No 5013 -- -- 0 5012 1430344089549 1430344094561 1430344094561 1430344089548 9 41 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 2 1 IV 0 Yes 6046 -- -- 0 6046 1430344095563 1430344101609 1430344101609 1430344095563 8 37 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 3 1 VI 2 Yes 8169 -- -- 0 8169 1430344102612 1430344110781 1430344110781 1430344102612 19 64 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 4 1 VIII 0 No 10538 -- -- 0 10538 1430344111783 1430344122321 1430344122321 1430344111783 9 58 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 5 1 IV 3 Yes 7779 -- -- 0 7778 1430344123324 1430344131102 1430344131102 1430344123323 7 28 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 6 1 VII 0 Yes 4000 -- -- 0 4000 1430344132107 1430344136107 1430344136107 1430344132107 15 48 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 7 1 VII 2 Yes 5645 -- -- 0 5645 1430344137110 1430344142755 1430344142755 1430344137110 17 69 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 8 1 IIii 0 No 4825 -- -- 0 4825 1430344143758 1430344148583 1430344148583 1430344143758 8 56 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 9 1 Ibii 0 Yes 9671 -- -- 0 9671 1430344149585 1430344159256 1430344159256 1430344149585 17 65 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 10 1 VIII 1 No 13866 -- -- 0 13866 1430344160259 1430344174125 1430344174125 1430344160259 11 46 4 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 11 1 IIi 1 No 2978 -- -- 0 2978 1430344175127 1430344178105 1430344178105 1430344175127 8 44 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 12 1 Vi 1 Yes 5857 -- -- 0 5857 1430344179108 1430344184965 1430344184965 1430344179108 6 28 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 13 1 III 3 No 3021 -- -- 0 3021 1430344185969 1430344188990 1430344188990 1430344185969 5 16 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 14 1 Ia 2 Yes 5549 -- -- 0 5549 1430344189991 1430344195540 1430344195540 1430344189991 14 70 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 15 1 III 0 No 2161 -- -- 0 2161 1430344196543 1430344198704 1430344198704 1430344196543 4 25 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 16 1 Ia 3 Yes 7936 -- -- 0 7936 1430344199706 1430344207642 1430344207642 1430344199706 15 71 4 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 17 1 VI 3 Yes 9761 -- -- 0 9761 1430344208645 1430344218406 1430344218406 1430344208645 15 82 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 18 1 Vii 1 Yes 2792 -- -- 0 2792 1430344219410 1430344222202 1430344222202 1430344219410 6 21 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 19 1 Ibi 1 Yes 7870 -- -- 0 7870 1430344223208 1430344231078 1430344231078 1430344223208 19 71 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 20 2 IV 1 Yes 3591 -- -- 0 3591 1430344232079 1430344235670 1430344235670 1430344232079 7 31 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 21 2 IIi 0 No 2765 -- -- 0 2765 1430344236672 1430344239437 1430344239437 1430344236672 8 34 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 22 2 VI 1 Yes 3935 -- -- 0 3935 1430344240441 1430344244376 1430344244376 1430344240441 12 50 2 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 23 2 Ibi 0 Yes 4554 -- -- 0 4554 1430344245379 1430344249933 1430344249933 1430344245379 14 53 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 24 2 IV 2 Yes 2760 -- -- 0 2760 1430344250938 1430344253698 1430344253698 1430344250938 7 34 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 25 2 VI 0 Yes 5800 -- -- 0 5800 1430344254700 1430344260500 1430344260500 1430344254700 18 67 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 26 2 VII 1 Yes 3897 -- -- 0 3897 1430344261503 1430344265400 1430344265400 1430344261503 16 66 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 27 2 VIII 3 No 5095 -- -- 0 5094 1430344266403 1430344271497 1430344271497 1430344266402 11 52 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 28 2 Ia 0 Yes 4377 -- -- 0 4377 1430344272500 1430344276877 1430344276877 1430344272500 20 64 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 29 2 III 1 Yes 5494 -- -- 1 5495 1430344277881 1430344283376 1430344283375 1430344277881 5 24 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 30 2 Vii 0 Yes 5811 -- -- 0 5811 1430344284379 1430344290190 1430344290190 1430344284379 6 21 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 31 2 Ibii 1 Yes 12327 -- -- 0 12326 1430344291193 1430344303519 1430344303519 1430344291192 13 66 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 32 2 III 2 Yes 2393 -- -- 0 2393 1430344304523 1430344306916 1430344306916 1430344304523 3 14 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 33 2 Vi 0 Yes 2118 -- -- 0 2118 1430344307919 1430344310037 1430344310037 1430344307919 5 31 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 34 2 IIii 1 No 2872 -- -- 0 2872 1430344311042 1430344313914 1430344313914 1430344311042 9 47 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 35 2 Ia 1 Yes 3556 -- -- 0 3556 1430344314916 1430344318472 1430344318472 1430344314916 18 77 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 36 2 VII 3 Yes 2196 -- -- 0 2196 1430344319474 1430344321670 1430344321670 1430344319474 14 60 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 37 2 VIII 2 No 3571 -- -- 0 3571 1430344322673 1430344326244 1430344326244 1430344322673 12 55 1 no letters 306242616-1430344339 35 248579 1430344088545 1430344337124 English m no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 6338 -- -- 1 6338 1430340689453 1430340695791 1430340695790 1430340689452 12 55 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 1 0 examples 1 No 6975 -- -- 1 6976 1430340696795 1430340703771 1430340703770 1430340696795 9 41 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 2 1 III 1 No 10866 -- -- 0 10866 1430340704785 1430340715651 1430340715651 1430340704785 5 24 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 3 1 VI 3 No 12339 -- -- 0 12339 1430340716654 1430340728993 1430340728993 1430340716654 15 82 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 4 1 VIII 2 No 9412 -- -- 0 9412 1430340729996 1430340739408 1430340739408 1430340729996 12 55 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 5 1 IV 1 Yes 11360 -- -- 0 11360 1430340740411 1430340751771 1430340751771 1430340740411 7 31 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 6 1 III 3 No 11690 -- -- 0 11690 1430340752774 1430340764464 1430340764464 1430340752774 5 16 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 7 1 VIII 1 No 6835 -- -- 0 6835 1430340765467 1430340772302 1430340772302 1430340765467 11 46 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 8 1 Ibii 1 Yes 6535 -- -- 0 6535 1430340773306 1430340779841 1430340779841 1430340773306 13 66 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 9 1 IIii 0 No 16265 -- -- 0 16265 1430340780844 1430340797109 1430340797109 1430340780844 8 56 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 10 1 VII 3 Yes 7882 -- -- 0 7882 1430340798113 1430340805995 1430340805995 1430340798113 14 60 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 11 1 Ia 2 Yes 9868 -- -- 0 9868 1430340806997 1430340816865 1430340816865 1430340806997 14 70 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 12 1 Vi 0 Yes 7158 -- -- 0 7158 1430340817868 1430340825026 1430340825026 1430340817868 5 31 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 13 1 VI 1 Yes 10672 -- -- 0 10672 1430340826028 1430340836700 1430340836700 1430340826028 12 50 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 14 1 Ibi 1 Yes 13316 -- -- 0 13316 1430340837703 1430340851019 1430340851019 1430340837703 19 71 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 15 1 Ia 3 Yes 8803 -- -- 1 8804 1430340852023 1430340860827 1430340860826 1430340852023 15 71 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 16 1 IV 2 Yes 4784 -- -- 0 4784 1430340861830 1430340866614 1430340866614 1430340861830 7 34 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 17 1 Vii 1 No 8754 -- -- 0 8754 1430340867618 1430340876372 1430340876372 1430340867618 6 21 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 18 1 VII 1 Yes 7451 -- -- 0 7451 1430340877375 1430340884826 1430340884826 1430340877375 16 66 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 19 1 IIi 0 No 8673 -- -- 0 8673 1430340885829 1430340894502 1430340894502 1430340885829 8 34 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 20 2 VII 2 Yes 10780 -- -- 1 10781 1430340895506 1430340906287 1430340906286 1430340895506 17 69 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 21 2 VII 0 Yes 4905 -- -- 0 4905 1430340907290 1430340912195 1430340912195 1430340907290 15 48 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 22 2 Ia 1 Yes 7596 -- -- 0 7596 1430340913198 1430340920794 1430340920794 1430340913198 18 77 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 23 2 Ia 0 Yes 7033 -- -- 0 7033 1430340921796 1430340928829 1430340928829 1430340921796 20 64 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 24 2 VI 2 Yes 6960 -- -- 0 6960 1430340929831 1430340936791 1430340936791 1430340929831 19 64 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 25 2 III 0 No 11824 -- -- 0 11824 1430340937795 1430340949619 1430340949619 1430340937795 4 25 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 26 2 VIII 0 No 17261 -- -- 0 17261 1430340950622 1430340967883 1430340967883 1430340950622 9 58 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 27 2 IV 0 Yes 5869 -- -- 0 5869 1430340968886 1430340974755 1430340974755 1430340968886 8 37 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 28 2 Ibi 0 Yes 7343 -- -- 0 7343 1430340975759 1430340983102 1430340983102 1430340975759 14 53 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 29 2 IIii 1 No 10994 -- -- 0 10994 1430340984104 1430340995098 1430340995098 1430340984104 9 47 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 30 2 IV 3 Yes 7428 -- -- 0 7428 1430340996106 1430341003534 1430341003534 1430340996106 7 28 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 31 2 Ibii 0 Yes 8891 -- -- 0 8891 1430341004538 1430341013429 1430341013429 1430341004538 17 65 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 32 2 III 2 No 5928 -- -- 0 5928 1430341014433 1430341020361 1430341020361 1430341014433 3 14 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 33 2 IIi 1 No 8356 -- -- 0 8356 1430341021365 1430341029721 1430341029721 1430341021365 8 44 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 34 2 VI 0 Yes 7460 -- -- 0 7460 1430341030724 1430341038184 1430341038184 1430341030724 18 67 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 35 2 Vi 1 Yes 11233 -- -- 0 11233 1430341039189 1430341050422 1430341050422 1430341039189 6 28 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 36 2 Vii 0 No 6646 -- -- 0 6646 1430341051425 1430341058071 1430341058071 1430341051425 6 21 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 37 2 VIII 3 Yes 9743 -- -- 0 9743 1430341059074 1430341068817 1430341068817 1430341059074 11 52 1 no letters 308450301-1430341117 52 402390 1430340695791 1430341098181 english m no i just used logic 0 0 examples 0 Yes 4625 LF FL 9931 16255 1430339274286 1430339290541 1430339280610 1430339275985 12 55 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 1 0 examples 1 No 6810 XL LX 5557 14067 1430339294046 1430339308113 1430339302556 1430339295746 9 41 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 2 1 IIi 0 No 10593 XH LX 4988 17280 1430339311614 1430339328894 1430339323906 1430339313313 8 34 2 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 3 1 VI 1 Yes 32142 BJ JB 3775 37617 1430339332395 1430339370012 1430339366237 1430339334095 12 50 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 4 1 VI 0 Yes 14772 RJ JR 4854 21326 1430339373515 1430339394841 1430339389987 1430339375215 18 67 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 5 1 Vii 1 No 19757 JF FJ 7787 29244 1430339398344 1430339427588 1430339419801 1430339400044 6 21 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 6 1 IV 0 Yes 15264 RF FR 6847 23811 1430339431091 1430339454902 1430339448055 1430339432791 8 37 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 7 1 Vi 1 Yes 11074 MR RM 11241 24014 1430339458402 1430339482416 1430339471175 1430339460101 6 28 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 8 1 VIII 0 No 16771 XH HX 3790 22260 1430339485921 1430339508181 1430339504391 1430339487620 9 58 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 9 1 IV 2 Yes 12227 XJ JX 4483 18410 1430339511683 1430339530093 1430339525610 1430339513383 7 34 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 10 1 III 0 No 16588 BJ JB 5054 23341 1430339533595 1430339556936 1430339551882 1430339535294 4 25 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 11 1 IIii 1 Yes 35283 JX XJ 5413 42396 1430339560437 1430339602833 1430339597420 1430339562137 9 47 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 12 1 VIII 1 No 10126 FR RF 6414 18239 1430339606334 1430339624573 1430339618159 1430339608033 11 46 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 13 1 III 1 No 10407 FR RF 4628 16734 1430339628074 1430339644808 1430339640180 1430339629773 5 24 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 14 1 VII 1 Yes 17548 JL LJ 4222 23470 1430339648308 1430339671778 1430339667556 1430339650008 16 66 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 15 1 Ia 2 Yes 20573 MX XM 3722 25994 1430339675278 1430339701272 1430339697550 1430339676977 14 70 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 16 1 VII 0 Yes 12483 BQ QB 5137 19319 1430339704772 1430339724091 1430339718954 1430339706471 15 48 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 17 1 Ia 3 Yes 16213 LJ JL 3810 21723 1430339727599 1430339749322 1430339745512 1430339729299 15 71 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 18 1 Ibi 1 Yes 23176 FH HF 5768 30643 1430339752823 1430339783466 1430339777698 1430339754522 19 71 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 19 1 Ibii 0 Yes 15292 MF FM 5608 22598 1430339786968 1430339809566 1430339803958 1430339788666 17 65 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 20 2 III 2 No 14372 HQJL LJQH 14776 32549 1430339813067 1430339845616 1430339830840 1430339816468 3 14 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 21 2 VIII 2 Yes 24640 QHRX XRHQ 17342 45382 1430339849124 1430339894506 1430339877164 1430339852524 12 55 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 22 2 VI 2 No 23869 HRBX BRQX 17889 45158 1430339898009 1430339943167 1430339925278 1430339901409 19 64 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 23 2 VII 3 Yes 14388 RBHM MHBR 8677 26465 1430339946671 1430339973136 1430339964459 1430339950071 14 60 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 24 2 VII 2 Yes 16426 FBHX XHBF 8049 27876 1430339976639 1430340004515 1430339996466 1430339980040 17 69 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 25 2 Ibii 1 Yes 21239 MRHJ JHRM 48990 73629 1430340008017 1430340081646 1430340032656 1430340011417 13 66 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 26 2 III 3 No 11648 LFQM MQFL 9223 24271 1430340085147 1430340109418 1430340100195 1430340088547 5 16 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 27 2 Vi 0 Yes 6624 JLXM MXLJ 19667 29690 1430340112921 1430340142611 1430340122944 1430340116320 5 31 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 28 2 Ia 1 No 20913 QJHR RHJQ 8993 33306 1430340146113 1430340179419 1430340170426 1430340149513 18 77 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 29 2 Ibi 0 Yes 18445 MQLJ JLQM 23969 45813 1430340182922 1430340228735 1430340204766 1430340186321 14 53 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 30 2 IV 3 Yes 12593 FXJL QLJF 27674 43667 1430340232236 1430340275903 1430340248229 1430340235636 7 28 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 31 2 Ia 0 Yes 16799 BFRL FBLR 12175 32374 1430340279404 1430340311778 1430340299603 1430340282804 20 64 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 32 2 Vii 0 Yes 13040 FRJX XFRB 15890 32330 1430340315278 1430340347608 1430340331718 1430340318678 6 21 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 33 2 IV 1 Yes 12691 FBMQ QMBF 6833 22924 1430340351110 1430340374034 1430340367201 1430340354510 7 31 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 34 2 VI 3 No 34864 XJBM MBJX 8848 47112 1430340377534 1430340424646 1430340415798 1430340380934 15 82 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 35 2 IIi 1 No 12845 RXHF XJFR 19045 35290 1430340428148 1430340463438 1430340444393 1430340431548 8 44 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 36 2 IIii 0 No 17219 MBRL LRBM 9631 30251 1430340466938 1430340497189 1430340487558 1430340470339 8 56 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 37 2 VIII 3 No 12927 XMJH HJMX 16201 32528 1430340500691 1430340533219 1430340517018 1430340504091 11 52 1 2 letters first 312610327-1430340598 62 1281830 1430339290541 1430340572371 english f no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 3067 MB BM 8197 13016 1430343794040 1430343807056 1430343798859 1430343795792 12 55 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 1 0 examples 1 No 4022 FX XF 4629 10350 1430343810561 1430343820911 1430343816282 1430343812260 9 41 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 2 1 VIII 0 Yes 3229 QLJM MJQL 6449 13077 1430343824445 1430343837522 1430343831073 1430343827844 9 58 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 3 1 Vi 1 No 4308 RMHB BHNF 9257 16972 1430343841023 1430343857995 1430343848738 1430343844430 6 28 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 4 1 Ibii 1 Yes 1529 RFBJ JFRB 7031 12043 1430343861496 1430343873539 1430343866508 1430343864979 13 66 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 5 1 IIi 0 No 10149 RFBL LBFR 5034 18582 1430343877040 1430343895622 1430343890588 1430343880439 8 34 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 6 1 VII 1 Yes 8989 FBJQ QJBF 5226 17615 1430343899157 1430343916772 1430343911546 1430343902557 16 66 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 7 1 Ia 3 No 6674 LXQH HQXL 8113 18186 1430343920276 1430343938462 1430343930349 1430343923675 15 71 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 8 1 Vii 0 No 6856 MFRL LRFM 7548 17811 1430343941963 1430343959774 1430343952226 1430343945370 6 21 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 9 1 Ia 2 Yes 12537 LFBH HBFL 5966 21925 1430343963275 1430343985200 1430343979234 1430343966697 14 70 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 10 1 VII 3 Yes 5823 HFRJ JRFH 8362 17583 1430343988706 1430344006289 1430343997927 1430343992104 14 60 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 11 1 IV 3 Yes 9654 FMJH HJMF 7629 20684 1430344009817 1430344030501 1430344022872 1430344013218 7 28 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 12 1 VI 3 No 1063 JBMQ QNBJ 6866 11330 1430344034010 1430344045340 1430344038474 1430344037411 15 82 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 13 1 IV 0 Yes 1538 BFRJ JFBM 12076 17013 1430344048841 1430344065854 1430344053778 1430344052240 8 37 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 14 1 VIII 3 No 990 JLXH HLFJ 7755 12144 1430344069371 1430344081515 1430344073760 1430344072770 11 52 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 15 1 III 2 Yes 4725 BMLX XLMB 5494 13619 1430344085860 1430344099479 1430344093985 1430344089260 3 14 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 16 1 III 3 No 1046 RJBM MBJR 4329 8782 1430344103062 1430344111844 1430344107515 1430344106469 5 16 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 17 1 VI 1 No 829 RMBF MFBR 4374 8603 1430344115405 1430344124008 1430344119634 1430344118805 12 50 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 18 1 IIii 1 Yes 726 FHRJ JRMF 5882 10006 1430344127510 1430344137516 1430344131634 1430344130908 9 47 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 19 1 Ibi 0 Yes 975 JMXL LXJR 6577 10951 1430344141022 1430344151973 1430344145396 1430344144421 14 53 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 20 2 Ibii 0 Yes 2339 LX XL 3554 7593 1430344155482 1430344163075 1430344159521 1430344157182 17 65 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 21 2 IV 1 Yes 3908 FJ JF 2450 8099 1430344166625 1430344174724 1430344172274 1430344168366 7 31 2 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 22 2 IIi 1 Yes 901 MR RM 4438 7039 1430344178248 1430344185287 1430344180849 1430344179948 8 44 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 23 2 III 0 No 1682 LB BL 4032 7413 1430344188808 1430344196221 1430344192189 1430344190507 4 25 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 24 2 VIII 2 No 844 XH HX 2441 4985 1430344199722 1430344204707 1430344202266 1430344201422 12 55 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 25 2 VIII 1 No 766 RB BR 1918 4391 1430344208256 1430344212647 1430344210729 1430344209963 11 46 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 26 2 Ibi 1 No 1086 JM MJ 2458 5275 1430344216209 1430344221484 1430344219026 1430344217940 19 71 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 27 2 VI 2 No 1280 XR RX 2320 5300 1430344225039 1430344230339 1430344228019 1430344226739 19 64 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 28 2 IV 2 Yes 1083 HJ JH 7811 10639 1430344233841 1430344244480 1430344236669 1430344235586 7 34 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 29 2 Ia 0 Yes 1193 JL LJ 2344 5236 1430344248005 1430344253241 1430344250897 1430344249704 20 64 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 30 2 IIii 0 Yes 728 MJ JM 1802 4230 1430344256760 1430344260990 1430344259188 1430344258460 8 56 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 31 2 Ia 1 Yes 1005 FL LF 2636 5340 1430344264490 1430344269830 1430344267194 1430344266189 18 77 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 32 2 Vi 0 No 1044 JM MJ 2725 5526 1430344273337 1430344278863 1430344276138 1430344275094 5 31 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 33 2 Vii 1 Yes 769 JH HJ 2766 5234 1430344282366 1430344287600 1430344284834 1430344284065 6 21 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 34 2 VI 0 No 1330 QX XQ 2830 5948 1430344291102 1430344297050 1430344294220 1430344292890 18 67 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 35 2 VII 0 Yes 941 XJ JX 1925 4567 1430344300551 1430344305118 1430344303193 1430344302252 15 48 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 36 2 VII 2 Yes 700 FQ QF 3086 5486 1430344308620 1430344314106 1430344311020 1430344310320 17 69 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 37 2 III 1 Yes 660 HB BH 2147 4518 1430344317606 1430344322124 1430344319977 1430344319317 5 24 1 4 letters first 315746499-1430344343 49 533914 1430343807056 1430344340970 english f no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 10966 HX XH 4512 17179 1430339005474 1430339022653 1430339018141 1430339007175 12 55 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 1 0 examples 1 No 4289 BJ JB 2682 8671 1430339026159 1430339034830 1430339032148 1430339027859 9 41 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 2 1 VII 3 Yes 6551 LQ QL 4417 12668 1430339038337 1430339051005 1430339046588 1430339040037 14 60 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 3 1 Ia 2 Yes 14881 RB BR 1985 18566 1430339055493 1430339074059 1430339072074 1430339057193 14 70 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 4 1 VIII 1 No 12618 RQ QR 4514 18832 1430339077564 1430339096396 1430339091882 1430339079264 11 46 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 5 1 III 2 Yes 10464 QF FQ 3496 15660 1430339099903 1430339115563 1430339112067 1430339101603 3 14 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 6 1 Vi 1 Yes 4106 JL LJ 2114 7920 1430339119067 1430339126987 1430339124873 1430339120767 6 28 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 7 1 Ibii 0 Yes 11722 MH HM 1929 15351 1430339130499 1430339145850 1430339143921 1430339132199 17 65 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 8 1 Vii 1 Yes 8457 BF FB 2705 12862 1430339149355 1430339162217 1430339159512 1430339151055 6 21 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 9 1 III 3 Yes 8003 HB BH 1864 11567 1430339165721 1430339177288 1430339175424 1430339167421 5 16 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 10 1 Ia 3 Yes 14987 BF FB 7154 23841 1430339180792 1430339204633 1430339197479 1430339182492 15 71 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 11 1 VI 0 No 9554 HB BH 1673 12927 1430339208139 1430339221066 1430339219393 1430339209839 18 67 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 12 1 IV 0 Yes 7648 JL LJ 2346 11693 1430339224573 1430339236266 1430339233920 1430339226272 8 37 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 13 1 IV 1 Yes 4977 FJ JF 2408 9085 1430339239771 1430339248856 1430339246448 1430339241471 7 31 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 14 1 VII 2 Yes 6914 BX XB 2649 11263 1430339252362 1430339263625 1430339260976 1430339254062 17 69 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 15 1 Ibi 1 No 16825 BR RB 2096 20621 1430339267131 1430339287752 1430339285656 1430339268831 19 71 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 16 1 IIi 1 No 6851 FX XF 2089 10640 1430339291255 1430339301895 1430339299806 1430339292955 8 44 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 17 1 VIII 0 No 17675 FB BF 2785 22160 1430339305400 1430339327560 1430339324775 1430339307100 9 58 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 18 1 IIii 0 No 11104 JL LJ 2521 15325 1430339331066 1430339346391 1430339343870 1430339332766 8 56 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 19 1 VI 2 Yes 11929 XR RX 1856 15485 1430339349897 1430339365382 1430339363526 1430339351597 19 64 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 20 2 IV 3 Yes 7385 XMHL LHMX 7856 18640 1430339368886 1430339387526 1430339379670 1430339372285 7 28 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 21 2 Ia 0 Yes 10062 BHMX XMHB 25064 38525 1430339391032 1430339429557 1430339404493 1430339394431 20 64 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 22 2 III 0 Yes 10055 FLRM MRLF 6641 20095 1430339433062 1430339453157 1430339446516 1430339436461 4 25 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 23 2 VI 1 Yes 12743 FQHB BHQF 5536 21678 1430339456661 1430339478339 1430339472803 1430339460060 12 50 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 24 2 IIii 1 No 8736 JRHB BHRJ 6473 18608 1430339481844 1430339500452 1430339493979 1430339485243 9 47 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 25 2 VIII 3 No 9582 LFXR RXLF 6841 19822 1430339503958 1430339523780 1430339516939 1430339507357 11 52 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 26 2 Vi 0 Yes 7576 LHJF FJXL 15712 26687 1430339527284 1430339553971 1430339538259 1430339530683 5 31 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 27 2 VI 3 Yes 13136 FQRJ JRQF 9240 25775 1430339557475 1430339583250 1430339574010 1430339560874 15 82 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 28 2 VIII 2 Yes 14711 HBJF FJBH 6352 24462 1430339586756 1430339611218 1430339604866 1430339590155 12 55 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 29 2 Ia 1 Yes 7719 MLXQ QXLM 5632 16750 1430339614723 1430339631473 1430339625841 1430339618122 18 77 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 30 2 IV 2 Yes 4359 RJHQ QHJR 6480 14238 1430339634979 1430339649217 1430339642737 1430339638378 7 34 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 31 2 IIi 0 No 11543 RHXB BXHR 7553 22495 1430339652722 1430339675217 1430339667664 1430339656121 8 34 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 32 2 Vii 0 Yes 11964 FJRH HRJF 6969 22332 1430339678724 1430339701056 1430339694087 1430339682123 6 21 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 33 2 VII 0 Yes 5727 BRMQ QMRB 4840 13966 1430339704562 1430339718528 1430339713688 1430339707961 15 48 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 34 2 Ibi 0 Yes 10469 HFQX XQFH 6307 20175 1430339722034 1430339742209 1430339735902 1430339725433 14 53 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 35 2 III 1 Yes 7814 MJFR RFJM 4346 15560 1430339747144 1430339762704 1430339758358 1430339750544 5 24 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 36 2 VII 1 Yes 4829 MHBJ JBHM 4778 13006 1430339766209 1430339779215 1430339774437 1430339769608 16 66 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 37 2 Ibii 1 Yes 8605 MJHF FHJM 4490 16495 1430339782720 1430339799215 1430339794725 1430339786120 13 66 1 2 letters first 331657588-1430339885 35 798143 1430339022653 1430339820796 English f no I said the letters out loud as they appeared and then again right before I did the analogy thingy. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 8710 BX XB 16083 26495 1430342406150 1430342432645 1430342416562 1430342407852 12 55 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 1 0 examples 1 No 4537 QL LQ 34015 40252 1430342436149 1430342476401 1430342442386 1430342437849 9 41 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 2 1 III 2 Yes 8520 BHRM LRHB 7219 19139 1430342479905 1430342499044 1430342491825 1430342483305 3 14 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 3 1 IIi 1 No 4038 RHLB BLHR 8469 15907 1430342502547 1430342518454 1430342509985 1430342505947 8 44 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 4 1 VIII 2 Yes 7414 BFJR RJFB 7236 18050 1430342521958 1430342540008 1430342532772 1430342525358 12 55 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 5 1 Ia 2 Yes 4691 QXFJ JXFQ 13246 21336 1430342543512 1430342564848 1430342551602 1430342546911 14 70 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 6 1 VI 1 Yes 2953 MFXR RXFM 9251 15605 1430342568351 1430342583956 1430342574705 1430342571752 12 50 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 7 1 IV 2 No 6015 MJRF RJFM 4988 14403 1430342587459 1430342601862 1430342596874 1430342590859 7 34 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 8 1 Ia 0 Yes 4414 QRMX XMRM 6315 14129 1430342605366 1430342619495 1430342613180 1430342608766 20 64 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 9 1 Ibi 0 No 3019 JQXL LXMR 4244 10663 1430342622999 1430342633662 1430342629418 1430342626399 14 53 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 10 1 Ibii 0 No 7208 XBMH KMBX 8562 19171 1430342637165 1430342656336 1430342647774 1430342640566 17 65 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 11 1 VII 0 Yes 5444 HJXQ HMBX 9125 17969 1430342659839 1430342677808 1430342668683 1430342663239 15 48 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 12 1 VI 0 No 5747 RLFB BXLB 5402 14549 1430342681312 1430342695861 1430342690459 1430342684712 18 67 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 13 1 VII 1 Yes 3009 MLRJ JRLM 6059 12469 1430342699364 1430342711833 1430342705774 1430342702765 16 66 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 14 1 III 3 Yes 3291 BFMX XMLB 7471 14162 1430342715336 1430342729498 1430342722027 1430342718736 5 16 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 15 1 Vi 0 No 8497 RHQM RLMX 4979 16876 1430342733001 1430342749877 1430342744898 1430342736401 5 31 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 16 1 Vii 0 No 5006 MXQJ JQXM 10655 19062 1430342753380 1430342772442 1430342761787 1430342756781 6 21 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 17 1 VIII 3 Yes 4115 QHFB BFHQ 6532 14047 1430342775945 1430342789992 1430342783460 1430342779345 11 52 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 18 1 IIii 0 No 7459 HBXJ JXBH 6677 17537 1430342793496 1430342811033 1430342804356 1430342796897 8 56 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 19 1 IV 3 Yes 4739 BJLR RLJB 5396 13535 1430342814536 1430342828071 1430342822675 1430342817936 7 28 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 20 2 Vii 1 No 9900 JF JL 2392 13991 1430342831574 1430342845565 1430342843173 1430342833273 6 21 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 21 2 Ibi 1 No 5653 LX XL 3207 10560 1430342849068 1430342859628 1430342856421 1430342850768 19 71 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 22 2 VI 3 No 5164 JX XJ 3635 10499 1430342863132 1430342873631 1430342869996 1430342864832 15 82 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 23 2 III 1 Yes 4252 BJ JB 1904 7856 1430342877134 1430342884990 1430342883086 1430342878834 5 24 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 24 2 IV 1 Yes 4516 XQ QX 3406 9622 1430342888493 1430342898115 1430342894709 1430342890193 7 31 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 25 2 VII 2 Yes 4301 RM MR 2256 8258 1430342901617 1430342909875 1430342907619 1430342903318 17 69 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 26 2 Vi 1 No 4385 RM MR 2485 8570 1430342913378 1430342921948 1430342919463 1430342915078 6 28 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 27 2 III 0 Yes 3284 XJ JX 2583 7568 1430342925451 1430342933019 1430342930436 1430342927152 4 25 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 28 2 IIii 1 Yes 3253 MB BM 2314 7267 1430342936523 1430342943790 1430342941476 1430342938223 9 47 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 29 2 VIII 1 No 11092 QM QM 2820 15612 1430342947293 1430342962905 1430342960085 1430342948993 11 46 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 30 2 Ibii 1 No 5263 JQ QJ 2653 9616 1430342966409 1430342976025 1430342973372 1430342968109 13 66 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 31 2 IIi 0 No 4258 QM MQ 2753 8711 1430342979529 1430342988240 1430342985487 1430342981229 8 34 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 32 2 VI 2 No 13050 BL LB 2154 16904 1430342991744 1430343008648 1430343006494 1430342993444 19 64 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 33 2 VIII 0 Yes 2593 QX XQ 2670 6963 1430343012151 1430343019114 1430343016444 1430343013851 9 58 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 34 2 IV 0 No 3240 XH HX 2825 7764 1430343022618 1430343030382 1430343027557 1430343024317 8 37 2 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 35 2 VII 3 No 6404 BX QX 3523 11628 1430343033885 1430343045513 1430343041990 1430343035586 14 60 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 36 2 Ia 3 Yes 3646 RJ JR 2145 7491 1430343049018 1430343056509 1430343054364 1430343050718 15 71 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 37 2 Ia 1 Yes 2204 HM MH 1434 5338 1430343060013 1430343065351 1430343063917 1430343061713 18 77 1 4 letters first 336256656-1430343099 39 653136 1430342432645 1430343085781 English f no Simple memory. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 5560 BJ JB 4171 11431 1430340637054 1430340648485 1430340644314 1430340638754 12 55 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 1 0 examples 1 No 10350 QF FQ 3541 15590 1430340651992 1430340667582 1430340664041 1430340653691 9 41 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 2 1 Ibii 0 Yes 11289 XL LX 3380 16368 1430340671085 1430340687453 1430340684073 1430340672784 17 65 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 3 1 VIII 2 No 11649 HL RH 3011 16359 1430340690957 1430340707316 1430340704305 1430340692656 12 55 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 4 1 VIII 0 No 12929 FB BF 3484 18112 1430340710820 1430340728932 1430340725448 1430340712519 9 58 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 5 1 VII 2 Yes 5816 QB BQ 2516 10031 1430340732437 1430340742468 1430340739952 1430340734136 17 69 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 6 1 III 0 Yes 8849 BX XB 2820 13368 1430340745972 1430340759340 1430340756520 1430340747671 4 25 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 7 1 IIii 0 No 6858 LR RL 1459 10016 1430340762843 1430340772859 1430340771400 1430340764542 8 56 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 8 1 VI 2 Yes 10722 XL LX 2140 14561 1430340776363 1430340790924 1430340788784 1430340778062 19 64 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 9 1 Ia 3 No 23810 HM LH 7019 32528 1430340794428 1430340826956 1430340819937 1430340796127 15 71 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 10 1 IV 0 Yes 7400 XB BX 1980 11079 1430340830461 1430340841540 1430340839560 1430340832160 8 37 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 11 1 IV 3 Yes 4354 HL LH 3283 9336 1430340845044 1430340854380 1430340851097 1430340846743 7 28 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 12 1 VI 1 Yes 7690 QJ JQ 1691 11080 1430340857884 1430340868964 1430340867273 1430340859583 12 50 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 13 1 VII 3 Yes 7041 MQ QM 1659 10399 1430340872468 1430340882867 1430340881208 1430340874167 14 60 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 14 1 Ia 1 Yes 10856 RX XR 1427 13982 1430340886373 1430340900355 1430340898928 1430340888072 18 77 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 15 1 Vii 0 Yes 6953 RQ QR 2660 11312 1430340903860 1430340915172 1430340912512 1430340905559 6 21 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 16 1 IIi 1 No 8072 JF FQ 1308 11079 1430340918677 1430340929756 1430340928448 1430340920376 8 44 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 17 1 III 1 No 9418 BQ QB 1355 12472 1430340933260 1430340945732 1430340944377 1430340934959 5 24 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 18 1 Vi 1 Yes 6920 XJ JX 2580 11199 1430340949237 1430340960436 1430340957856 1430340950936 6 28 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 19 1 Ibi 0 Yes 8513 FR RF 1035 11247 1430340963941 1430340975188 1430340974153 1430340965640 14 53 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 20 2 III 2 No 7288 HLJF FJLH 2427 13114 1430340978690 1430340991804 1430340989377 1430340982089 3 14 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 21 2 Ibii 1 Yes 7717 BJRF FRJB 3427 14544 1430340995308 1430341009852 1430341006425 1430340998708 13 66 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 22 2 IV 2 Yes 15131 LBJF FJBL 2348 20879 1430341013357 1430341034236 1430341031888 1430341016757 7 34 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 23 2 IV 1 Yes 14411 BLQH HQLB 3932 21744 1430341037740 1430341059484 1430341055552 1430341041141 7 31 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 24 2 Ia 0 Yes 9886 RBLQ QLBR 2651 15936 1430341062988 1430341078924 1430341076273 1430341066387 20 64 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 25 2 Ia 2 Yes 10324 RQHJ JHQR 3003 16727 1430341082429 1430341099156 1430341096153 1430341085829 14 70 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 26 2 VII 1 Yes 10739 XMBQ QBMX 4156 18295 1430341102661 1430341120956 1430341116800 1430341106061 16 66 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 27 2 VII 0 Yes 13380 FHXQ QXHF 3932 20712 1430341124460 1430341145172 1430341141240 1430341127860 15 48 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 28 2 IIi 0 No 7132 LFQX XQFL 3955 14486 1430341148677 1430341163163 1430341159208 1430341152076 8 34 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 29 2 VI 0 Yes 7300 FJRL LRJF 3932 14632 1430341166668 1430341181300 1430341177368 1430341170068 18 67 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 30 2 Vi 0 Yes 5835 HJLQ QLJH 3284 12519 1430341184805 1430341197324 1430341194040 1430341188205 5 31 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 31 2 Ibi 1 Yes 11196 XBMR RMBX 5012 19607 1430341200829 1430341220436 1430341215424 1430341204228 19 71 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 32 2 III 3 No 14501 QBXH HXBQ 5804 23705 1430341223939 1430341247644 1430341241840 1430341227339 5 16 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 33 2 VI 3 Yes 10155 MQJL LJQM 2764 16319 1430341251149 1430341267468 1430341264704 1430341254549 15 82 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 34 2 VIII 1 No 5740 HFJL LJFH 2828 11968 1430341270972 1430341282940 1430341280112 1430341274372 11 46 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 35 2 IIii 1 No 10788 XBJF FJBX 3949 18137 1430341286444 1430341304581 1430341300632 1430341289844 9 47 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 36 2 Vii 1 Yes 12094 JBRF FRBR 14036 29529 1430341308084 1430341337613 1430341323577 1430341311483 6 21 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 37 2 VIII 3 No 9940 BRXL LXRB 3068 16408 1430341341118 1430341357526 1430341354458 1430341344518 11 52 1 2 letters first 344202802-1430341390 34 729477 1430340648485 1430341377962 English m no Tried mnemonic devices of my own making each time. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 9552 LH HL 5175 16449 1430339272563 1430339289012 1430339283837 1430339274285 12 55 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 1 0 examples 1 No 6595 JH JH 2292 10595 1430339292536 1430339303131 1430339300839 1430339294244 9 41 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 2 1 VIII 1 No 6105 RQ QR 3390 11211 1430339306652 1430339317863 1430339314473 1430339308368 11 46 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 3 1 IIi 1 No 14025 XB BX 3224 18962 1430339321389 1430339340351 1430339337127 1430339323102 8 44 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 4 1 IV 1 Yes 7579 QR RQ 3471 12758 1430339343876 1430339356634 1430339353163 1430339345584 7 31 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 5 1 VI 3 Yes 22293 LB BL 3651 27653 1430339360171 1430339387824 1430339384173 1430339361880 15 82 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 6 1 VIII 2 Yes 12657 XB BX 3701 18073 1430339391340 1430339409413 1430339405712 1430339393055 12 55 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 7 1 IIii 0 No 11696 XB BX 2645 16055 1430339412942 1430339428997 1430339426352 1430339414656 8 56 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 8 1 IV 2 Yes 4938 HQ QX 1888 8537 1430339432524 1430339441061 1430339439173 1430339434235 7 34 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 9 1 Vi 0 Yes 5134 LX XL 2405 9251 1430339444570 1430339453821 1430339451416 1430339446282 5 31 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 10 1 VI 0 Yes 15694 MH HM 4231 21631 1430339457351 1430339478982 1430339474751 1430339459057 18 67 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 11 1 Ibi 1 Yes 14712 JB BJ 3281 19708 1430339482509 1430339502217 1430339498936 1430339484224 19 71 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 12 1 III 3 No 9095 JX XJ 3293 14095 1430339505755 1430339519850 1430339516557 1430339507462 5 16 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 13 1 Ia 2 Yes 14456 XH HX 2288 18459 1430339523377 1430339541836 1430339539548 1430339525092 14 70 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 14 1 III 2 No 7444 LX XL 4500 13653 1430339545368 1430339559021 1430339554521 1430339547077 3 14 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 15 1 Ia 1 Yes 8155 LX XL 3663 13532 1430339562553 1430339576085 1430339572422 1430339564267 18 77 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 16 1 VII 3 Yes 5317 FM MF 3743 10761 1430339579593 1430339590354 1430339586611 1430339581294 14 60 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 17 1 VII 2 Yes 14090 MQ QM 3180 18985 1430339593878 1430339612863 1430339609683 1430339595593 17 69 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 18 1 Vii 1 Yes 8866 FL LF 5200 15780 1430339616382 1430339632162 1430339626962 1430339618096 6 21 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 19 1 Ibii 0 No 11445 JR RJ 3356 16515 1430339635678 1430339652193 1430339648837 1430339637392 17 65 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 20 2 VIII 3 Yes 12327 FHQB BQHF 7739 23480 1430339655716 1430339679196 1430339671457 1430339659130 11 52 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 21 2 VIII 0 No 9727 QMXF FXMQ 5290 18420 1430339682724 1430339701144 1430339695854 1430339686127 9 58 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 22 2 Vi 1 Yes 7927 QLFB BFLQ 5750 17086 1430339704655 1430339721741 1430339715991 1430339708064 6 28 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 23 2 VI 2 Yes 7952 FHJM MJHF 5698 17062 1430339725284 1430339742346 1430339736648 1430339728696 19 64 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 24 2 Ibii 1 Yes 11639 RBFH HFRB 5605 20647 1430339745876 1430339766523 1430339760918 1430339749279 13 66 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 25 2 Ia 0 Yes 9529 JHFR RFHJ 5134 18072 1430339770045 1430339788117 1430339782983 1430339773454 20 64 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 26 2 III 1 No 7844 LXQM MQXL 6154 17401 1430339791637 1430339809038 1430339802884 1430339795040 5 24 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 27 2 VII 1 Yes 7133 XHLM MLHX 5760 16306 1430339812576 1430339828882 1430339823122 1430339815989 16 66 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 28 2 Ia 3 Yes 6651 BXLF FLXB 5592 15654 1430339832402 1430339848056 1430339842464 1430339835813 15 71 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 29 2 III 0 No 4184 HJFM MFJH 10556 18153 1430339851588 1430339869741 1430339859185 1430339855001 4 25 2 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 30 2 VII 0 Yes 4835 LBHR RHBL 6362 14609 1430339873272 1430339887881 1430339881519 1430339876684 15 48 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 31 2 Vii 0 Yes 3641 RMLQ QLMR 5853 12897 1430339891393 1430339904290 1430339898437 1430339894796 6 21 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 32 2 IV 3 Yes 4810 XRHB BHRX 5802 14025 1430339907823 1430339921848 1430339916046 1430339911236 7 28 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 33 2 VI 1 Yes 4583 JBHM MHBJ 6401 14387 1430339925359 1430339939746 1430339933345 1430339928762 12 50 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 34 2 IIii 1 No 7961 MXRB BRXM 5692 17055 1430339943268 1430339960323 1430339954631 1430339946670 9 47 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 35 2 Ibi 0 Yes 6791 MFQX FQXM 8328 18532 1430339963858 1430339982390 1430339974062 1430339967271 14 53 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 36 2 IIi 0 Yes 5349 FQHJ JHQF 5911 14662 1430339985922 1430340000584 1430339994673 1430339989324 8 34 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 37 2 IV 0 Yes 5307 MLRF FRLM 4757 13477 1430340004107 1430340017584 1430340012827 1430340007520 8 37 1 2 letters first 344607112-1430340094 28 747729 1430339289012 1430340036741 English f no I just repeated the letters over and over out loud while I was reading the questions. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7407 HM MH 3650 12756 1430343648883 1430343661639 1430343657989 1430343650582 12 55 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 1 0 examples 1 No 9585 LX XL 2775 14060 1430343665141 1430343679201 1430343676426 1430343666841 9 41 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 2 1 Vii 0 Yes 8198 FQHJ JHQF 6327 17931 1430343682702 1430343700633 1430343694306 1430343686108 6 21 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 3 1 Ibii 0 Yes 13212 HRQM MQRH 7823 24487 1430343704165 1430343728652 1430343720829 1430343707617 17 65 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 4 1 IIii 0 No 15791 HQMB MBQH 4604 23795 1430343732154 1430343755949 1430343751345 1430343735554 8 56 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 5 1 VIII 2 No 12989 XHMB BMHX 5300 21687 1430343759452 1430343781139 1430343775839 1430343762850 12 55 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 6 1 Vi 1 Yes 5030 QRMB BMRQ 5225 13654 1430343784639 1430343798293 1430343793068 1430343788038 6 28 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 7 1 Ia 1 No 10916 QLHM MHLQ 6597 20917 1430343801795 1430343822712 1430343816115 1430343805199 18 77 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 8 1 IV 3 Yes 6182 HBXQ QHBX 4179 13760 1430343826213 1430343839973 1430343835794 1430343829612 7 28 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 9 1 VII 2 Yes 14724 MXJR RJXM 2954 21076 1430343843475 1430343864551 1430343861597 1430343846873 17 69 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 10 1 Ia 3 Yes 18391 XJML LMJX 6826 28615 1430343868056 1430343896671 1430343889845 1430343871454 15 71 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 11 1 VI 2 Yes 13264 LRBM MBRL 3133 19797 1430343900178 1430343919975 1430343916842 1430343903578 19 64 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 12 1 VIII 1 No 15399 MBXH HXBM 5386 24183 1430343923479 1430343947662 1430343942276 1430343926877 11 46 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 13 1 VII 1 Yes 6442 FBJX XJBF 4402 14242 1430343951165 1430343965407 1430343961005 1430343954563 16 66 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 14 1 III 2 No 3852 MLHX XHLM 3805 11062 1430343969015 1430343980077 1430343976272 1430343972420 3 14 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 15 1 Ibi 0 No 6356 XQRF FRQX 4322 14077 1430343983579 1430343997656 1430343993334 1430343986978 14 53 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 16 1 IIi 0 No 7734 FQJL LJQF 4085 15218 1430344001156 1430344016374 1430344012289 1430344004555 8 34 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 17 1 VI 1 Yes 8720 XRHM MHRX 3576 15808 1430344019882 1430344035690 1430344032114 1430344023394 12 50 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 18 1 III 0 No 3053 XLQR RKRX 3919 10371 1430344039192 1430344049563 1430344045644 1430344042591 4 25 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 19 1 IV 2 No 3677 MHLB BLHM 3573 10649 1430344053069 1430344063718 1430344060145 1430344056468 7 34 3 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 20 2 Vii 1 Yes 6908 HF FH 2513 11120 1430344067219 1430344078339 1430344075826 1430344068918 6 21 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 21 2 VIII 3 No 10089 BF FB 3115 14905 1430344081841 1430344096746 1430344093631 1430344083542 11 52 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 22 2 III 1 No 3997 JH HJ 1699 7396 1430344100247 1430344107643 1430344105944 1430344101947 5 24 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 23 2 IIii 1 No 15549 MJ LX 4487 21735 1430344111145 1430344132880 1430344128393 1430344112844 9 47 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 24 2 VI 3 Yes 10400 FJ JF 2382 14482 1430344136387 1430344150869 1430344148487 1430344138087 15 82 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 25 2 III 3 No 2964 LB BL 2702 7365 1430344154386 1430344161751 1430344159049 1430344156085 5 16 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 26 2 Ibii 1 Yes 9564 JH HJ 2393 13657 1430344165257 1430344178914 1430344176521 1430344166957 13 66 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 27 2 IV 1 Yes 6004 HB BH 2453 10156 1430344182415 1430344192571 1430344190118 1430344184114 7 31 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 28 2 Vi 0 Yes 4394 LJ JL 3228 9321 1430344196121 1430344205442 1430344202214 1430344197820 5 31 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 29 2 Ia 2 Yes 6660 XL LX 3075 11449 1430344208944 1430344220393 1430344217318 1430344210658 14 70 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 30 2 VIII 0 No 9006 XM MX 2116 12979 1430344223894 1430344236873 1430344234757 1430344225751 9 58 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 31 2 IIi 1 No 4271 LF FL 2549 8520 1430344240479 1430344248999 1430344246450 1430344242179 8 44 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 32 2 Ia 0 Yes 6698 QX XJ 4521 12919 1430344252500 1430344265419 1430344260898 1430344254200 20 64 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 33 2 VII 0 Yes 3720 LX XL 2719 8140 1430344268922 1430344277062 1430344274343 1430344270623 15 48 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 34 2 IV 0 Yes 3674 RB BR 2339 7713 1430344280563 1430344288276 1430344285937 1430344282263 8 37 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 35 2 Ibi 1 No 8138 RH HR 1801 11638 1430344291781 1430344303419 1430344301618 1430344293480 19 71 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 36 2 VI 0 Yes 7993 HM MH 4319 14012 1430344306921 1430344320933 1430344316614 1430344308621 18 67 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 37 2 VII 3 Yes 4494 RM MR 2091 8284 1430344324435 1430344332719 1430344330628 1430344326134 14 60 1 4 letters first 34466094-1430344353 23 687385 1430343661639 1430344349024 english m no I thought of words that used the letters I had to memorize 0 0 examples 0 Yes 9148 -- -- 0 9148 1430339112563 1430339121711 1430339121711 1430339112563 12 55 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 1 0 examples 1 No 9959 -- -- 0 9958 1430339122712 1430339132670 1430339132670 1430339122711 9 41 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 2 1 VI 3 Yes 43919 -- -- 0 43919 1430339133671 1430339177590 1430339177590 1430339133671 15 82 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 3 1 III 3 No 38334 -- -- 0 38334 1430339178592 1430339216926 1430339216926 1430339178592 5 16 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 4 1 IV 1 Yes 11120 -- -- 0 11120 1430339217926 1430339229046 1430339229046 1430339217926 7 31 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 5 1 Ibii 0 Yes 38959 -- -- 0 38959 1430339230047 1430339269006 1430339269006 1430339230047 17 65 2 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 6 1 IIii 1 No 55220 -- -- 0 55220 1430339270009 1430339325229 1430339325229 1430339270009 9 47 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 7 1 Ibi 0 Yes 54401 -- -- 1 54402 1430339326229 1430339380631 1430339380630 1430339326229 14 53 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 8 1 Vi 0 Yes 6606 -- -- 0 6606 1430339381632 1430339388238 1430339388238 1430339381632 5 31 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 9 1 VIII 1 Yes 23117 -- -- 0 23117 1430339389240 1430339412357 1430339412357 1430339389240 11 46 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 10 1 VII 3 Yes 4239 -- -- 0 4239 1430339413358 1430339417597 1430339417597 1430339413358 14 60 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 11 1 Ia 3 Yes 41183 -- -- 0 41183 1430339418599 1430339459782 1430339459782 1430339418599 15 71 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 12 1 VII 2 Yes 9367 -- -- 0 9367 1430339460783 1430339470150 1430339470150 1430339460783 17 69 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 13 1 Ia 0 Yes 10062 -- -- 0 10062 1430339471152 1430339481214 1430339481214 1430339471152 20 64 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 14 1 VIII 0 Yes 67798 -- -- 0 67798 1430339482215 1430339550013 1430339550013 1430339482215 9 58 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 15 1 Vii 0 Yes 10136 -- -- 0 10136 1430339551013 1430339561149 1430339561149 1430339551013 6 21 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 16 1 IV 0 Yes 25679 -- -- 0 25679 1430339562151 1430339587830 1430339587830 1430339562151 8 37 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 17 1 IIi 0 Yes 13127 -- -- 0 13127 1430339588831 1430339601958 1430339601958 1430339588831 8 34 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 18 1 VI 1 Yes 7191 -- -- 0 7191 1430339602959 1430339610150 1430339610150 1430339602959 12 50 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 19 1 III 2 No 7166 -- -- 0 7166 1430339611152 1430339618318 1430339618318 1430339611152 3 14 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 20 2 IV 3 Yes 6840 -- -- 0 6840 1430339619319 1430339626159 1430339626159 1430339619319 7 28 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 21 2 IIii 0 No 33774 -- -- 0 33774 1430339627159 1430339660933 1430339660933 1430339627159 8 56 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 22 2 IV 2 Yes 9134 -- -- 0 9134 1430339661935 1430339671069 1430339671069 1430339661935 7 34 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 23 2 Ibii 1 Yes 13839 -- -- 0 13839 1430339672070 1430339685909 1430339685909 1430339672070 13 66 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 24 2 Ia 2 Yes 10303 -- -- 1 10304 1430339686910 1430339697214 1430339697213 1430339686910 14 70 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 25 2 VI 0 Yes 4944 -- -- 0 4944 1430339698214 1430339703158 1430339703158 1430339698214 18 67 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 26 2 Ia 1 Yes 11127 -- -- 0 11127 1430339704159 1430339715286 1430339715286 1430339704159 18 77 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 27 2 VII 1 Yes 8830 -- -- 0 8830 1430339716288 1430339725118 1430339725118 1430339716288 16 66 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 28 2 III 1 No 4464 -- -- 0 4464 1430339726119 1430339730583 1430339730583 1430339726119 5 24 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 29 2 VI 2 Yes 6335 -- -- 0 6335 1430339731583 1430339737918 1430339737918 1430339731583 19 64 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 30 2 VIII 3 No 20990 -- -- 0 20990 1430339738920 1430339759910 1430339759910 1430339738920 11 52 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 31 2 Vii 1 Yes 10847 -- -- 0 10847 1430339760910 1430339771757 1430339771757 1430339760910 6 21 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 32 2 Ibi 1 Yes 14430 -- -- 0 14430 1430339772759 1430339787189 1430339787189 1430339772759 19 71 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 33 2 IIi 1 No 12807 -- -- 1 12808 1430339788190 1430339800998 1430339800997 1430339788190 8 44 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 34 2 III 0 No 5135 -- -- 0 5135 1430339801998 1430339807133 1430339807133 1430339801998 4 25 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 35 2 VIII 2 No 19736 -- -- 0 19736 1430339808134 1430339827870 1430339827870 1430339808134 12 55 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 36 2 VII 0 Yes 8383 -- -- 0 8383 1430339828871 1430339837254 1430339837254 1430339828871 15 48 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 37 2 Vi 1 Yes 4638 -- -- 0 4638 1430339838256 1430339842894 1430339842894 1430339838256 6 28 1 no letters 349822469-1430339876 42 738439 1430339121711 1430339860150 English f no None 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7504 BM MB 2722 11932 1430341133445 1430341145377 1430341142655 1430341135151 12 55 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 1 0 examples 1 No 8027 FM MF 3307 13045 1430341148897 1430341161942 1430341158635 1430341150608 9 41 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 2 1 IIi 1 No 8022 BFMQ QMFB 9863 21296 1430341165469 1430341186765 1430341176902 1430341168880 8 44 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 3 1 VII 3 Yes 11123 RBQF FQBR 17089 31613 1430341190291 1430341221904 1430341204815 1430341193692 14 60 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 4 1 VIII 1 No 5222 XHQJ JQHX 8022 16657 1430341225425 1430341242082 1430341234060 1430341228838 11 46 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 5 1 Vii 1 Yes 8410 RBJX XJBR 9637 21461 1430341245599 1430341267060 1430341257423 1430341249013 6 21 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 6 1 Ibi 0 Yes 7066 HBRX XBRH 12771 23250 1430341270590 1430341293840 1430341281069 1430341274003 14 53 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 7 1 VI 0 No 6856 QHLF FLHQ 6077 16346 1430341297351 1430341313697 1430341307620 1430341300764 18 67 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 8 1 IV 2 No 4372 RJQB BQJR 7666 15448 1430341317211 1430341332659 1430341324993 1430341320621 7 34 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 9 1 VIII 2 Yes 11333 RJLX XLJR 11726 26473 1430341336181 1430341362654 1430341350928 1430341339595 12 55 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 10 1 Vi 0 Yes 5060 MBJQ QJBM 8221 16695 1430341366176 1430341382871 1430341374650 1430341369590 5 31 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 11 1 VI 3 No 5338 MFJR JHTF 2944 11688 1430341386391 1430341398079 1430341395135 1430341389797 15 82 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 12 1 VII 0 Yes 3712 JHMF FMHJ 8865 15988 1430341401608 1430341417596 1430341408731 1430341405019 15 48 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 13 1 IIii 0 No 8868 MJRH HRJM 6332 18611 1430341421117 1430341439728 1430341433396 1430341424528 8 56 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 14 1 III 0 No 7285 XRMH HMRX 7239 17933 1430341443256 1430341461189 1430341453950 1430341446665 4 25 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 15 1 Ia 3 Yes 3729 XHBM MBHX 5584 12725 1430341464700 1430341477425 1430341471841 1430341468112 15 71 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 16 1 IV 3 Yes 8232 XRQM MQRX 6280 17925 1430341480938 1430341498863 1430341492583 1430341484351 7 28 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 17 1 III 3 No 5985 BJMR RMJB 5421 14819 1430341502396 1430341517215 1430341511794 1430341505809 5 16 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 18 1 Ia 0 Yes 3490 FQMJ JMQF 6888 13790 1430341520736 1430341534526 1430341527638 1430341524148 20 64 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 19 1 Ibii 1 Yes 6836 LFMJ JMFL 7837 18077 1430341538036 1430341556113 1430341548276 1430341541440 13 66 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 20 2 III 1 Yes 7216 FR RF 5663 14588 1430341559636 1430341574224 1430341568561 1430341561345 5 24 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 21 2 Vii 0 No 4592 JB BJ 1810 8106 1430341577741 1430341585847 1430341584037 1430341579445 6 21 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 22 2 VI 2 No 3511 FR FR 2040 7262 1430341589364 1430341596626 1430341594586 1430341591075 19 64 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 23 2 IIi 0 No 5640 FR RF 1464 8816 1430341600150 1430341608966 1430341607502 1430341601862 8 34 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 24 2 Vi 1 Yes 9812 XJ JX 1981 13506 1430341612487 1430341625993 1430341624012 1430341614200 6 28 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 25 2 IV 0 Yes 7114 QX QX 1399 10215 1430341629505 1430341639720 1430341638321 1430341631207 8 37 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 26 2 VIII 0 No 7638 QF FQ 3967 13315 1430341643250 1430341656565 1430341652598 1430341644960 9 58 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 27 2 Ibii 0 Yes 5555 BF FB 1364 8634 1430341660086 1430341668720 1430341667356 1430341661801 17 65 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 28 2 VII 2 Yes 4957 QF FQ 1480 8152 1430341672240 1430341680392 1430341678912 1430341673955 17 69 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 29 2 VIII 3 Yes 2963 LR RL 1221 5897 1430341683897 1430341689794 1430341688573 1430341685610 11 52 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 30 2 Ia 2 Yes 3983 JR RJ 1435 7118 1430341693315 1430341700433 1430341698998 1430341695015 14 70 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 31 2 VII 1 Yes 3618 XF FX 1475 6806 1430341703955 1430341710761 1430341709286 1430341705668 16 66 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 32 2 III 2 No 4504 LM ML 1270 7487 1430341714292 1430341721779 1430341720509 1430341716005 3 14 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 33 2 Ibi 1 Yes 5653 QL LQ 1445 8810 1430341725296 1430341734106 1430341732661 1430341727008 19 71 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 34 2 IIii 1 No 5003 BF FB 3777 10489 1430341737621 1430341748110 1430341744333 1430341739330 9 47 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 35 2 Ia 1 Yes 5067 LR RL 1252 8021 1430341751634 1430341759655 1430341758403 1430341753336 18 77 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 36 2 VI 1 No 2981 XL LX 1205 5899 1430341763179 1430341769078 1430341767873 1430341764892 12 50 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 37 2 IV 1 Yes 4037 JX XJ 1491 7237 1430341772586 1430341779823 1430341778332 1430341774295 7 31 1 4 letters first 355113501-1430341808 22 653292 1430341145377 1430341798669 english m no Just kept repeating it in my head 0 0 examples 0 Yes 2492 -- -- 0 2492 1430342812627 1430342815119 1430342815119 1430342812627 12 55 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 1 0 examples 1 No 2573 -- -- 0 2573 1430342816121 1430342818694 1430342818694 1430342816121 9 41 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 2 1 IV 1 Yes 4813 -- -- 0 4813 1430342819696 1430342824509 1430342824509 1430342819696 7 31 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 3 1 VII 0 Yes 4505 -- -- 0 4505 1430342825511 1430342830016 1430342830016 1430342825511 15 48 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 4 1 VI 0 No 19927 -- -- 0 19927 1430342831017 1430342850944 1430342850944 1430342831017 18 67 3 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 5 1 Ibi 1 No 9203 -- -- 0 9203 1430342851946 1430342861149 1430342861149 1430342851946 19 71 3 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 6 1 Ia 3 Yes 6119 -- -- 0 6119 1430342862151 1430342868270 1430342868270 1430342862151 15 71 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 7 1 VIII 3 Yes 5975 -- -- 1 5975 1430342869272 1430342875247 1430342875246 1430342869271 11 52 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 8 1 Vi 0 No 5878 -- -- 0 5878 1430342876249 1430342882127 1430342882127 1430342876249 5 31 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 9 1 Ibii 0 Yes 5069 -- -- 0 5069 1430342883129 1430342888198 1430342888198 1430342883129 17 65 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 10 1 IV 2 Yes 20637 -- -- 0 20637 1430342889200 1430342909837 1430342909837 1430342889200 7 34 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 11 1 Vii 0 No 5291 -- -- 0 5291 1430342910878 1430342916169 1430342916169 1430342910878 6 21 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 12 1 VI 1 No 5472 -- -- 0 5472 1430342917171 1430342922643 1430342922643 1430342917171 12 50 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 13 1 VII 1 Yes 2878 -- -- 0 2878 1430342923644 1430342926522 1430342926522 1430342923644 16 66 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 14 1 III 0 No 13713 -- -- 0 13713 1430342927523 1430342941236 1430342941236 1430342927523 4 25 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 15 1 VIII 2 Yes 28273 -- -- 0 28273 1430342942238 1430342970511 1430342970511 1430342942238 12 55 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 16 1 Ia 1 Yes 3477 -- -- 0 3477 1430342971512 1430342974989 1430342974989 1430342971512 18 77 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 17 1 IIii 0 No 8000 -- -- 0 8000 1430342975993 1430342983993 1430342983993 1430342975993 8 56 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 18 1 III 1 No 3652 -- -- 0 3652 1430342984994 1430342988646 1430342988646 1430342984994 5 24 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 19 1 IIi 0 No 2852 -- -- 0 2851 1430342989648 1430342992499 1430342992499 1430342989647 8 34 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 20 2 IV 0 Yes 3908 -- -- 0 3908 1430342993500 1430342997408 1430342997408 1430342993500 8 37 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 21 2 Vi 1 Yes 2817 -- -- 0 2817 1430342998410 1430343001227 1430343001227 1430342998410 6 28 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 22 2 VIII 1 No 5419 -- -- 0 5419 1430343002228 1430343007647 1430343007647 1430343002228 11 46 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 23 2 III 3 Yes 2198 -- -- 0 2198 1430343008650 1430343010848 1430343010848 1430343008650 5 16 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 24 2 VIII 0 No 6095 -- -- 0 6095 1430343011849 1430343017944 1430343017944 1430343011849 9 58 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 25 2 VI 2 No 6940 -- -- 0 6940 1430343018945 1430343025885 1430343025885 1430343018945 19 64 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 26 2 IV 3 Yes 2944 -- -- 0 2944 1430343026909 1430343029853 1430343029853 1430343026909 7 28 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 27 2 Ia 0 Yes 3833 -- -- 0 3833 1430343030854 1430343034687 1430343034687 1430343030854 20 64 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 28 2 VI 3 No 6458 -- -- 0 6458 1430343035731 1430343042189 1430343042189 1430343035731 15 82 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 29 2 IIii 1 No 3488 -- -- 0 3488 1430343043191 1430343046679 1430343046679 1430343043191 9 47 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 30 2 Ibi 0 No 10467 -- -- 0 10467 1430343047680 1430343058147 1430343058147 1430343047680 14 53 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 31 2 III 2 Yes 3955 -- -- 0 3955 1430343059149 1430343063104 1430343063104 1430343059149 3 14 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 32 2 VII 3 Yes 2614 -- -- 0 2614 1430343064105 1430343066719 1430343066719 1430343064105 14 60 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 33 2 VII 2 Yes 3708 -- -- 0 3708 1430343067720 1430343071428 1430343071428 1430343067720 17 69 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 34 2 Ia 2 Yes 2112 -- -- 0 2112 1430343072429 1430343074541 1430343074541 1430343072429 14 70 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 35 2 IIi 1 No 2512 -- -- 0 2512 1430343075542 1430343078054 1430343078054 1430343075542 8 44 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 36 2 Ibii 1 Yes 4665 -- -- 0 4665 1430343079300 1430343083965 1430343083965 1430343079300 13 66 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 37 2 Vii 1 No 2752 -- -- 0 2752 1430343085023 1430343087775 1430343087775 1430343085023 6 21 1 no letters 366909808-1430343102 22 283750 1430342815119 1430343098869 English m no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 8115 XB BX 7581 17397 1430339114683 1430339132080 1430339124499 1430339116384 12 55 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 1 0 examples 1 No 7269 MX MX 3024 11994 1430339135584 1430339147578 1430339144554 1430339137285 9 41 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 2 1 VII 2 Yes 33360 FHLQ QLHF 8310 45070 1430339151082 1430339196152 1430339187842 1430339154482 17 69 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 3 1 Vii 1 Yes 22641 HMRF FRMH 18933 44975 1430339199656 1430339244631 1430339225698 1430339203057 6 21 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 4 1 III 1 No 29072 MFLJ JLFM 7126 39600 1430339248133 1430339287733 1430339280607 1430339251535 5 24 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 5 1 Ibii 1 Yes 59042 RHJM MJHR 9998 72441 1430339291236 1430339363677 1430339353679 1430339294637 13 66 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 6 1 Ibi 0 Yes 42992 BXJM MJXB 6783 53176 1430339367180 1430339420356 1430339413573 1430339370581 14 53 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 7 1 IIi 0 No 23323 JQLR RLQJ 18038 44763 1430339423858 1430339468621 1430339450583 1430339427260 8 34 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 8 1 IV 1 Yes 35150 XMBF FBMX 8794 47344 1430339472126 1430339519470 1430339510676 1430339475526 7 31 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 9 1 III 3 No 43179 RLXJ JXLR 13361 59941 1430339522974 1430339582915 1430339569554 1430339526375 5 16 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 10 1 Ia 1 Yes 49971 MBXH HXBM 12171 65543 1430339586418 1430339651961 1430339639790 1430339589819 18 77 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 11 1 VII 1 Yes 26837 MLFR RFLM 6966 37204 1430339655464 1430339692668 1430339685702 1430339658865 16 66 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 12 1 IV 3 Yes 62035 QRLF FLRQ 8116 73552 1430339696170 1430339769722 1430339761606 1430339699571 7 28 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 13 1 Vi 1 Yes 44631 FJLH HLJF 6844 54877 1430339773225 1430339828102 1430339821258 1430339776627 6 28 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 14 1 IIii 1 No 23948 BMXH HXMB 7315 34664 1430339831605 1430339866269 1430339858954 1430339835006 9 47 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 15 1 VIII 0 No 24269 BQHR RHQB 6503 34173 1430339869771 1430339903944 1430339897441 1430339873172 9 58 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 16 1 Ia 2 Yes 36536 QRLX XLRQ 6573 46510 1430339907447 1430339953957 1430339947384 1430339910848 14 70 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 17 1 VIII 2 No 28553 MBLX XLBM 6609 38563 1430339957461 1430339996024 1430339989415 1430339960862 12 55 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 18 1 VI 2 No 32782 RBXJ JXBR 10064 46248 1430339999528 1430340045776 1430340035712 1430340002930 19 64 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 19 1 VI 3 No 19994 JMQR RQMJ 6965 30360 1430340049278 1430340079638 1430340072673 1430340052679 15 82 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 20 2 VIII 3 No 13150 RH HR 3127 17978 1430340083141 1430340101119 1430340097992 1430340084842 11 52 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 21 2 Ibi 1 Yes 20991 BJ JB 3367 26059 1430340104622 1430340130681 1430340127314 1430340106323 19 71 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 22 2 IV 0 Yes 20090 HL LH 2788 24579 1430340134186 1430340158765 1430340155977 1430340135887 8 37 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 23 2 VI 0 No 11123 LR RL 4460 17284 1430340162269 1430340179553 1430340175093 1430340163970 18 67 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 24 2 VIII 1 No 17792 QF FQ 3248 22741 1430340183056 1430340205797 1430340202549 1430340184757 11 46 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 25 2 III 0 No 26496 XR RX 2956 31153 1430340209300 1430340240453 1430340237497 1430340211001 4 25 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 26 2 Ibii 0 Yes 19809 BQ QB 2802 24312 1430340243955 1430340268267 1430340265465 1430340245656 17 65 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 27 2 IV 2 Yes 10417 LH HL 2530 14648 1430340271769 1430340286417 1430340283887 1430340273470 7 34 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 28 2 VI 1 No 7433 QX XQ 2630 11764 1430340289920 1430340301684 1430340299054 1430340291621 12 50 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 29 2 Ia 0 Yes 16604 RQ QR 2036 20341 1430340305186 1430340325527 1430340323491 1430340306887 20 64 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 30 2 III 2 No 2855 FR RF 3297 7853 1430340329030 1430340336883 1430340333586 1430340330731 3 14 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 31 2 IIii 0 No 8458 HM MH 1675 11834 1430340340385 1430340352219 1430340350544 1430340342086 8 56 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 32 2 VII 0 Yes 14287 MJ JM 1660 17648 1430340355722 1430340373370 1430340371710 1430340357423 15 48 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 33 2 VII 3 Yes 12211 HJ JH 1603 15514 1430340376873 1430340392387 1430340390784 1430340378573 14 60 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 34 2 Vi 0 Yes 38795 BL LB 2752 43248 1430340395889 1430340439137 1430340436385 1430340397590 5 31 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 35 2 Vii 0 Yes 8169 RQ QR 1507 11376 1430340442640 1430340454016 1430340452509 1430340444340 6 21 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 36 2 Ia 3 Yes 14209 LQ QL 1257 17167 1430340457519 1430340474686 1430340473429 1430340459220 15 71 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 37 2 IIi 1 No 12474 JF FJ 1998 16173 1430340478189 1430340494362 1430340492364 1430340479890 8 44 1 4 letters first 384997498-1430340649 31 1384587 1430339132080 1430340516667 Malayalam f no Sometimes, I tried to repeatedly recall the words in my mind. Other times, I assigned certain words or names starting with the letters and remembered the names - for example if the letters were MJ, I thought of Michael Jackson. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 6013 FM MF 3734 11457 1430339558768 1430339570225 1430339566491 1430339560478 12 55 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 1 0 examples 1 No 4986 MJ JM 2289 8983 1430339573741 1430339582724 1430339580435 1430339575449 9 41 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 2 1 III 0 No 4233 BQ QB 3114 9052 1430339586244 1430339595296 1430339592182 1430339587949 4 25 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 3 1 Ia 0 Yes 15333 XL LX 2440 19480 1430339598811 1430339618291 1430339615851 1430339600518 20 64 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 4 1 Vi 0 Yes 5382 XR RX 2335 9423 1430339621803 1430339631226 1430339628891 1430339623509 5 31 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 5 1 III 1 No 4031 JR RJ 2278 8013 1430339634740 1430339642753 1430339640475 1430339636444 5 24 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 6 1 IIii 0 No 7742 LR RL 1732 11180 1430339646267 1430339657447 1430339655715 1430339647973 8 56 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 7 1 IV 1 Yes 4454 JR RJ 1808 7969 1430339660963 1430339668932 1430339667124 1430339662670 7 31 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 8 1 Ibi 1 Yes 6865 JR RJ 1750 10323 1430339672446 1430339682769 1430339681019 1430339674154 19 71 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 9 1 VII 1 Yes 3661 MR RM 1805 7172 1430339686285 1430339693457 1430339691652 1430339687991 16 66 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 10 1 VI 0 Yes 11488 MQ QM 2028 15224 1430339696970 1430339712194 1430339710166 1430339698678 18 67 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 11 1 Ia 3 Yes 6057 MX XM 1791 9558 1430339715708 1430339725266 1430339723475 1430339717418 15 71 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 12 1 Ibii 1 Yes 8980 RJ JR 1769 12455 1430339728780 1430339741235 1430339739466 1430339730486 13 66 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 13 1 IV 2 Yes 4659 RF FR 1297 7662 1430339744749 1430339752411 1430339751114 1430339746455 7 34 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 14 1 VIII 3 Yes 7219 LM ML 1416 10342 1430339755926 1430339766268 1430339764852 1430339757633 11 52 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 15 1 VI 3 Yes 8308 JF FJ 1705 11717 1430339769784 1430339781501 1430339779796 1430339771488 15 82 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 16 1 VIII 1 No 4038 QR RQ 2080 7832 1430339785012 1430339792844 1430339790764 1430339786726 11 46 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 17 1 VII 3 No 4204 XH HX 1547 7459 1430339796356 1430339803815 1430339802268 1430339798064 14 60 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 18 1 Vii 1 Yes 3987 LQ QL 2286 7980 1430339807326 1430339815306 1430339813020 1430339809033 6 21 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 19 1 IIi 1 No 4252 HR RH 1723 7684 1430339818819 1430339826503 1430339824780 1430339820528 8 44 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 20 2 Vi 1 Yes 4507 HQMJ JMQH 18695 26608 1430339830019 1430339856627 1430339837932 1430339833425 6 28 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 21 2 IIii 1 No 10191 XRHL LHRX 7764 21363 1430339860141 1430339881504 1430339873740 1430339863549 9 47 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 22 2 Ibi 0 Yes 7104 QLMF FMLQ 6605 17117 1430339885019 1430339902136 1430339895531 1430339888427 14 53 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 23 2 VIII 2 No 8972 MLXF FXLM 7154 19532 1430339905650 1430339925182 1430339918028 1430339909056 12 55 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 24 2 Ia 2 Yes 6027 XLRJ JRLX 5465 14900 1430339928697 1430339943597 1430339938132 1430339932105 14 70 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 25 2 VII 0 Yes 4885 MJHR RHJM 6460 14752 1430339947110 1430339961862 1430339955402 1430339950517 15 48 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 26 2 VIII 0 No 8894 BJFQ QFJB 4664 16970 1430339965377 1430339982347 1430339977683 1430339968789 9 58 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 27 2 IV 3 Yes 4917 FMXH HXMF 3640 11964 1430339985862 1430339997826 1430339994186 1430339989269 7 28 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 28 2 VI 1 Yes 10386 BMFQ QFMB 4218 18010 1430340001339 1430340019349 1430340015131 1430340004745 12 50 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 29 2 IIi 0 No 5509 LJXR RXJL 6040 14955 1430340022863 1430340037818 1430340031778 1430340026269 8 34 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 30 2 III 2 No 5169 XHBQ QBHX 5114 13688 1430340041333 1430340055021 1430340049907 1430340044738 3 14 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 31 2 VI 2 Yes 7354 BJQX XQJB 5070 15832 1430340058537 1430340074369 1430340069299 1430340061945 19 64 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 32 2 Vii 0 Yes 4097 XJMF FMJX 4560 12063 1430340077883 1430340089946 1430340085386 1430340081289 6 21 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 33 2 Ibii 0 Yes 5541 HBQL LQBH 4218 13167 1430340093461 1430340106628 1430340102410 1430340096869 17 65 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 34 2 VII 2 Yes 5577 FJMH HMJF 3487 12469 1430340110141 1430340122610 1430340119123 1430340113546 17 69 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 35 2 IV 0 Yes 3656 QHRM MRHQ 3443 10507 1430340126124 1430340136631 1430340133188 1430340129532 8 37 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 36 2 III 3 No 3101 BRHL LHRB 3937 10443 1430340140146 1430340150589 1430340146652 1430340143551 5 16 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 37 2 Ia 1 Yes 5498 RJBL LBJR 3303 12209 1430340154106 1430340166315 1430340163012 1430340157514 18 77 1 2 letters first 387493024-1430340257 33 609931 1430339570225 1430340180156 English f no When it got to 4 letters, I repeated the letters out loud over and over after I saw them and when I was reading the questions. When I was entering them in backwards, I repeated it out loud 4 times. Like for RJBL I repeated it, typed L, repeated it again, type B, etc. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 14832 MB BM 10780 27313 1430339350202 1430339377515 1430339366735 1430339351903 12 55 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 1 0 examples 1 No 9099 HJ JH 4190 14989 1430339381021 1430339396010 1430339391820 1430339382721 9 41 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 2 1 VIII 2 Yes 11582 FHXB FHXB 8365 23347 1430339399512 1430339422859 1430339414494 1430339402912 12 55 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 3 1 Ibi 0 Yes 17879 RMJB BJMR 12763 34041 1430339426360 1430339460401 1430339447638 1430339429759 14 53 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 4 1 Ia 3 Yes 16694 FQJH HJQF 13692 33786 1430339463903 1430339497689 1430339483997 1430339467303 15 71 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 5 1 VII 3 Yes 7208 RMFH HFMR 15791 26398 1430339501195 1430339527593 1430339511802 1430339504594 14 60 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 6 1 Vi 0 No 9393 XHMJ JXMF 8303 21095 1430339531095 1430339552190 1430339543887 1430339534494 5 31 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 7 1 VI 1 No 21496 MXJQ QJMF 8922 33817 1430339555692 1430339589509 1430339580587 1430339559091 12 50 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 8 1 IIi 0 No 9517 RXLQ QQLXR 7296 20212 1430339593010 1430339613222 1430339605926 1430339596409 8 34 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 9 1 Vii 0 Yes 11150 QMLR RLMQ 6578 21128 1430339616724 1430339637852 1430339631274 1430339620124 6 21 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 10 1 IV 3 Yes 11585 XRHL LHRX 5041 20025 1430339641355 1430339661380 1430339656339 1430339644754 7 28 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 11 1 Ia 1 No 8385 RBLQ QLBR 6282 18067 1430339664881 1430339682948 1430339676666 1430339668281 18 77 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 12 1 VIII 0 No 14310 BMLR RLMB 6314 24023 1430339686451 1430339710474 1430339704160 1430339689850 9 58 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 13 1 VI 0 Yes 19828 XQRM MRQX 5680 28907 1430339713976 1430339742883 1430339737203 1430339717375 18 67 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 14 1 VII 0 Yes 6723 LBHJ JHBL 8368 18490 1430339746385 1430339764875 1430339756507 1430339749784 15 48 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 15 1 Ibii 1 Yes 11583 MJFX XFJM 8530 23512 1430339768378 1430339791890 1430339783360 1430339771777 13 66 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 16 1 III 1 No 12636 LJXQ QXJL 8471 24506 1430339795391 1430339819897 1430339811426 1430339798790 5 24 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 17 1 IIii 0 No 15127 MQFJ JMQF 7577 26104 1430339823399 1430339849503 1430339841926 1430339826799 8 56 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 18 1 III 0 No 10388 MLBR RBLM 5093 18880 1430339853005 1430339871885 1430339866792 1430339856404 4 25 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 19 1 IV 2 Yes 15447 JBXR RXBJ 14197 33043 1430339875388 1430339908431 1430339894234 1430339878787 7 34 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 20 2 Vii 1 Yes 7096 HX XH 4821 13616 1430339911935 1430339925551 1430339920730 1430339913634 6 21 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 21 2 Ia 2 Yes 27479 RH HR 3725 32903 1430339929055 1430339961958 1430339958233 1430339930754 14 70 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 22 2 Vi 1 Yes 15033 MH HN 3356 20088 1430339965460 1430339985548 1430339982192 1430339967159 6 28 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 23 2 Ia 0 Yes 7575 BJ JB 2863 12138 1430339989050 1430340001188 1430339998325 1430339990750 20 64 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 24 2 IV 0 Yes 6365 BF FB 3273 11337 1430340004691 1430340016028 1430340012755 1430340006390 8 37 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 25 2 VII 1 Yes 5649 JQ QJ 6039 13387 1430340019530 1430340032917 1430340026878 1430340021229 16 66 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 26 2 VI 3 Yes 9535 XF FX 5360 16594 1430340036418 1430340053012 1430340047652 1430340038117 15 82 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 27 2 Ibii 0 Yes 11832 JF FJ 3735 17266 1430340056514 1430340073780 1430340070045 1430340058213 17 65 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 28 2 VIII 3 No 11837 RJ JR 3321 16857 1430340077281 1430340094138 1430340090817 1430340078980 11 52 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 29 2 IV 1 Yes 4910 JQ QJ 3129 9738 1430340097640 1430340107378 1430340104249 1430340099339 7 31 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 30 2 VI 2 Yes 6687 MH HM 2918 11306 1430340110880 1430340122186 1430340119268 1430340112581 19 64 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 31 2 III 2 No 8569 HB BH 2461 12729 1430340125687 1430340138416 1430340135955 1430340127386 3 14 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 32 2 III 3 No 7632 FR RF 3089 12420 1430340141917 1430340154337 1430340151248 1430340143616 5 16 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 33 2 VIII 1 No 14094 FX XF 3649 19443 1430340157838 1430340177281 1430340173632 1430340159538 11 46 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 34 2 Ibi 1 Yes 12887 HX XH 3047 17634 1430340180783 1430340198417 1430340195370 1430340182483 19 71 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 35 2 VII 2 Yes 7027 RL LM 2559 11286 1430340201921 1430340213207 1430340210648 1430340203621 17 69 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 36 2 IIii 1 No 20577 QR RQ 3631 25907 1430340216709 1430340242616 1430340238985 1430340218408 9 47 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 37 2 IIi 1 No 5895 HM MH 3054 10648 1430340246117 1430340256765 1430340253711 1430340247816 8 44 1 4 letters first 455217863-1430340355 64 906122 1430339377515 1430340283637 English f no I tried to repeat the letters to myself while reading the problem in the background of my mind. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 9608 RL LR 5774 17082 1430339114332 1430339131414 1430339125640 1430339116032 12 55 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 1 0 examples 1 No 3727 JQ QJ 3883 9316 1430339134920 1430339144236 1430339140353 1430339136626 9 41 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 2 1 III 2 No 5872 LQJX XJQL 18070 27346 1430339147745 1430339175091 1430339157021 1430339151149 3 14 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 3 1 VII 2 Yes 10266 FMLR RLMF 9406 23073 1430339178613 1430339201686 1430339192280 1430339182014 17 69 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 4 1 Ia 2 Yes 18489 QFBH HBFQ 5073 26967 1430339205201 1430339232168 1430339227095 1430339208606 14 70 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 5 1 VIII 1 No 9708 QFLH HLFQ 8094 21202 1430339235681 1430339256883 1430339248789 1430339239081 11 46 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 6 1 IIii 0 No 9867 HFLX XLFH 9958 23225 1430339260387 1430339283612 1430339273654 1430339263787 8 56 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 7 1 VI 1 No 7338 MRXF FXRM 7893 18634 1430339287126 1430339305760 1430339297867 1430339290529 12 50 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 8 1 Ibii 1 Yes 10798 QBFJ JFBQ 6641 20847 1430339309279 1430339330126 1430339323485 1430339312687 13 66 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 9 1 Ia 1 Yes 11580 JMFB BFMJ 8121 23109 1430339333635 1430339356744 1430339348623 1430339337043 18 77 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 10 1 Vii 0 Yes 5701 FBQL LQBF 5116 14216 1430339360250 1430339374466 1430339369350 1430339363649 6 21 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 11 1 VI 2 Yes 10439 JHXF MBHJ 6254 20102 1430339377968 1430339398070 1430339391816 1430339381377 19 64 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 12 1 IV 3 Yes 5956 BHMJ JMHB 5043 14400 1430339401574 1430339415974 1430339410931 1430339404975 7 28 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 13 1 Vi 1 No 10051 LRBJ JBRL 6729 20181 1430339419477 1430339439658 1430339432929 1430339422878 6 28 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 14 1 VIII 3 No 13423 HFRQ QRFH 6458 23286 1430339443174 1430339466460 1430339460002 1430339446579 11 52 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 15 1 IIi 0 No 6672 FQJM MJQF 5251 15326 1430339469971 1430339485297 1430339480046 1430339473374 8 34 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 16 1 IV 1 Yes 9939 BFXM MXFB 6697 20041 1430339488815 1430339508856 1430339502159 1430339492220 7 31 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 17 1 Ibi 0 Yes 7600 BRLM MLRB 5686 16685 1430339512389 1430339529074 1430339523388 1430339515788 14 53 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 18 1 VII 3 Yes 9917 FXQJ JQFX 10403 23720 1430339532586 1430339556306 1430339545903 1430339535986 14 60 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 19 1 III 0 No 8802 BFQL LQFB 4362 16573 1430339559818 1430339576391 1430339572029 1430339563227 4 25 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 20 2 VIII 2 No 9044 MH HM 2565 13316 1430339579893 1430339593209 1430339590644 1430339581600 12 55 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 21 2 VIII 0 No 6564 ML LM 2936 11207 1430339596750 1430339607957 1430339605021 1430339598457 9 58 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 22 2 Vi 0 No 5045 MF FM 3116 9866 1430339611463 1430339621329 1430339618213 1430339613168 5 31 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 23 2 Vii 1 Yes 7576 XF FX 4645 13927 1430339624843 1430339638770 1430339634125 1430339626549 6 21 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 24 2 Ibi 1 Yes 12426 FM MF 2256 16382 1430339642271 1430339658653 1430339656397 1430339643971 19 71 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 25 2 VI 0 Yes 10232 HJ JH 2184 14123 1430339662156 1430339676279 1430339674095 1430339663863 18 67 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 26 2 IV 2 Yes 4849 FH HF 2891 9440 1430339679963 1430339689403 1430339686512 1430339681663 7 34 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 27 2 Ia 0 Yes 12527 FM MF 1438 15688 1430339692913 1430339708601 1430339707163 1430339694636 20 64 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 28 2 IV 0 Yes 9851 HR RH 2090 13648 1430339712112 1430339725760 1430339723670 1430339713819 8 37 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 29 2 IIi 1 No 5529 HB BH 1934 9170 1430339729269 1430339738439 1430339736505 1430339730976 8 44 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 30 2 III 1 No 5829 FQ QF 7788 15316 1430339741950 1430339757266 1430339749478 1430339743649 5 24 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 31 2 VI 3 Yes 7989 FM MF 2483 12179 1430339761008 1430339773187 1430339770704 1430339762715 15 82 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 32 2 III 3 No 5664 JQ QJ 2074 9444 1430339776702 1430339786146 1430339784072 1430339778408 5 16 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 33 2 VII 1 Yes 5210 JL LJ 1818 8728 1430339789660 1430339798388 1430339796570 1430339791360 16 66 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 34 2 IIii 1 No 8068 MF FM 2471 12245 1430339801902 1430339814147 1430339811676 1430339803608 9 47 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 35 2 Ibii 0 Yes 7238 MQ QM 1703 10648 1430339817657 1430339828305 1430339826602 1430339819364 17 65 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 36 2 Ia 3 Yes 5805 RX XR 2616 10144 1430339831813 1430339841957 1430339839341 1430339833536 15 71 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 37 2 VII 0 Yes 6607 LH HL 2041 10352 1430339845473 1430339855825 1430339853784 1430339847177 15 48 1 4 letters first 474466089-1430339939 26 741896 1430339131414 1430339873310 English m no Just kept saying the letter sequence allowed. The second error I made was because I was singing a song aloud instead, so I blame Incubus for that one. The first was my fault though. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 3574 -- -- 0 3574 1430339715054 1430339718628 1430339718628 1430339715054 12 55 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 1 0 examples 1 No 2897 -- -- 0 2897 1430339719643 1430339722540 1430339722540 1430339719643 9 41 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 2 1 Ia 3 No 10550 -- -- 0 10550 1430339723543 1430339734093 1430339734093 1430339723543 15 71 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 3 1 Ibi 1 No 8919 -- -- 0 8919 1430339735103 1430339744022 1430339744022 1430339735103 19 71 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 4 1 IV 1 No 19029 -- -- 0 19028 1430339745027 1430339764055 1430339764055 1430339745026 7 31 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 5 1 VI 1 Yes 11315 -- -- 0 11315 1430339765069 1430339776384 1430339776384 1430339765069 12 50 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 6 1 III 0 Yes 8977 -- -- 1 8977 1430339777393 1430339786370 1430339786369 1430339777392 4 25 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 7 1 VIII 2 No 7542 -- -- 0 7542 1430339787387 1430339794929 1430339794929 1430339787387 12 55 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 8 1 IIi 0 No 4221 -- -- 0 4221 1430339795940 1430339800161 1430339800161 1430339795940 8 34 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 9 1 Vii 1 Yes 6397 -- -- 0 6397 1430339801165 1430339807562 1430339807562 1430339801165 6 21 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 10 1 Vi 1 Yes 4482 -- -- 1 4483 1430339808576 1430339813059 1430339813058 1430339808576 6 28 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 11 1 VIII 0 No 5728 -- -- 0 5728 1430339814067 1430339819795 1430339819795 1430339814067 9 58 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 12 1 VII 3 Yes 3605 -- -- 1 3606 1430339820805 1430339824411 1430339824410 1430339820805 14 60 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 13 1 VII 1 Yes 2403 -- -- 1 2403 1430339825425 1430339827828 1430339827827 1430339825424 16 66 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 14 1 III 2 Yes 2293 -- -- 0 2293 1430339828838 1430339831131 1430339831131 1430339828838 3 14 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 15 1 Ia 1 No 6583 -- -- 0 6583 1430339832145 1430339838728 1430339838728 1430339832145 18 77 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 16 1 IV 3 No 3490 -- -- 0 3490 1430339839742 1430339843232 1430339843232 1430339839742 7 28 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 17 1 IIii 0 No 7767 -- -- 0 7767 1430339844240 1430339852007 1430339852007 1430339844240 8 56 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 18 1 VI 0 No 6728 -- -- 0 6728 1430339853018 1430339859746 1430339859746 1430339853018 18 67 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 19 1 Ibii 1 No 7817 -- -- 0 7817 1430339860754 1430339868571 1430339868571 1430339860754 13 66 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 20 2 Ibii 0 No 7532 -- -- 0 7532 1430339869586 1430339877118 1430339877118 1430339869586 17 65 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 21 2 III 1 Yes 2691 -- -- 0 2690 1430339878133 1430339880823 1430339880823 1430339878132 5 24 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 22 2 IIii 1 No 8302 -- -- 0 8302 1430339881833 1430339890135 1430339890135 1430339881833 9 47 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 23 2 VI 2 Yes 10586 -- -- 0 10586 1430339891143 1430339901729 1430339901729 1430339891143 19 64 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 24 2 Ia 2 No 6784 -- -- 0 6783 1430339902738 1430339909521 1430339909521 1430339902737 14 70 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 25 2 IV 0 No 2757 -- -- 0 2757 1430339910532 1430339913289 1430339913289 1430339910532 8 37 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 26 2 VI 3 No 16214 -- -- 0 16214 1430339914292 1430339930506 1430339930506 1430339914292 15 82 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 27 2 Vii 0 Yes 3110 -- -- 0 3110 1430339931516 1430339934626 1430339934626 1430339931516 6 21 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 28 2 Ia 0 No 3043 -- -- 0 3042 1430339935633 1430339938675 1430339938675 1430339935632 20 64 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 29 2 Vi 0 Yes 4013 -- -- 0 4013 1430339939688 1430339943701 1430339943701 1430339939688 5 31 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 30 2 VIII 1 No 4820 -- -- 0 4820 1430339944712 1430339949532 1430339949532 1430339944712 11 46 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 31 2 VII 2 Yes 5619 -- -- 0 5619 1430339950544 1430339956163 1430339956163 1430339950544 17 69 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 32 2 VII 0 Yes 5470 -- -- 0 5470 1430339957174 1430339962644 1430339962644 1430339957174 15 48 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 33 2 IV 2 No 4893 -- -- 0 4893 1430339963648 1430339968541 1430339968541 1430339963648 7 34 2 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 34 2 Ibi 0 No 8236 -- -- 0 8235 1430339969546 1430339977781 1430339977781 1430339969545 14 53 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 35 2 VIII 3 No 5123 -- -- 0 5123 1430339978795 1430339983918 1430339983918 1430339978795 11 52 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 36 2 IIi 1 No 5457 -- -- 0 5457 1430339984926 1430339990383 1430339990383 1430339984926 8 44 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 37 2 III 3 Yes 5358 -- -- 0 5358 1430339991386 1430339996744 1430339996744 1430339991386 5 16 1 no letters 509548653-1430340062 31 290938 1430339718628 1430340009566 English f no Treated each like a logic problem & tried to ignore the actual content of the sentences. Might have got some wrong. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7213 FM MF 7952 16872 1430342081961 1430342098833 1430342090881 1430342083668 12 55 2 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 1 0 examples 1 No 7478 FQ QF 3970 13148 1430342102343 1430342115491 1430342111521 1430342104043 9 41 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 2 1 Ibii 1 Yes 20690 LJRH HRJL 6110 30200 1430342119001 1430342149201 1430342143091 1430342122401 13 66 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 3 1 Ia 2 Yes 16035 LRBX XBRL 6742 26180 1430342152706 1430342178886 1430342172144 1430342156109 14 70 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 4 1 Ia 3 Yes 15202 JRMB BMRJ 8047 26657 1430342182391 1430342209048 1430342201001 1430342185799 15 71 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 5 1 Vi 1 Yes 15337 HQFR RFQH 8105 26845 1430342212551 1430342239396 1430342231291 1430342215954 6 28 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 6 1 III 2 No 9707 QRBX XBRQ 5872 18982 1430342242901 1430342261883 1430342256011 1430342246304 3 14 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 7 1 VI 0 Yes 20702 FBLJ JLBF 12435 36537 1430342265388 1430342301925 1430342289490 1430342268788 18 67 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 8 1 Ibi 1 Yes 28354 XBFR RFBX 9980 41734 1430342305425 1430342347159 1430342337179 1430342308825 19 71 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 9 1 III 1 No 17302 LHJQ QJHL 7735 28445 1430342350676 1430342379121 1430342371386 1430342354084 5 24 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 10 1 IV 2 No 12710 MFRH HRFM 7567 23685 1430342382624 1430342406309 1430342398742 1430342386032 7 34 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 11 1 IV 0 Yes 11477 LHFR RFHL 5708 20585 1430342409814 1430342430399 1430342424691 1430342413214 8 37 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 12 1 VIII 3 No 16062 RBLJ JLBR 5360 24830 1430342433906 1430342458736 1430342453376 1430342437314 11 52 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 13 1 IIii 1 No 14345 FXJH HRXF 8662 26407 1430342462246 1430342488653 1430342479991 1430342465646 9 47 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 14 1 IIi 1 No 15112 HMRF FRMH 3510 22022 1430342492153 1430342514175 1430342510665 1430342495553 8 44 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 15 1 VI 1 Yes 12825 FMQR RQMF 4885 21117 1430342517678 1430342538795 1430342533910 1430342521085 12 50 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 16 1 VIII 1 No 17162 MXHJ JHXM 3888 24455 1430342542305 1430342566760 1430342562872 1430342545710 11 46 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 17 1 VII 0 Yes 10520 BRMQ QMRB 4933 18853 1430342570274 1430342589127 1430342584194 1430342573674 15 48 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 18 1 VII 3 Yes 13489 MQLH HLQM 4637 21526 1430342592632 1430342614158 1430342609521 1430342596032 14 60 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 19 1 Vii 0 Yes 15532 QMHL LMQH 8069 27009 1430342617658 1430342644667 1430342636598 1430342621066 6 21 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 20 2 IIii 0 No 14100 QR RQ 2102 17905 1430342648182 1430342666087 1430342663985 1430342649885 8 56 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 21 2 III 3 No 8008 JM MJ 2585 12298 1430342669587 1430342681885 1430342679300 1430342671292 5 16 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 22 2 VIII 2 No 9868 BR RB 2190 13758 1430342685387 1430342699145 1430342696955 1430342687087 12 55 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 23 2 Ia 1 Yes 12758 XJ JX 2702 17160 1430342702652 1430342719812 1430342717110 1430342704352 18 77 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 24 2 VII 2 Yes 11233 JF FJ 2478 15418 1430342723312 1430342738730 1430342736252 1430342725019 17 69 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 25 2 III 0 No 5965 HB BH 1772 9445 1430342742242 1430342751687 1430342749915 1430342743950 4 25 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 26 2 VIII 0 No 8562 HR RH 2630 12900 1430342755192 1430342768092 1430342765462 1430342756900 9 58 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 27 2 Vii 1 No 5577 BH HB 1490 8772 1430342771597 1430342780369 1430342778879 1430342773302 6 21 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 28 2 Ibii 0 Yes 7162 RL LR 2575 11437 1430342783884 1430342795321 1430342792746 1430342785584 17 65 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 29 2 VI 2 Yes 7217 JF LJ 2067 11285 1430342799605 1430342810890 1430342808823 1430342801606 19 64 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 30 2 Ia 0 Yes 8218 BX XB 2625 12543 1430342814390 1430342826933 1430342824308 1430342816090 20 64 2 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 31 2 IV 1 No 7850 XJ JX 2547 12105 1430342830440 1430342842545 1430342839998 1430342832148 7 31 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 32 2 VII 1 Yes 4217 BR RB 2447 8364 1430342846055 1430342854419 1430342851972 1430342847755 16 66 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 33 2 IIi 0 No 6765 RF FR 2157 10629 1430342857922 1430342868551 1430342866394 1430342859629 8 34 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 34 2 VI 3 Yes 9645 FH HF 1960 13313 1430342872056 1430342885369 1430342883409 1430342873764 15 82 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 35 2 Vi 0 Yes 5390 XM MX 1967 9065 1430342888871 1430342897936 1430342895969 1430342890579 5 31 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 36 2 IV 3 No 9715 QM MQ 2182 13597 1430342901444 1430342915041 1430342912859 1430342903144 7 28 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 37 2 Ibi 0 Yes 7392 LR RL 2038 11137 1430342918544 1430342929681 1430342927643 1430342920251 14 53 1 4 letters first 537215935-1430342993 43 853664 1430342098833 1430342952497 ENGLISH f no I memorised the letters as given, answered the english question and then wrote what I memorised backwards 0 0 examples 0 Yes 8170 BH HB 4397 14272 1430340017061 1430340031333 1430340026936 1430340018766 12 55 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 1 0 examples 1 No 4553 FX XF 2073 8326 1430340034836 1430340043162 1430340041089 1430340036536 9 41 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 2 1 III 1 Yes 6347 HQ RF 3570 11619 1430340046663 1430340058282 1430340054712 1430340048365 5 24 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 3 1 Vii 1 Yes 4824 RH HR 2629 9163 1430340061785 1430340070948 1430340068319 1430340063495 6 21 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 4 1 Ia 3 Yes 5826 XR RX 2795 10321 1430340074463 1430340084784 1430340081989 1430340076163 15 71 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 5 1 VIII 0 No 21039 HX HX 2924 25678 1430340088296 1430340113974 1430340111050 1430340090011 9 58 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 6 1 Ia 0 Yes 13457 QX BR 1772 16933 1430340117484 1430340134417 1430340132645 1430340119188 20 64 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 7 1 VII 3 Yes 3504 JQ QJ 2158 7372 1430340137932 1430340145304 1430340143146 1430340139642 14 60 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 8 1 IV 3 Yes 5753 BJ JB 2225 9683 1430340148816 1430340158499 1430340156274 1430340150521 7 28 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 9 1 VII 0 Yes 3666 XL LX 2127 7498 1430340162015 1430340169513 1430340167386 1430340163720 15 48 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 10 1 VI 0 Yes 5089 HJ JH 2805 9605 1430340173031 1430340182636 1430340179831 1430340174742 18 67 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 11 1 Vi 1 Yes 8359 XH JX 2541 12613 1430340186148 1430340198761 1430340196220 1430340187861 6 28 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 12 1 Ibii 0 Yes 5868 JM MJ 1701 9275 1430340202280 1430340211555 1430340209854 1430340203986 17 65 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 13 1 III 0 Yes 3060 RL LR 1420 6195 1430340215058 1430340221253 1430340219833 1430340216773 4 25 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 14 1 IV 2 Yes 93482 FQ QF 1926 97117 1430340224764 1430340321881 1430340319955 1430340226473 7 34 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 15 1 Ibi 0 Yes 4986 RH HR 2006 8702 1430340325392 1430340334094 1430340332088 1430340327102 14 53 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 16 1 IIii 1 No 10836 QB FQ 2006 14553 1430340337624 1430340352177 1430340350171 1430340339335 9 47 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 17 1 VI 2 Yes 5775 XR RX 1799 9284 1430340355691 1430340364975 1430340363176 1430340357401 19 64 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 18 1 VIII 3 Yes 8784 LX XL 1488 11983 1430340368508 1430340380491 1430340379003 1430340370219 11 52 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 19 1 IIi 1 No 6983 XQ QX 1711 10394 1430340384017 1430340394411 1430340392700 1430340385717 8 44 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 20 2 Ia 2 Yes 5938 HRQF FQRH 7408 16761 1430340397933 1430340414694 1430340407286 1430340401348 14 70 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 21 2 VI 3 Yes 3978 LRBQ RLQB 4477 11867 1430340418205 1430340430072 1430340425595 1430340421617 15 82 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 22 2 IV 1 Yes 3832 MXQF FQRB 2802 10047 1430340433603 1430340443650 1430340440848 1430340437016 7 31 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 23 2 VIII 1 No 6389 LHJF FJHL 4747 14551 1430340447166 1430340461717 1430340456970 1430340450581 11 46 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 24 2 IIi 0 No 4340 XFRM MRFX 4582 12336 1430340465232 1430340477568 1430340472986 1430340468646 8 34 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 25 2 III 3 No 9100 FRXQ QXRF 5606 18116 1430340481086 1430340499202 1430340493596 1430340484496 5 16 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 26 2 III 2 No 12741 JXRF XRFJ 4076 20226 1430340502718 1430340522944 1430340518868 1430340506127 3 14 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 27 2 VII 1 Yes 6209 LMBF FPML 4338 13946 1430340526445 1430340540391 1430340536053 1430340529844 16 66 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 28 2 Vi 0 Yes 5026 FXML FMXR 4655 13081 1430340543894 1430340556975 1430340552320 1430340547294 5 31 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 29 2 Vii 0 Yes 4737 XQRL LRQX 5445 13598 1430340560493 1430340574091 1430340568646 1430340563909 6 21 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 30 2 Ibii 1 Yes 5518 RXMJ XRMJ 4568 13502 1430340577610 1430340591112 1430340586544 1430340581026 13 66 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 31 2 VII 2 Yes 4320 FJQL LQJF 3396 11116 1430340594642 1430340605758 1430340602362 1430340598042 17 69 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 32 2 IIii 0 Yes 5063 XJQF FQJF 2759 11222 1430340609259 1430340620481 1430340617722 1430340612659 8 56 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 33 2 Ibi 1 Yes 9247 LXJM MQXL 4584 17246 1430340623992 1430340641238 1430340636654 1430340627407 19 71 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 34 2 VIII 2 Yes 9622 QRMX LXRQ 4642 17673 1430340644746 1430340662419 1430340657777 1430340648155 12 55 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 35 2 IV 0 Yes 3847 HBFR RFBH 3283 10540 1430340665928 1430340676468 1430340673185 1430340669338 8 37 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 36 2 VI 1 Yes 4288 XRJF FJRX 4404 12107 1430340679973 1430340692080 1430340687676 1430340683388 12 50 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 37 2 Ia 1 Yes 6145 HJBX FBJX 2989 12543 1430340695595 1430340708138 1430340705149 1430340699004 18 77 1 2 letters first 547922764-1430340731 43 692754 1430340031333 1430340724087 ENGLISH f no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 11620 HF FH 8605 21924 1430342831793 1430342853717 1430342845112 1430342833492 12 55 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 1 0 examples 1 No 6623 JQ FJ 3150 11471 1430342857223 1430342868694 1430342865544 1430342858921 9 41 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 2 1 IIii 0 Yes 11163 HQMR RMQH 7949 22512 1430342872197 1430342894709 1430342886760 1430342875597 8 56 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 3 1 Ibii 1 Yes 8213 JBQX QFMJ 11133 22746 1430342898211 1430342920957 1430342909824 1430342901611 13 66 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 4 1 VII 1 Yes 8886 JLRM RQMJ 10373 22658 1430342924459 1430342947117 1430342936744 1430342927858 16 66 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 5 1 IIi 0 Yes 4245 QRBM MBRQ 5765 13410 1430342950619 1430342964029 1430342958264 1430342954019 8 34 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 6 1 Ia 2 Yes 8069 RXHL LJXR 9549 21017 1430342967532 1430342988549 1430342979000 1430342970931 14 70 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 7 1 III 1 Yes 4708 HQMB MBQR 3125 11233 1430342992052 1430343003285 1430343000160 1430342995452 5 24 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 8 1 VI 3 No 5637 LRBX XBRL 8749 17786 1430343006787 1430343024573 1430343015824 1430343010187 15 82 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 9 1 IV 0 Yes 4269 BQHR RHQB 4269 11937 1430343028076 1430343040013 1430343035744 1430343031475 8 37 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 10 1 Ia 1 Yes 7779 MQHF XRBQ 2045 14008 1430343043517 1430343057525 1430343055480 1430343047701 18 77 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 11 1 Vi 0 Yes 3517 QFMB BMFQ 10341 17258 1430343061027 1430343078285 1430343067944 1430343064427 5 31 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 12 1 Ibi 0 Yes 5180 LFRX QRFL 6605 15185 1430343081788 1430343096973 1430343090368 1430343085188 14 53 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 13 1 III 2 Yes 3828 JFQR RQFJ 5253 12481 1430343100476 1430343112957 1430343107704 1430343103876 3 14 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 14 1 IV 2 Yes 3101 JMQB BQFJ 3293 9793 1430343116460 1430343126253 1430343122960 1430343119859 7 34 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 15 1 VIII 2 No 2796 HQMX XMQH 5077 11273 1430343129756 1430343141029 1430343135952 1430343133156 12 55 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 16 1 VII 0 Yes 2870 FRLM MLRF 3901 10170 1430343144531 1430343154701 1430343150800 1430343147930 15 48 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 17 1 VIII 3 Yes 2829 RQML LMQR 5557 11786 1430343158203 1430343169989 1430343164432 1430343161603 11 52 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 18 1 VI 0 Yes 4045 LFQX XQFL 4837 12282 1430343173491 1430343185773 1430343180936 1430343176891 18 67 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 19 1 Vii 1 Yes 6301 QMBR RBMQ 5005 14706 1430343189275 1430343203981 1430343198976 1430343192675 6 21 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 20 2 Vii 0 Yes 8353 MJ JM 1957 12009 1430343207484 1430343219493 1430343217536 1430343209183 6 21 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 21 2 Ibii 0 Yes 10130 HL LM 1597 13426 1430343222995 1430343236421 1430343234824 1430343224694 17 65 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 22 2 VIII 1 No 6106 RQ QR 1357 9162 1430343239923 1430343249085 1430343247728 1430343241622 11 46 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 23 2 Vi 1 Yes 3801 HF FQ 2181 7681 1430343252588 1430343260269 1430343258088 1430343254287 6 28 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 24 2 VII 3 Yes 5897 XB FQ 2613 10209 1430343263772 1430343273981 1430343271368 1430343265471 14 60 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 25 2 VII 2 Yes 3489 RX XR 1261 6449 1430343277484 1430343283933 1430343282672 1430343279183 17 69 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 26 2 III 3 Yes 2056 RB BR 1229 4984 1430343287437 1430343292421 1430343291192 1430343289136 5 16 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 27 2 IIi 1 Yes 2178 BH HB 1201 5078 1430343295923 1430343301001 1430343299800 1430343297622 8 44 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 28 2 IV 3 Yes 3197 LR RL 2109 7005 1430343304504 1430343311509 1430343309400 1430343306203 7 28 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 29 2 III 0 Yes 1993 HJ JH 1237 4929 1430343315012 1430343319941 1430343318704 1430343316711 4 25 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 30 2 VI 2 Yes 7681 FX XF 845 10225 1430343323444 1430343333669 1430343332824 1430343325143 19 64 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 31 2 Ia 0 Yes 15362 LH HL 1517 18578 1430343337171 1430343355749 1430343354232 1430343338870 20 64 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 32 2 IIii 1 Yes 3162 RX XR 1093 5954 1430343359251 1430343365205 1430343364112 1430343360950 9 47 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 33 2 IV 1 Yes 4722 JF FJ 1685 8106 1430343368707 1430343376813 1430343375128 1430343370406 7 31 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 34 2 Ia 3 Yes 4929 RH HR 1085 7713 1430343380316 1430343388029 1430343386944 1430343382015 15 71 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 35 2 Ibi 1 No 4481 QL LQ 973 7153 1430343391532 1430343398685 1430343397712 1430343393231 19 71 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 36 2 VIII 0 No 3529 RX LX 1613 6841 1430343402188 1430343409029 1430343407416 1430343403887 9 58 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 37 2 VI 1 Yes 4825 BQ QB 1221 7745 1430343412532 1430343420277 1430343419056 1430343414231 12 50 1 4 letters first 579587948-1430343486 36 581803 1430342853717 1430343435520 English m no At first I didn't use any strategy. Around 60 or 70% of the way through, I started remembering the letters backwards to forwards instead of reversing them in my mind when it came time to report. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 5687 BM MB 5679 13066 1430339558469 1430339571535 1430339565856 1430339560169 12 55 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 1 0 examples 1 No 4811 FX XF 5455 11967 1430339575039 1430339587006 1430339581551 1430339576740 9 41 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 2 1 IIi 1 No 9556 MR RX 4386 15643 1430339590509 1430339606152 1430339601766 1430339592210 8 44 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 3 1 Ibii 0 Yes 19866 LR RL 4470 26037 1430339609654 1430339635691 1430339631221 1430339611355 17 65 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 4 1 Vi 1 Yes 6215 QL LQ 2334 10250 1430339639193 1430339649443 1430339647109 1430339640894 6 28 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 5 1 Vii 0 Yes 9143 JR RQ 2321 13164 1430339652945 1430339666109 1430339663788 1430339654645 6 21 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 6 1 VI 0 Yes 26562 RB BR 1743 30005 1430339669613 1430339699618 1430339697875 1430339671313 18 67 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 7 1 IIii 0 No 27022 XL RF 1691 30414 1430339703121 1430339733535 1430339731844 1430339704822 8 56 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 8 1 VIII 3 Yes 14341 FM LR 3195 19236 1430339737040 1430339756276 1430339753081 1430339738740 11 52 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 9 1 Ia 3 Yes 13153 MJ JM 5839 20691 1430339759780 1430339780471 1430339774632 1430339761479 15 71 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 10 1 VII 0 Yes 7757 RJ JR 2567 12024 1430339783975 1430339795999 1430339793432 1430339785675 15 48 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 11 1 VI 2 Yes 9683 FM MF 2018 13403 1430339799502 1430339812905 1430339810887 1430339801204 19 64 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 12 1 Ia 0 Yes 7794 LF ML 1390 10885 1430339816408 1430339827293 1430339825903 1430339818109 20 64 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 13 1 IV 1 Yes 8356 LB BL 1985 12043 1430339830796 1430339842839 1430339840854 1430339832498 7 31 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 14 1 VII 3 Yes 24761 JB BL 2562 29024 1430339846343 1430339875367 1430339872805 1430339848044 14 60 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 15 1 Ibi 0 Yes 16088 QL LQ 2789 20577 1430339878872 1430339899449 1430339896660 1430339880572 14 53 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 16 1 IV 0 Yes 8241 FR RF 2888 12829 1430339902951 1430339915780 1430339912892 1430339904651 8 37 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 17 1 VIII 0 No 13147 BL LB 3180 18027 1430339919284 1430339937311 1430339934131 1430339920984 9 58 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 18 1 III 1 Yes 8240 RH HR 2845 12785 1430339940814 1430339953599 1430339950754 1430339942514 5 24 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 19 1 III 2 Yes 6030 RH HR 2201 9931 1430339957103 1430339967034 1430339964833 1430339958803 3 14 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 20 2 VIII 2 Yes 14527 HQMF FJQH 6537 24465 1430339970537 1430339995002 1430339988465 1430339973938 12 55 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 21 2 Vi 0 Yes 8960 XHMQ QMXH 6346 18706 1430339998505 1430340017211 1430340010865 1430340001905 5 31 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 22 2 Ia 1 Yes 11070 BHXR RXHB 5929 20399 1430340020713 1430340041112 1430340035183 1430340024113 18 77 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 23 2 VIII 1 No 15383 FMXR RXMF 7074 25857 1430340044615 1430340070472 1430340063398 1430340048015 11 46 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 24 2 VI 1 No 11679 BLQF FQLB 6450 21528 1430340073975 1430340095503 1430340089053 1430340077374 12 50 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 25 2 IV 3 Yes 6447 HXQF FQXH 5443 15290 1430340099005 1430340114295 1430340108852 1430340102405 7 28 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 26 2 Vii 1 No 9190 HRBQ QBRH 6521 19111 1430340117798 1430340136909 1430340130388 1430340121198 6 21 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 27 2 III 3 No 5984 JRQB BQRJ 6588 15972 1430340140411 1430340156383 1430340149795 1430340143811 5 16 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 28 2 Ibi 1 Yes 20036 JRFM MFRJ 5848 29284 1430340159885 1430340189169 1430340183321 1430340163285 19 71 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 29 2 VII 2 Yes 14153 MRBH HBRM 5599 23151 1430340192673 1430340215824 1430340210225 1430340196072 17 69 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 30 2 VII 1 Yes 6637 HMJQ QJMH 5344 15385 1430340219327 1430340234712 1430340229368 1430340222731 16 66 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 31 2 VI 3 Yes 9823 XFLJ JLFX 5630 18853 1430340238216 1430340257069 1430340251439 1430340241616 15 82 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 32 2 IIii 1 Yes 8786 QRXM MXRQ 5904 18090 1430340260573 1430340278663 1430340272759 1430340263973 9 47 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 33 2 Ibii 1 Yes 7696 MJLX XLJM 6127 17224 1430340282166 1430340299390 1430340293263 1430340285567 13 66 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 34 2 IIi 0 Yes 4584 MBXQ QXMB 6632 14623 1430340302894 1430340317517 1430340310885 1430340306301 8 34 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 35 2 IV 2 Yes 5162 RBFH HFQR 20637 29198 1430340321020 1430340350218 1430340329581 1430340324419 7 34 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 36 2 III 0 No 9434 LFMH HMLF 6328 19162 1430340353721 1430340372883 1430340366555 1430340357121 4 25 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 37 2 Ia 2 Yes 8306 FLJB BJLF 6366 18072 1430340376385 1430340394457 1430340388091 1430340379785 14 70 1 2 letters first 580378607-1430340437 35 852520 1430339571535 1430340424055 English m yes 0 0 examples 0 No 1186 -- -- 0 1186 1430347843477 1430347844663 1430347844663 1430347843477 12 55 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 1 0 examples 1 Yes 1608 -- -- 0 1608 1430347845664 1430347847272 1430347847272 1430347845664 9 41 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 2 1 IV 3 No 591 -- -- 0 591 1430347848286 1430347848877 1430347848877 1430347848286 7 28 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 3 1 VIII 1 No 495 -- -- 0 495 1430347849894 1430347850389 1430347850389 1430347849894 11 46 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 4 1 Ibi 0 Yes 464 -- -- 0 464 1430347851391 1430347851855 1430347851855 1430347851391 14 53 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 5 1 IIii 0 Yes 1031 -- -- 0 1031 1430347852874 1430347853905 1430347853905 1430347852874 8 56 2 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 6 1 Vii 0 No 604 -- -- 0 604 1430347854916 1430347855520 1430347855520 1430347854916 6 21 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 7 1 VI 1 Yes 673 -- -- 0 673 1430347856523 1430347857196 1430347857196 1430347856523 12 50 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 8 1 Ia 0 No 675 -- -- 1 676 1430347858209 1430347858885 1430347858884 1430347858209 20 64 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 9 1 IIi 0 No 577 -- -- 0 577 1430347859894 1430347860471 1430347860471 1430347859894 8 34 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 10 1 VII 0 No 751 -- -- 0 751 1430347861485 1430347862236 1430347862236 1430347861485 15 48 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 11 1 Vi 0 No 600 -- -- 0 600 1430347863248 1430347863848 1430347863848 1430347863248 5 31 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 12 1 III 3 Yes 1338 -- -- 0 1338 1430347864855 1430347866193 1430347866193 1430347864855 5 16 2 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 13 1 Ia 1 No 451 -- -- 0 451 1430347867196 1430347867647 1430347867647 1430347867196 18 77 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 14 1 VIII 0 Yes 837 -- -- 0 837 1430347868662 1430347869499 1430347869499 1430347868662 9 58 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 15 1 Ibii 1 No 177 -- -- 0 177 1430347870503 1430347870680 1430347870680 1430347870503 13 66 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 16 1 VII 1 No 400 -- -- 0 400 1430347871688 1430347872088 1430347872088 1430347871688 16 66 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 17 1 III 2 Yes 679 -- -- 0 679 1430347873093 1430347873772 1430347873772 1430347873093 3 14 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 18 1 IV 1 No 539 -- -- 0 539 1430347874777 1430347875316 1430347875316 1430347874777 7 31 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 19 1 VI 0 No 497 -- -- 0 497 1430347876323 1430347876820 1430347876820 1430347876323 18 67 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 20 2 Ibii 0 Yes 427 -- -- 0 427 1430347877847 1430347878274 1430347878274 1430347877847 17 65 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 21 2 Ia 2 Yes 1572 -- -- 1 1573 1430347879287 1430347880860 1430347880859 1430347879287 14 70 2 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 22 2 III 0 No 390 -- -- 0 390 1430347881861 1430347882251 1430347882251 1430347881861 4 25 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 23 2 VIII 2 No 427 -- -- 0 427 1430347883265 1430347883692 1430347883692 1430347883265 12 55 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 24 2 Ibi 1 Yes 410 -- -- 0 410 1430347884700 1430347885110 1430347885110 1430347884700 19 71 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 25 2 VII 3 No 443 -- -- 0 443 1430347886121 1430347886564 1430347886564 1430347886121 14 60 2 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 26 2 VII 2 No 2734 -- -- 0 2734 1430347887571 1430347890305 1430347890305 1430347887571 17 69 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 27 2 IIi 1 No 370 -- -- 0 370 1430347891314 1430347891684 1430347891684 1430347891314 8 44 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 28 2 VI 3 Yes 895 -- -- 0 895 1430347892703 1430347893598 1430347893598 1430347892703 15 82 2 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 29 2 IV 0 No 619 -- -- 0 619 1430347894607 1430347895226 1430347895226 1430347894607 8 37 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 30 2 IV 2 No 407 -- -- 0 407 1430347896229 1430347896636 1430347896636 1430347896229 7 34 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 31 2 Ia 3 Yes 498 -- -- 0 498 1430347897650 1430347898148 1430347898148 1430347897650 15 71 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 32 2 VI 2 Yes 388 -- -- 0 387 1430347899164 1430347899551 1430347899551 1430347899163 19 64 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 33 2 VIII 3 No 331 -- -- 0 331 1430347900587 1430347900918 1430347900918 1430347900587 11 52 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 34 2 III 1 Yes 883 -- -- 0 882 1430347901925 1430347902807 1430347902807 1430347901924 5 24 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 35 2 IIii 1 Yes 917 -- -- 0 917 1430347903849 1430347904766 1430347904766 1430347903849 9 47 2 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 36 2 Vi 1 Yes 703 -- -- 0 703 1430347905779 1430347906482 1430347906482 1430347905779 6 28 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 37 2 Vii 1 Yes 1090 -- -- 0 1090 1430347907495 1430347908585 1430347908585 1430347907495 6 21 1 no letters 591894231-1430347916 23 74463 1430347844663 1430347919126 english m no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 6543 -- -- 1 6544 1430343935344 1430343941888 1430343941887 1430343935344 12 55 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 1 0 examples 1 No 3466 -- -- 1 3466 1430343942901 1430343946367 1430343946366 1430343942900 9 41 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 2 1 VIII 3 Yes 8162 -- -- 1 8163 1430343947372 1430343955535 1430343955534 1430343947372 11 52 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 3 1 VI 1 Yes 15162 -- -- 0 15162 1430343956548 1430343971710 1430343971710 1430343956548 12 50 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 4 1 Vi 1 Yes 6714 -- -- 0 6714 1430343972723 1430343979437 1430343979437 1430343972723 6 28 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 5 1 VII 3 Yes 4311 -- -- 1 4312 1430343980445 1430343984757 1430343984756 1430343980445 14 60 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 6 1 Ibii 1 Yes 9648 -- -- 1 9649 1430343985764 1430343995413 1430343995412 1430343985764 13 66 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 7 1 Ibi 1 Yes 10106 -- -- 1 10107 1430343996417 1430344006524 1430344006523 1430343996417 19 71 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 8 1 III 3 No 3431 -- -- 1 3432 1430344007540 1430344010972 1430344010971 1430344007540 5 16 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 9 1 IIi 1 No 6218 -- -- 0 6218 1430344011977 1430344018195 1430344018195 1430344011977 8 44 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 10 1 IV 0 Yes 5242 -- -- 0 5242 1430344019209 1430344024451 1430344024451 1430344019209 8 37 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 11 1 VIII 1 No 5442 -- -- 1 5443 1430344025456 1430344030899 1430344030898 1430344025456 11 46 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 12 1 IV 3 Yes 4970 -- -- 1 4971 1430344031904 1430344036875 1430344036874 1430344031904 7 28 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 13 1 IIii 1 Yes 27912 -- -- 1 27913 1430344037880 1430344065793 1430344065792 1430344037880 9 47 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 14 1 Ia 3 Yes 6193 -- -- 1 6194 1430344066807 1430344073001 1430344073000 1430344066807 15 71 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 15 1 III 2 No 2088 -- -- 1 2089 1430344074007 1430344076096 1430344076095 1430344074007 3 14 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 16 1 Ia 1 Yes 4872 -- -- 1 4873 1430344077111 1430344081984 1430344081983 1430344077111 18 77 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 17 1 VI 3 Yes 41359 -- -- 1 41360 1430344082998 1430344124358 1430344124357 1430344082998 15 82 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 18 1 Vii 1 Yes 7442 -- -- 1 7443 1430344125363 1430344132806 1430344132805 1430344125363 6 21 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 19 1 VII 1 Yes 5801 -- -- 1 5802 1430344133811 1430344139613 1430344139612 1430344133811 16 66 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 20 2 Vii 0 Yes 25273 -- -- 1 25274 1430344140626 1430344165900 1430344165899 1430344140626 6 21 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 21 2 Ia 2 Yes 6366 -- -- 1 6367 1430344166908 1430344173275 1430344173274 1430344166908 14 70 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 22 2 Vi 0 Yes 3311 -- -- 1 3312 1430344174291 1430344177603 1430344177602 1430344174291 5 31 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 23 2 Ibii 0 Yes 11134 -- -- 0 11134 1430344178612 1430344189746 1430344189746 1430344178612 17 65 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 24 2 VIII 2 Yes 11755 -- -- 1 11756 1430344190750 1430344202506 1430344202505 1430344190750 12 55 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 25 2 Ibi 0 Yes 5997 -- -- 1 5998 1430344203508 1430344209506 1430344209505 1430344203508 14 53 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 26 2 III 1 No 2497 -- -- 1 2498 1430344210519 1430344213017 1430344213016 1430344210519 5 24 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 27 2 Ia 0 Yes 5554 -- -- 1 5555 1430344214022 1430344219577 1430344219576 1430344214022 20 64 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 28 2 VIII 0 No 10857 -- -- 1 10858 1430344220590 1430344231448 1430344231447 1430344220590 9 58 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 29 2 III 0 No 2433 -- -- 1 2434 1430344232454 1430344234888 1430344234887 1430344232454 4 25 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 30 2 IV 2 Yes 2696 -- -- 1 2697 1430344235895 1430344238592 1430344238591 1430344235895 7 34 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 31 2 VI 0 Yes 7777 -- -- 1 7778 1430344239597 1430344247375 1430344247374 1430344239597 18 67 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 32 2 VI 2 Yes 6275 -- -- 1 6276 1430344248379 1430344254655 1430344254654 1430344248379 19 64 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 33 2 IV 1 Yes 3289 -- -- 1 3290 1430344255669 1430344258959 1430344258958 1430344255669 7 31 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 34 2 IIii 0 Yes 10813 -- -- 1 10814 1430344259968 1430344270782 1430344270781 1430344259968 8 56 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 35 2 VII 0 Yes 8491 -- -- 1 8492 1430344271786 1430344280278 1430344280277 1430344271786 15 48 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 36 2 IIi 0 Yes 25718 -- -- 1 25719 1430344281285 1430344307004 1430344307003 1430344281285 8 34 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 37 2 VII 2 Yes 7610 -- -- 1 7611 1430344308017 1430344315628 1430344315627 1430344308017 17 69 1 no letters 60734676-1430344337 30 387059 1430343941888 1430344328947 English f no None 0 0 examples 0 No 8910 -- -- 0 8910 1430340876127 1430340885037 1430340885037 1430340876127 12 55 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 1 0 examples 1 No 6391 -- -- 0 6391 1430340886051 1430340892442 1430340892442 1430340886051 9 41 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 2 1 Vii 0 Yes 9823 -- -- 0 9823 1430340893448 1430340903271 1430340903271 1430340893448 6 21 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 3 1 VII 2 Yes 9378 -- -- 0 9378 1430340904288 1430340913666 1430340913666 1430340904288 17 69 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 4 1 III 3 Yes 9525 -- -- 0 9525 1430340914679 1430340924204 1430340924204 1430340914679 5 16 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 5 1 VII 3 Yes 5774 -- -- 0 5773 1430340925468 1430340931241 1430340931241 1430340925467 14 60 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 6 1 Ibii 0 Yes 10011 -- -- 1 10012 1430340932248 1430340942260 1430340942259 1430340932248 17 65 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 7 1 Ia 2 Yes 15758 -- -- 0 15758 1430340943276 1430340959034 1430340959034 1430340943276 14 70 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 8 1 Ia 0 Yes 8977 -- -- 0 8976 1430340960049 1430340969025 1430340969025 1430340960048 20 64 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 9 1 IIi 0 Yes 7578 -- -- 0 7578 1430340970031 1430340977609 1430340977609 1430340970031 8 34 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 10 1 IV 2 Yes 3932 -- -- 0 3932 1430340978611 1430340982543 1430340982543 1430340978611 7 34 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 11 1 Vi 1 Yes 3676 -- -- 0 3675 1430340983557 1430340987232 1430340987232 1430340983556 6 28 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 12 1 VIII 3 No 7571 -- -- 0 7571 1430340988237 1430340995808 1430340995808 1430340988237 11 52 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 13 1 IV 3 Yes 3515 -- -- 0 3515 1430340996818 1430341000333 1430341000333 1430340996818 7 28 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 14 1 VIII 0 Yes 16168 -- -- 0 16168 1430341001351 1430341017519 1430341017519 1430341001351 9 58 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 15 1 III 0 Yes 5208 -- -- 0 5208 1430341018534 1430341023742 1430341023742 1430341018534 4 25 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 16 1 VI 2 Yes 8228 -- -- 0 8228 1430341024761 1430341032989 1430341032989 1430341024761 19 64 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 17 1 Ibi 1 No 7641 -- -- 0 7641 1430341033994 1430341041635 1430341041635 1430341033994 19 71 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 18 1 IIii 1 Yes 12329 -- -- 0 12329 1430341042637 1430341054966 1430341054966 1430341042637 9 47 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 19 1 VI 3 Yes 6713 -- -- 0 6713 1430341055975 1430341062688 1430341062688 1430341055975 15 82 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 20 2 IV 1 Yes 3154 -- -- 0 3154 1430341063703 1430341066857 1430341066857 1430341063703 7 31 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 21 2 VIII 2 No 6928 -- -- 0 6928 1430341067863 1430341074791 1430341074791 1430341067863 12 55 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 22 2 IIii 0 Yes 12860 -- -- 0 12860 1430341075804 1430341088664 1430341088664 1430341075804 8 56 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 23 2 Ia 1 Yes 19685 -- -- 0 19685 1430341089673 1430341109358 1430341109358 1430341089673 18 77 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 24 2 III 1 Yes 3048 -- -- 0 3048 1430341110375 1430341113423 1430341113423 1430341110375 5 24 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 25 2 Vi 0 Yes 2305 -- -- 1 2306 1430341114431 1430341116737 1430341116736 1430341114431 5 31 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 26 2 IV 0 Yes 2587 -- -- 0 2587 1430341117767 1430341120354 1430341120354 1430341117767 8 37 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 27 2 VI 1 Yes 3703 -- -- 0 3703 1430341121358 1430341125061 1430341125061 1430341121358 12 50 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 28 2 VI 0 Yes 4057 -- -- 0 4056 1430341126072 1430341130128 1430341130128 1430341126071 18 67 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 29 2 VII 0 Yes 3576 -- -- 0 3576 1430341131140 1430341134716 1430341134716 1430341131140 15 48 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 30 2 IIi 1 Yes 2634 -- -- 0 2634 1430341135730 1430341138364 1430341138364 1430341135730 8 44 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 31 2 Ibii 1 Yes 7060 -- -- 0 7060 1430341139377 1430341146437 1430341146437 1430341139377 13 66 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 32 2 Vii 1 Yes 2942 -- -- 0 2941 1430341147443 1430341150384 1430341150384 1430341147442 6 21 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 33 2 Ia 3 Yes 4638 -- -- 0 4638 1430341151389 1430341156027 1430341156027 1430341151389 15 71 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 34 2 III 2 Yes 2551 -- -- 0 2551 1430341157037 1430341159588 1430341159588 1430341157037 3 14 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 35 2 Ibi 0 Yes 5445 -- -- 1 5446 1430341160594 1430341166040 1430341166039 1430341160594 14 53 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 36 2 VII 1 Yes 3336 -- -- 0 3336 1430341167055 1430341170391 1430341170391 1430341167055 16 66 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 37 2 VIII 1 No 4918 -- -- 1 4919 1430341171405 1430341176324 1430341176323 1430341171405 11 46 1 no letters 637786529-1430341227 48 313765 1430340885037 1430341198802 English f no I accidentally answered the first question incorrectly - I meant to check the other option and pressed incorrectly. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7085 HM MH 4458 13245 1430340018426 1430340031671 1430340027213 1430340020128 12 55 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 1 0 examples 1 No 5061 RH HR 2668 9430 1430340035178 1430340044608 1430340041940 1430340036879 9 41 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 2 1 III 2 Yes 5984 FH FH 1941 9625 1430340048113 1430340057738 1430340055797 1430340049813 3 14 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 3 1 VIII 3 Yes 9231 HX HX 3025 13957 1430340061241 1430340075198 1430340072173 1430340062942 11 52 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 4 1 IIi 1 Yes 7251 XM MX 2133 11085 1430340078701 1430340089786 1430340087653 1430340080402 8 44 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 5 1 VI 1 No 6255 JL XJ 5282 13239 1430340093288 1430340106527 1430340101245 1430340094990 12 50 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 6 1 Ia 3 Yes 8381 RM MJ 1877 11959 1430340110030 1430340121989 1430340120112 1430340111731 15 71 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 7 1 IIii 0 No 4530 MH HM 3577 9808 1430340125491 1430340135299 1430340131722 1430340127192 8 56 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 8 1 Vi 1 Yes 8333 BX MH 3038 13071 1430340138802 1430340151873 1430340148835 1430340140502 6 28 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 9 1 VII 2 Yes 9159 FQ MX 2894 13754 1430340155376 1430340169130 1430340166236 1430340157077 17 69 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 10 1 Ia 1 Yes 7867 FB FX 3741 13309 1430340172632 1430340185941 1430340182200 1430340174333 18 77 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 11 1 VIII 0 Yes 8709 JR FK 2105 12517 1430340189443 1430340201960 1430340199855 1430340191146 9 58 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 12 1 IV 2 Yes 20200 FH MX 14076 35977 1430340205463 1430340241440 1430340227364 1430340207164 7 34 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 13 1 Ibii 0 Yes 9236 BX MX 3035 13971 1430340244945 1430340258916 1430340255881 1430340246645 17 65 2 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 14 1 Vii 1 No 12810 RB GM 2108 16620 1430340262420 1430340279040 1430340276932 1430340264122 6 21 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 15 1 III 3 Yes 15795 MB HL 10906 28400 1430340282543 1430340310943 1430340300037 1430340284242 5 16 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 16 1 VII 3 Yes 8233 MX HF 3113 13048 1430340314445 1430340327493 1430340324380 1430340316147 14 60 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 17 1 IV 3 Yes 6273 FX XF 2324 10298 1430340330997 1430340341295 1430340338971 1430340332698 7 28 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 18 1 Ibi 1 Yes 17526 JH HJ 2793 22020 1430340344798 1430340366818 1430340364025 1430340346499 19 71 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 19 1 VI 0 Yes 7547 BQ QB 2245 11493 1430340370321 1430340381814 1430340379569 1430340372022 18 67 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 20 2 Ia 0 Yes 27703 QMFX MQ 2080 33183 1430340385317 1430340418500 1430340416420 1430340388717 20 64 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 21 2 IIi 0 Yes 15144 XMFQ MX 2357 20901 1430340422004 1430340442905 1430340440548 1430340425404 8 34 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 22 2 III 1 Yes 8628 RLFQ XMQR 5640 17668 1430340446408 1430340464076 1430340458436 1430340449808 5 24 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 23 2 Ia 2 No 9784 QRXB BRXQ 17803 30988 1430340467580 1430340498568 1430340480765 1430340470981 14 70 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 24 2 VI 3 No 26274 BLQR BRXQ 5985 35659 1430340502072 1430340537731 1430340531746 1430340505472 15 82 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 25 2 Ibii 1 Yes 3567 LJBQ LJQB 4699 11666 1430340541233 1430340552899 1430340548200 1430340544633 13 66 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 26 2 IV 0 Yes 56975 MHBJ MJGD 25643 86019 1430340556401 1430340642420 1430340616777 1430340559802 8 37 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 27 2 VI 2 Yes 8335 HLMF MDAM 3356 15091 1430340645925 1430340661016 1430340657660 1430340649325 19 64 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 28 2 Vii 0 No 6957 JHMQ PLLJ 2443 12802 1430340664518 1430340677320 1430340674877 1430340667920 6 21 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 29 2 IV 1 Yes 10753 XQFH LXDL 7959 22131 1430340680824 1430340702955 1430340694996 1430340684243 7 31 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 30 2 III 0 Yes 12736 MQHJ NGDF 3740 19877 1430340706459 1430340726336 1430340722596 1430340709860 4 25 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 31 2 VIII 2 No 1744 RHXB DGGL 4049 9866 1430340729839 1430340739705 1430340735656 1430340733912 12 55 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 32 2 Ibi 0 Yes 8554 RXHM XQRH 3799 15754 1430340743208 1430340758962 1430340755163 1430340746609 14 53 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 33 2 IIii 1 No 4971 BRJL XXFH 3860 12232 1430340762467 1430340774699 1430340770839 1430340765868 9 47 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 34 2 VIII 1 No 5442 HFXL SDGG 3379 12223 1430340778628 1430340790851 1430340787472 1430340782030 11 46 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 35 2 Vi 0 No 811 HBMQ SFDF 1974 6185 1430340794356 1430340800541 1430340798567 1430340797756 5 31 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 36 2 VII 0 Yes 5480 HRLJ VSFG 2871 12022 1430340804045 1430340816067 1430340813196 1430340807716 15 48 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 37 2 VII 1 Yes 3459 HRLQ GFDJ 2556 9417 1430340819570 1430340828987 1430340826431 1430340822972 16 66 1 2 letters first 647935863-1430340851 29 811853 1430340031671 1430340843524 english f no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7009 HJ HJ 6465 15182 1430339323733 1430339338915 1430339332450 1430339325441 12 55 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 1 0 examples 1 No 5087 RF FR 2888 9688 1430339342402 1430339352090 1430339349202 1430339344115 9 41 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 2 1 IIi 1 No 6254 QL LQ 3226 11179 1430339355601 1430339366780 1430339363554 1430339357300 8 44 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 3 1 VII 2 Yes 15027 JX XJ 2999 19732 1430339370277 1430339390009 1430339387010 1430339371983 17 69 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 4 1 IV 1 Yes 4969 LH HL 5186 11865 1430339393499 1430339405364 1430339400178 1430339395209 7 31 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 5 1 Ia 3 Yes 13588 FM MF 3167 18454 1430339408867 1430339427321 1430339424154 1430339410566 15 71 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 6 1 Ia 2 Yes 7880 MR RM 2579 12167 1430339430814 1430339442981 1430339440402 1430339432522 14 70 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 7 1 IIii 1 No 8089 QR RQ 2166 11955 1430339446485 1430339458440 1430339456274 1430339448185 9 47 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 8 1 Vii 1 Yes 12316 BJ JB 3223 17247 1430339461939 1430339479186 1430339475963 1430339463647 6 21 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 9 1 Ibii 0 No 11929 LB AJ 19215 32839 1430339482698 1430339515537 1430339496322 1430339484393 17 65 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 10 1 VII 3 Yes 5012 JQ QJ 2817 9524 1430339519039 1430339528563 1430339525746 1430339520734 14 60 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 11 1 III 3 Yes 8806 MJ JM 2468 12982 1430339532065 1430339545047 1430339542579 1430339533773 5 16 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 12 1 III 1 No 8102 HB BH 1995 11802 1430339548547 1430339560349 1430339558354 1430339550252 5 24 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 13 1 VIII 0 No 7194 LM ML 1900 10791 1430339563855 1430339574646 1430339572746 1430339565552 9 58 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 14 1 IV 3 Yes 4306 XJ JX 1685 7692 1430339578147 1430339585839 1430339584154 1430339579848 7 28 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 15 1 VIII 3 No 12545 LF FL 1939 16197 1430339589329 1430339605526 1430339603587 1430339591042 11 52 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 16 1 Ibi 0 Yes 7261 LM ML 2199 11159 1430339609027 1430339620186 1430339617987 1430339610726 14 53 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 17 1 VI 1 Yes 6424 HM MH 2407 10527 1430339623683 1430339634210 1430339631803 1430339625379 12 50 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 18 1 Vi 1 Yes 3659 FH HF 1889 7251 1430339637713 1430339644964 1430339643075 1430339639416 6 28 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 19 1 VI 2 Yes 5714 HX XH 2052 9472 1430339648455 1430339657927 1430339655875 1430339650161 19 64 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 20 2 IIii 0 No 10175 XRFB BFRX 3617 17192 1430339661436 1430339678628 1430339675011 1430339664836 8 56 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 21 2 III 0 No 8486 RJBH HBJR 3934 15819 1430339682134 1430339697953 1430339694019 1430339685533 4 25 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 22 2 Ibii 1 Yes 13284 JBXL LXBJ 3309 19988 1430339701452 1430339721440 1430339718131 1430339704847 13 66 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 23 2 VII 0 Yes 4955 LXRJ JRXL 2433 10798 1430339724942 1430339735740 1430339733307 1430339728352 15 48 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 24 2 VIII 2 Yes 8083 XLFH HFLX 4574 16059 1430339739246 1430339755305 1430339750731 1430339742648 12 55 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 25 2 IV 0 Yes 6094 RHMQ QMHR 4447 13943 1430339758811 1430339772754 1430339768307 1430339762213 8 37 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 26 2 IIi 0 No 5107 LBQM MQBL 3391 11895 1430339776267 1430339788162 1430339784771 1430339779664 8 34 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 27 2 VI 3 Yes 7094 FMXQ QXMF 2814 13303 1430339791674 1430339804977 1430339802163 1430339795069 15 82 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 28 2 VII 1 Yes 5945 JMHR RHMJ 2969 12314 1430339808482 1430339820796 1430339817827 1430339811882 16 66 2 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 29 2 Ia 0 Yes 7239 LBRX XRBL 2760 13399 1430339824300 1430339837699 1430339834939 1430339827700 20 64 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 30 2 Ibi 1 No 7054 HFJM MJFH 2986 13450 1430339841195 1430339854645 1430339851659 1430339844605 19 71 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 31 2 VIII 1 No 4885 JFMQ QMFJ 2517 10803 1430339858141 1430339868944 1430339866427 1430339861542 11 46 2 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 32 2 IV 2 Yes 5186 HBFR RFBH 2654 11242 1430339872455 1430339883697 1430339881043 1430339875857 7 34 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 33 2 III 2 No 3250 RQMJ JMQR 2772 9429 1430339887202 1430339896631 1430339893859 1430339890609 3 14 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 34 2 Ia 1 No 9004 XFJR RJFX 2739 15147 1430339900123 1430339915270 1430339912531 1430339903527 18 77 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 35 2 Vii 0 Yes 8185 QXLB BLXQ 3572 15168 1430339918759 1430339933927 1430339930355 1430339922170 6 21 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 36 2 Vi 0 Yes 4040 JBXH HXBJ 3995 11447 1430339937415 1430339948862 1430339944867 1430339940827 5 31 1 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 37 2 VI 0 Yes 6666 MFHL LHFM 3366 13432 1430339952361 1430339965793 1430339962427 1430339955761 18 67 2 2 letters first 653533317-1430340001 38 647690 1430339338915 1430339986605 english m no pheonetics 0 0 examples 0 No 3852 LF LF 4355 9907 1430339874184 1430339884091 1430339879736 1430339875884 12 55 3 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 1 0 examples 1 Yes 3525 HJ JF 2377 7601 1430339887594 1430339895195 1430339892818 1430339889293 9 41 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 2 1 Ibii 0 No 5045 JBXF BJXH 6291 14737 1430339898698 1430339913435 1430339907144 1430339902099 17 65 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 3 1 IIi 1 No 785 BJRH BJRH 3567 7752 1430339916939 1430339924691 1430339921124 1430339920339 8 44 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 4 1 IV 2 No 3872 FLQR RQFL 4531 11802 1430339928193 1430339939995 1430339935464 1430339931592 7 34 2 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 5 1 III 2 Yes 5485 QBHL BQTF 8389 17273 1430339943499 1430339960772 1430339952383 1430339946898 3 14 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 6 1 IV 3 Yes 871 FJBH FJBH 3129 7400 1430339964275 1430339971675 1430339968546 1430339967675 7 28 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 7 1 IIii 1 Yes 1967 LMHJ EIOX 5698 11065 1430339975178 1430339986243 1430339980545 1430339978578 9 47 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 8 1 Ia 3 Yes 1547 JBXM GXMN 3423 8370 1430339989746 1430339998116 1430339994693 1430339993146 15 71 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 9 1 VI 2 Yes 906 QHBL QRBL 3223 7528 1430340001619 1430340009147 1430340005924 1430340005018 19 64 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 10 1 Vii 0 Yes 865 MXBF MXBF 5295 9561 1430340012650 1430340022211 1430340016916 1430340016051 6 21 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 11 1 Vi 1 Yes 856 RXHF RXHF 3224 7480 1430340025716 1430340033196 1430340029972 1430340029116 6 28 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 12 1 VI 0 Yes 13079 JFMB FXHR 3873 20353 1430340036699 1430340057052 1430340053179 1430340040100 18 67 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 13 1 VII 2 Yes 838 MJFR MJFR 3297 7535 1430340060556 1430340068091 1430340064794 1430340063956 17 69 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 14 1 VIII 2 Yes 876 LQRM LQRM 3333 7609 1430340071594 1430340079203 1430340075870 1430340074994 12 55 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 15 1 Ia 0 Yes 802 LHRQ LHRQ 3710 7912 1430340082707 1430340090619 1430340086909 1430340086107 20 64 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 16 1 VIII 1 Yes 835 QRBM QRBM 3399 7633 1430340094122 1430340101755 1430340098356 1430340097521 11 46 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 17 1 Ibi 0 Yes 1266 BLFQ ZRXB 4367 9033 1430340105258 1430340114291 1430340109924 1430340108658 14 53 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 18 1 III 3 Yes 1078 FLQX FLQZ 2883 7360 1430340117795 1430340125155 1430340122272 1430340121194 5 16 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 19 1 VII 1 No 1118 XFBQ XFBQ 3361 7879 1430340128661 1430340136540 1430340133179 1430340132061 16 66 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 20 2 Vii 1 No 1468 FL QLF 4209 7377 1430340140043 1430340147420 1430340143211 1430340141743 6 21 2 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 21 2 III 0 Yes 1170 QX XQ 3377 6247 1430340150924 1430340157171 1430340153794 1430340152624 4 25 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 22 2 Ibii 1 Yes 972 HX XH 1553 4225 1430340160674 1430340164899 1430340163346 1430340162374 13 66 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 23 2 Ibi 1 Yes 646 BX XB 1461 3808 1430340168403 1430340172211 1430340170750 1430340170104 19 71 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 24 2 III 1 Yes 1158 MQ QM 2807 5665 1430340175715 1430340181380 1430340178573 1430340177415 5 24 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 25 2 VIII 3 Yes 858 JH M 1332 3890 1430340184883 1430340188773 1430340187441 1430340186583 11 52 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 26 2 IV 1 Yes 907 XL LX 2236 4843 1430340192274 1430340197117 1430340194881 1430340193974 7 31 2 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 27 2 VIII 0 Yes 636 HJ JH 3431 5767 1430340200620 1430340206387 1430340202956 1430340202320 9 58 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 28 2 Ia 1 Yes 691 LR RL 2003 4394 1430340209889 1430340214283 1430340212280 1430340211589 18 77 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 29 2 VI 3 Yes 1048 XJ JX 3060 5808 1430340217787 1430340223595 1430340220535 1430340219487 15 82 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 30 2 Ia 2 Yes 892 QR RQ 4769 7361 1430340227099 1430340234460 1430340229691 1430340228799 14 70 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 31 2 Vi 0 Yes 2004 LM W 2322 6026 1430340237962 1430340243988 1430340241666 1430340239662 5 31 2 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 32 2 IV 0 Yes 1415 MQ QE 5309 8424 1430340247491 1430340255915 1430340250606 1430340249191 8 37 2 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 33 2 VII 3 Yes 1488 BR QQ 2005 5193 1430340259418 1430340264611 1430340262606 1430340261118 14 60 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 34 2 IIi 0 Yes 852 QR RQ 2239 4792 1430340268116 1430340272908 1430340270669 1430340269817 8 34 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 35 2 VII 0 Yes 885 HB BH 2424 5009 1430340276411 1430340281420 1430340278996 1430340278111 15 48 1 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 36 2 VI 1 Yes 1244 BL HN 3651 6594 1430340284922 1430340291516 1430340287865 1430340286621 12 50 3 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 37 2 IIii 0 No 970 XJ TT 2962 5649 1430340295018 1430340300667 1430340297705 1430340296735 8 56 5 4 letters first 721951641-1430340318 23 431600 1430339884091 1430340315691 english f no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 4219 MF FM 2808 8740 1430351759883 1430351768623 1430351765815 1430351761596 12 55 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 1 0 examples 1 No 3154 LM ML 3378 8241 1430351772136 1430351780377 1430351776999 1430351773845 9 41 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 2 1 VI 2 Yes 8416 HR RH 2080 12209 1430351783900 1430351796109 1430351794029 1430351785613 19 64 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 3 1 III 3 Yes 10537 BM MB 1784 14031 1430351799617 1430351813648 1430351811864 1430351801327 5 16 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 4 1 VI 3 No 14990 RM MR 2745 19445 1430351817166 1430351836611 1430351833866 1430351818876 15 82 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 5 1 IIi 1 No 4611 HL LH 1288 7609 1430351840115 1430351847724 1430351846436 1430351841825 8 44 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 6 1 IV 1 Yes 3948 XJ JX 2074 7732 1430351851232 1430351858964 1430351856890 1430351852942 7 31 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 7 1 III 2 Yes 3078 BX XB 1924 6712 1430351862481 1430351869193 1430351867269 1430351864191 3 14 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 8 1 IV 0 Yes 4937 HQ QX 2899 9545 1430351872698 1430351882243 1430351879344 1430351874407 8 37 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 9 1 Ia 2 Yes 5058 JH HJ 1644 8409 1430351885750 1430351894159 1430351892515 1430351887457 14 70 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 10 1 Ibii 0 Yes 6108 FJ JF 2014 9821 1430351897664 1430351907485 1430351905471 1430351899363 17 65 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 11 1 Ia 3 Yes 5478 RL LR 1382 8565 1430351910991 1430351919556 1430351918174 1430351912696 15 71 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 12 1 VIII 2 Yes 5127 HJ JH 1948 8776 1430351923094 1430351931870 1430351929922 1430351924795 12 55 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 13 1 VIII 1 No 6178 JL LJ 3194 11082 1430351935388 1430351946470 1430351943276 1430351937098 11 46 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 14 1 VII 1 Yes 9994 BR RB 3087 14781 1430351949981 1430351964762 1430351961675 1430351951681 16 66 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 15 1 Vi 1 Yes 4368 LF FL 1358 7432 1430351968279 1430351975711 1430351974353 1430351969985 6 28 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 16 1 Ibi 1 Yes 8223 LX LX 2501 12424 1430351979234 1430351991658 1430351989157 1430351980934 19 71 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 17 1 IIii 0 No 5160 JL LJ 1760 8619 1430351995166 1430352003785 1430352002025 1430351996865 8 56 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 18 1 VII 0 No 3772 JQ QJ 1939 7422 1430352007307 1430352014729 1430352012790 1430352009018 15 48 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 19 1 Vii 0 Yes 7249 XH HX 1922 10880 1430352018243 1430352029123 1430352027201 1430352019952 6 21 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 20 2 IV 3 Yes 16746 LFHJ JHFL 4030 24176 1430352032624 1430352056800 1430352052770 1430352036024 7 28 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 21 2 Ia 0 Yes 6962 JXLH HLXJ 3969 14331 1430352060308 1430352074639 1430352070670 1430352063708 20 64 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 22 2 VII 3 Yes 6397 FBHR RHBF 3096 12892 1430352078145 1430352091037 1430352087941 1430352081544 14 60 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 23 2 III 0 Yes 5102 XQJR RJQX 15252 23753 1430352094544 1430352118297 1430352103045 1430352097943 4 25 2 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 24 2 III 1 Yes 4448 QLXM MLQ 2968 10816 1430352121801 1430352132617 1430352129649 1430352125201 5 24 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 25 2 Ia 1 Yes 7227 RLXF FXLR 3453 14080 1430352136124 1430352150204 1430352146751 1430352139524 18 77 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 26 2 VIII 0 No 7978 FBQM MQBF 4492 15869 1430352153710 1430352169579 1430352165087 1430352157109 9 58 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 27 2 VI 0 No 5746 HMRQ QRMH 5426 14571 1430352173085 1430352187656 1430352182230 1430352176484 18 67 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 28 2 Vi 0 Yes 2990 JFLB BLFJ 4081 10471 1430352191161 1430352201632 1430352197551 1430352194561 5 31 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 29 2 VII 2 Yes 4310 BFQX XQFB 4541 12250 1430352205140 1430352217390 1430352212849 1430352208539 17 69 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 30 2 VI 1 No 4206 RHLQ QLHR 3751 11357 1430352220897 1430352232254 1430352228503 1430352224297 12 50 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 31 2 Vii 1 Yes 4183 HFML LFMH 4610 12192 1430352235760 1430352247952 1430352243342 1430352239159 6 21 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 32 2 IIi 0 No 4233 QFLH HLFQ 3772 11403 1430352251458 1430352262861 1430352259089 1430352254856 8 34 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 33 2 Ibii 1 No 9227 XBMF FMBX 7355 19982 1430352266368 1430352286350 1430352278995 1430352269768 13 66 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 34 2 IV 2 Yes 3207 JQLM MLQJ 3525 10131 1430352289857 1430352299988 1430352296463 1430352293256 7 34 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 35 2 VIII 3 No 4757 QRHB BRHQ 3279 11435 1430352303495 1430352314930 1430352311651 1430352306894 11 52 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 36 2 IIii 1 No 4142 XQBF FBQX 5285 12827 1430352318438 1430352331265 1430352325980 1430352321838 9 47 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 37 2 Ibi 0 Yes 4150 HFBQ QBFH 5265 12815 1430352334772 1430352347587 1430352342322 1430352338172 14 53 1 2 letters first 734753642-1430352267 53 596473 1430351768623 1430352365096 English f no I repeated the letters in the order I had seen them, over and over while trying to solve the question, then attempted to write them backwards 0 0 examples 0 Yes 11388 FM MF 4601 17698 1430339127477 1430339145175 1430339140574 1430339129186 12 55 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 1 0 examples 1 Yes 2204 HB BG 4808 8722 1430339148699 1430339157421 1430339152613 1430339150409 9 41 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 2 1 Ibi 1 No 45184 LX XL 3755 50643 1430339160929 1430339211572 1430339207817 1430339162633 19 71 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 3 1 IIi 1 No 12714 HR RH 2942 17357 1430339215093 1430339232450 1430339229508 1430339216794 8 44 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 4 1 VI 2 No 21491 LJ RJ 4663 27861 1430339235973 1430339263834 1430339259171 1430339237680 19 64 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 5 1 Ia 2 Yes 60548 BX BX 4143 66393 1430339267961 1430339334354 1430339330211 1430339269663 14 70 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 6 1 VIII 0 No 13183 MB MB 4851 19738 1430339338230 1430339357968 1430339353117 1430339339934 9 58 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 7 1 VII 0 Yes 19307 QR RQ 2912 23920 1430339361561 1430339385481 1430339382569 1430339363262 15 48 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 8 1 III 2 No 8876 BM MB 2570 13147 1430339388995 1430339402142 1430339399572 1430339390696 3 14 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 9 1 VIII 2 No 11116 HM MB 7097 19914 1430339405659 1430339425573 1430339418476 1430339407360 12 55 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 10 1 Ia 0 Yes 29864 RX XR 5152 36725 1430339429089 1430339465814 1430339460662 1430339430798 20 64 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 11 1 IV 2 Yes 15900 BL LB 14162 31779 1430339469324 1430339501103 1430339486941 1430339471041 7 34 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 12 1 Vi 0 Yes 7936 BF FB 5669 15308 1430339504625 1430339519933 1430339514264 1430339506328 5 31 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 13 1 IV 1 Yes 15194 LH HL 3660 20555 1430339523449 1430339544004 1430339540344 1430339525150 7 31 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 14 1 Vii 0 Yes 29814 FB BF 7279 38803 1430339547521 1430339586324 1430339579045 1430339549231 6 21 12 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 15 1 III 3 No 5941 BL LB 3356 11002 1430339589843 1430339600845 1430339597489 1430339591548 5 16 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 16 1 Ibii 1 No 27666 LR LB 3048 32412 1430339604368 1430339636780 1430339633732 1430339606066 13 66 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 17 1 IIii 1 No 26792 JH HJ 4731 33224 1430339640302 1430339673526 1430339668795 1430339642003 9 47 4 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 18 1 VI 1 Yes 16042 LQ KJ 5229 23205 1430339677041 1430339700246 1430339695017 1430339678975 12 50 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 19 1 VII 3 Yes 31767 HQ HQ 4179 37653 1430339703765 1430339741418 1430339737239 1430339705472 14 60 3 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 20 2 IV 0 Yes 20959 HRQB BQRH 17506 41873 1430339744930 1430339786803 1430339769297 1430339748338 8 37 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 21 2 VI 3 Yes 1344 JMXH HJDR 8335 13084 1430339790314 1430339803398 1430339795063 1430339793719 15 82 3 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 22 2 IIi 0 No 5225 LBJM MJBL 9789 18516 1430339806916 1430339825432 1430339815643 1430339810418 8 34 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 23 2 Ibii 0 No 11636 XHRM MRXH 5483 20523 1430339828944 1430339849467 1430339843984 1430339832348 17 65 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 24 2 III 0 No 6615 BQLJ JLQB 8642 18873 1430339852989 1430339871862 1430339863220 1430339856605 4 25 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 25 2 VII 2 No 1323 LFRQ QRFL 12645 17373 1430339875382 1430339892755 1430339880110 1430339878787 17 69 4 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 26 2 VIII 3 No 7160 MHQX XQXM 19432 29994 1430339896495 1430339926489 1430339907057 1430339899897 11 52 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 27 2 Ibi 0 Yes 6697 RBJX XJBR 13852 23947 1430339930000 1430339953947 1430339940095 1430339933398 14 53 4 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 28 2 Vi 1 Yes 9269 RQBM MBQR 11739 24409 1430339957464 1430339981873 1430339970134 1430339960865 6 28 3 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 29 2 VIII 1 Yes 66599 BQHX HQXM 9944 79948 1430339985380 1430340065328 1430340055384 1430339988785 11 46 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 30 2 VII 1 Yes 6512 XQJM MJQH 11965 21878 1430340068844 1430340090722 1430340078757 1430340072245 16 66 3 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 31 2 Ia 3 Yes 4819 XMBL LBMX 11605 19825 1430340094237 1430340114062 1430340102457 1430340097638 15 71 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 32 2 III 1 No 15415 LHMR LXMB 4568 23394 1430340117583 1430340140977 1430340136409 1430340120994 5 24 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 33 2 VI 0 No 1229 LJXF NXFJ 5754 10390 1430340144493 1430340154883 1430340149129 1430340147900 18 67 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 34 2 Vii 1 Yes 12026 FRXB BXRF 10905 26339 1430340158397 1430340184736 1430340173831 1430340161805 6 21 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 35 2 IIii 0 No 2130 XRBF FBRX 15094 20629 1430340188255 1430340208884 1430340193790 1430340191660 8 56 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 36 2 IV 3 Yes 8617 LJBM LBXM 20505 32764 1430340212392 1430340245156 1430340224651 1430340216034 7 28 2 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 37 2 Ia 1 No 8584 JFMX KJHB 2166 14158 1430340248672 1430340262830 1430340260664 1430340252080 18 77 1 2 letters first 771854993-1430340304 23 1146473 1430339145175 1430340291648 English m no none 0 0 examples 0 Yes 6842 HQ QH 18382 26925 1430346503710 1430346530635 1430346512253 1430346505411 12 55 6 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 1 0 examples 1 Yes 8921 RM MR 4018 14643 1430346534139 1430346548782 1430346544764 1430346535843 9 41 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 2 1 VIII 0 No 32868 XF FX 4697 39266 1430346552285 1430346591551 1430346586854 1430346553986 9 58 3 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 3 1 IIii 1 No 9513 HB BH 3632 14846 1430346595054 1430346609900 1430346606268 1430346596755 9 47 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 4 1 Vi 0 Yes 4747 LR RL 2630 9078 1430346613402 1430346622480 1430346619850 1430346615103 5 31 3 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 5 1 Vii 0 Yes 6340 XF FX 4888 12930 1430346625983 1430346638913 1430346634025 1430346627685 6 21 3 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 6 1 Ia 0 Yes 9361 QB BQ 4158 15221 1430346642416 1430346657637 1430346653479 1430346644118 20 64 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 7 1 VI 1 Yes 6649 QJ JQ 4796 13146 1430346661141 1430346674287 1430346669491 1430346662842 12 50 3 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 8 1 Ibii 1 Yes 8174 MJ JM 4916 14792 1430346677789 1430346692581 1430346687665 1430346679491 13 66 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 9 1 III 3 No 5283 LM ML 5085 12069 1430346696085 1430346708154 1430346703069 1430346697786 5 16 3 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 10 1 IV 1 Yes 4982 JH HJ 3126 9809 1430346711657 1430346721466 1430346718340 1430346713358 7 31 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 11 1 Ibi 0 Yes 6079 LB BL 3760 11540 1430346724969 1430346736509 1430346732749 1430346726670 14 53 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 12 1 IIi 1 Yes 4564 LF FL 4412 10677 1430346740011 1430346750688 1430346746276 1430346741712 8 44 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 13 1 VII 2 Yes 7782 MX XM 2595 12078 1430346754191 1430346766269 1430346763674 1430346755892 17 69 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 14 1 VII 1 Yes 4795 HL LH 2958 9454 1430346769770 1430346779224 1430346776266 1430346771471 16 66 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 15 1 Ia 3 Yes 8435 HF FH 3602 13739 1430346782727 1430346796466 1430346792864 1430346784429 15 71 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 16 1 III 0 No 4326 QL LQ 3957 9985 1430346799968 1430346809953 1430346805996 1430346801670 4 25 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 17 1 VIII 2 No 7246 LJ JL 4776 13723 1430346813456 1430346827179 1430346822403 1430346815157 12 55 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 18 1 VI 0 Yes 5932 LH HL 3804 11437 1430346830683 1430346842120 1430346838316 1430346832384 18 67 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 19 1 IV 3 Yes 4237 XM MX 2690 8628 1430346845623 1430346854251 1430346851561 1430346847324 7 28 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 20 2 III 1 No 5902 HRLF FRH 3955 13258 1430346857753 1430346871011 1430346867056 1430346861154 5 24 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 21 2 VII 3 Yes 7199 RFXH HXFR 6415 17015 1430346874514 1430346891529 1430346885114 1430346877915 14 60 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 22 2 Vi 1 Yes 5186 MRXB BXRM 6575 15162 1430346895031 1430346910193 1430346903618 1430346898432 6 28 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 23 2 Ia 1 Yes 7022 RHQL LQHR 6032 16455 1430346913696 1430346930151 1430346924119 1430346917097 18 77 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 24 2 Ia 2 Yes 5577 HLMX XMLH 4976 13954 1430346933654 1430346947608 1430346942632 1430346937055 14 70 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 25 2 Ibi 1 Yes 7869 FLHB BHFL 7094 18365 1430346951111 1430346969476 1430346962382 1430346954513 19 71 2 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 26 2 Ibii 0 Yes 8487 XMBJ JBMX 5633 17522 1430346972979 1430346990501 1430346984868 1430346976381 17 65 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 27 2 Vii 1 Yes 5106 BRHQ QHRB 5000 13507 1430346994005 1430347007512 1430347002512 1430346997406 6 21 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 28 2 III 2 No 4755 HQLJ JLQH 4052 12207 1430347011016 1430347023223 1430347019171 1430347014416 3 14 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 29 2 VI 2 Yes 5433 BJFH HFBJ 4253 13088 1430347026726 1430347039814 1430347035561 1430347030128 19 64 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 30 2 VII 0 Yes 5142 LMBQ QBML 4523 13067 1430347043316 1430347056383 1430347051860 1430347046718 15 48 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 31 2 IV 0 Yes 9579 HXFJ JFXH 5651 18632 1430347059886 1430347078518 1430347072867 1430347063288 8 37 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 32 2 IIi 0 No 8435 LQMF FMQL 4994 16830 1430347082021 1430347098851 1430347093857 1430347085422 8 34 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 33 2 VIII 1 No 4956 LQHF FHQL 4609 12966 1430347102354 1430347115320 1430347110711 1430347105755 11 46 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 34 2 IV 2 Yes 4729 LQXR RXQL 4159 12289 1430347118824 1430347131113 1430347126954 1430347122225 7 34 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 35 2 VI 3 Yes 8748 XBFL LFXB 6510 18659 1430347134616 1430347153275 1430347146765 1430347138017 15 82 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 36 2 IIii 0 No 7878 HLFQ QFLH 5262 16541 1430347156777 1430347173318 1430347168056 1430347160178 8 56 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 37 2 VIII 3 No 5977 QLXF FXLQ 4236 13614 1430347176821 1430347190435 1430347186199 1430347180222 11 52 1 2 letters first 774023604-1430347267 40 678188 1430346530635 1430347208823 English m no I said the letters to myself over and over in my head. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 3634 -- -- 0 3632 1430345728620 1430345732252 1430345732252 1430345728618 12 55 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 1 0 examples 1 No 4061 -- -- 0 4061 1430345733269 1430345737330 1430345737330 1430345733269 9 41 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 2 1 VI 0 No 9876 -- -- 9 9885 1430345738340 1430345748225 1430345748216 1430345738340 18 67 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 3 1 IIi 0 No 14792 -- -- 9 14801 1430345749239 1430345764040 1430345764031 1430345749239 8 34 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 4 1 Ia 2 Yes 15184 -- -- 6 15190 1430345765050 1430345780240 1430345780234 1430345765050 14 70 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 5 1 VIII 2 Yes 6766 -- -- 0 6766 1430345781253 1430345788019 1430345788019 1430345781253 12 55 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 6 1 IIii 1 No 14355 -- -- 9 14363 1430345789037 1430345803400 1430345803391 1430345789036 9 47 2 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 7 1 III 0 Yes 6135 -- -- 11 6146 1430345804408 1430345810554 1430345810543 1430345804408 4 25 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 8 1 Ia 1 Yes 5389 -- -- 0 5389 1430345811557 1430345816946 1430345816946 1430345811557 18 77 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 9 1 VI 3 No 11879 -- -- 9 11888 1430345817949 1430345829837 1430345829828 1430345817949 15 82 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 10 1 VII 3 Yes 4151 -- -- 5 4156 1430345830839 1430345834995 1430345834990 1430345830839 14 60 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 11 1 VIII 3 No 4720 -- -- 9 4729 1430345836002 1430345840731 1430345840722 1430345836002 11 52 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 12 1 IV 1 Yes 3751 -- -- 0 3751 1430345841734 1430345845485 1430345845485 1430345841734 7 31 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 13 1 Ibi 1 Yes 5363 -- -- 0 5363 1430345846489 1430345851852 1430345851852 1430345846489 19 71 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 14 1 III 1 Yes 5417 -- -- 0 5417 1430345852878 1430345858295 1430345858295 1430345852878 5 24 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 15 1 Vii 0 No 4860 -- -- 2 4862 1430345859298 1430345864160 1430345864158 1430345859298 6 21 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 16 1 IV 0 Yes 7974 -- -- 0 7974 1430345865176 1430345873150 1430345873150 1430345865176 8 37 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 17 1 Vi 1 Yes 4063 -- -- 0 4063 1430345874160 1430345878223 1430345878223 1430345874160 6 28 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 18 1 VII 0 Yes 3588 -- -- 0 3588 1430345879236 1430345882824 1430345882824 1430345879236 15 48 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 19 1 Ibii 1 Yes 5527 -- -- 0 5527 1430345883829 1430345889356 1430345889356 1430345883829 13 66 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 20 2 IV 2 Yes 4772 -- -- 1 4773 1430345890358 1430345895131 1430345895130 1430345890358 7 34 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 21 2 Vi 0 Yes 2863 -- -- 9 2872 1430345896145 1430345899017 1430345899008 1430345896145 5 31 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 22 2 VII 1 Yes 3961 -- -- 9 3970 1430345900019 1430345903989 1430345903980 1430345900019 16 66 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 23 2 Ibi 0 Yes 3977 -- -- 6 3983 1430345904992 1430345908975 1430345908969 1430345904992 14 53 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 24 2 VII 2 Yes 3841 -- -- 5 3846 1430345909987 1430345913833 1430345913828 1430345909987 17 69 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 25 2 VI 1 Yes 4825 -- -- 0 4825 1430345914836 1430345919661 1430345919661 1430345914836 12 50 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 26 2 IIii 0 No 8739 -- -- 11 8750 1430345920679 1430345929429 1430345929418 1430345920679 8 56 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 27 2 Vii 1 No 4864 -- -- 3 4867 1430345930445 1430345935312 1430345935309 1430345930445 6 21 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 28 2 III 3 No 6671 -- -- 12 6683 1430345936315 1430345942998 1430345942986 1430345936315 5 16 2 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 29 2 Ia 3 Yes 8744 -- -- 0 8744 1430345944002 1430345952746 1430345952746 1430345944002 15 71 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 30 2 VIII 1 Yes 28724 -- -- 11 28735 1430345953748 1430345982483 1430345982472 1430345953748 11 46 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 31 2 Ibii 0 Yes 13829 -- -- 0 13829 1430345983485 1430345997314 1430345997314 1430345983485 17 65 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 32 2 VIII 0 Yes 15966 -- -- 2 15968 1430345999304 1430346015272 1430346015270 1430345999304 9 58 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 33 2 IIi 1 Yes 5533 -- -- 2 5535 1430346016274 1430346021809 1430346021807 1430346016274 8 44 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 34 2 IV 3 Yes 23547 -- -- 0 23547 1430346022814 1430346046361 1430346046361 1430346022814 7 28 2 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 35 2 VI 2 Yes 20725 -- -- 0 20725 1430346047501 1430346068226 1430346068226 1430346047501 19 64 2 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 36 2 III 2 No 4192 -- -- 13 4205 1430346069234 1430346073439 1430346073426 1430346069234 3 14 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 37 2 Ia 0 Yes 4943 -- -- 0 4943 1430346074449 1430346079392 1430346079392 1430346074449 20 64 1 no letters 784656323-1430346097 32 360403 1430345732252 1430346092655 English f no n/a 0 0 examples 0 Yes 8826 -- -- 0 8826 1430342863193 1430342872019 1430342872019 1430342863193 12 55 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 1 0 examples 1 No 5393 -- -- 0 5393 1430342873052 1430342878445 1430342878445 1430342873052 9 41 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 2 1 Ia 0 No 27023 -- -- 0 27023 1430342879449 1430342906472 1430342906472 1430342879449 20 64 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 3 1 Vi 1 Yes 4444 -- -- 0 4444 1430342907475 1430342911919 1430342911919 1430342907475 6 28 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 4 1 Ibi 0 Yes 8148 -- -- 0 8148 1430342912922 1430342921070 1430342921070 1430342912922 14 53 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 5 1 III 1 No 36863 -- -- 0 36863 1430342922072 1430342958935 1430342958935 1430342922072 5 24 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 6 1 VI 3 Yes 11711 -- -- 0 11711 1430342959939 1430342971650 1430342971650 1430342959939 15 82 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 7 1 VII 3 Yes 3805 -- -- 1 3806 1430342972654 1430342976460 1430342976459 1430342972654 14 60 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 8 1 VIII 2 No 7350 -- -- 0 7349 1430342977465 1430342984814 1430342984814 1430342977464 12 55 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 9 1 IV 2 Yes 6481 -- -- 0 6481 1430342985817 1430342992298 1430342992298 1430342985817 7 34 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 10 1 VII 2 Yes 5355 -- -- 0 5354 1430342993302 1430342998656 1430342998656 1430342993301 17 69 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 11 1 IIi 0 No 5061 -- -- 0 5061 1430342999659 1430343004720 1430343004720 1430342999659 8 34 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 12 1 VIII 0 No 32748 -- -- 0 32748 1430343005723 1430343038471 1430343038471 1430343005723 9 58 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 13 1 IIii 1 No 7657 -- -- 0 7657 1430343039474 1430343047131 1430343047131 1430343039474 9 47 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 14 1 IV 3 Yes 5649 -- -- 0 5648 1430343048134 1430343053782 1430343053782 1430343048133 7 28 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 15 1 Vii 1 Yes 4496 -- -- 0 4496 1430343054785 1430343059281 1430343059281 1430343054785 6 21 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 16 1 Ibii 0 No 12540 -- -- 0 12540 1430343060285 1430343072825 1430343072825 1430343060285 17 65 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 17 1 VI 1 No 10917 -- -- 0 10917 1430343073828 1430343084745 1430343084745 1430343073828 12 50 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 18 1 III 2 No 22988 -- -- 0 22988 1430343085748 1430343108736 1430343108736 1430343085748 3 14 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 19 1 Ia 1 Yes 12028 -- -- 0 12028 1430343109738 1430343121766 1430343121766 1430343109738 18 77 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 20 2 Ibii 1 Yes 14856 -- -- 0 14856 1430343122768 1430343137624 1430343137624 1430343122768 13 66 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 21 2 VII 1 Yes 5364 -- -- 0 5364 1430343138627 1430343143991 1430343143991 1430343138627 16 66 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 22 2 IV 1 Yes 3387 -- -- 0 3387 1430343144993 1430343148380 1430343148380 1430343144993 7 31 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 23 2 VI 0 No 7539 -- -- 0 7539 1430343149382 1430343156921 1430343156921 1430343149382 18 67 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 24 2 IIii 0 No 7874 -- -- 0 7874 1430343157924 1430343165798 1430343165798 1430343157924 8 56 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 25 2 Ibi 1 Yes 7687 -- -- 0 7687 1430343166801 1430343174488 1430343174488 1430343166801 19 71 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 26 2 IV 0 Yes 5099 -- -- 0 5099 1430343175492 1430343180591 1430343180591 1430343175492 8 37 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 27 2 Ia 2 Yes 13645 -- -- 0 13645 1430343181594 1430343195239 1430343195239 1430343181594 14 70 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 28 2 III 0 No 17136 -- -- 0 17136 1430343196242 1430343213378 1430343213378 1430343196242 4 25 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 29 2 VIII 3 No 13802 -- -- 0 13802 1430343214381 1430343228183 1430343228183 1430343214381 11 52 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 30 2 VII 0 Yes 5696 -- -- 0 5695 1430343229188 1430343234883 1430343234883 1430343229187 15 48 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 31 2 Vii 0 Yes 8478 -- -- 0 8478 1430343235886 1430343244364 1430343244364 1430343235886 6 21 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 32 2 III 3 No 4307 -- -- 0 4307 1430343245367 1430343249674 1430343249674 1430343245367 5 16 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 33 2 Ia 3 Yes 8469 -- -- 0 8468 1430343250677 1430343259145 1430343259145 1430343250676 15 71 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 34 2 IIi 1 No 5691 -- -- 0 5691 1430343260147 1430343265838 1430343265838 1430343260147 8 44 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 35 2 VIII 1 No 4876 -- -- 0 4876 1430343266840 1430343271716 1430343271716 1430343266840 11 46 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 36 2 Vi 0 Yes 2897 -- -- 0 2897 1430343272718 1430343275615 1430343275615 1430343272718 5 31 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 37 2 VI 2 Yes 16265 -- -- 0 16265 1430343276617 1430343292882 1430343292882 1430343276617 19 64 1 no letters 787828598-1430343326 34 439538 1430342872019 1430343311557 English f no Nothing special. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 5168 -- -- 0 5168 1430339066798 1430339071966 1430339071966 1430339066798 12 55 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 1 0 examples 1 No 2924 -- -- 1 2924 1430339072970 1430339075894 1430339075893 1430339072969 9 41 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 2 1 Ibi 0 No 14974 -- -- 0 14974 1430339076897 1430339091871 1430339091871 1430339076897 14 53 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 3 1 IV 1 Yes 8622 -- -- 0 8622 1430339092874 1430339101496 1430339101496 1430339092874 7 31 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 4 1 Ibii 0 Yes 13758 -- -- 0 13758 1430339102501 1430339116259 1430339116259 1430339102501 17 65 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 5 1 VII 0 Yes 8451 -- -- 0 8451 1430339117262 1430339125713 1430339125713 1430339117262 15 48 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 6 1 VII 2 Yes 8269 -- -- 0 8269 1430339126717 1430339134986 1430339134986 1430339126717 17 69 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 7 1 III 0 No 5220 -- -- 0 5220 1430339135989 1430339141209 1430339141209 1430339135989 4 25 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 8 1 Ia 3 Yes 15112 -- -- 0 15112 1430339142212 1430339157324 1430339157324 1430339142212 15 71 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 9 1 Vii 1 No 4237 -- -- 0 4237 1430339158327 1430339162564 1430339162564 1430339158327 6 21 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 10 1 IIii 0 No 7912 -- -- 0 7912 1430339163568 1430339171480 1430339171480 1430339163568 8 56 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 11 1 VI 2 Yes 11493 -- -- 1 11493 1430339172483 1430339183976 1430339183975 1430339172482 19 64 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 12 1 VIII 2 Yes 7687 -- -- 0 7687 1430339184978 1430339192665 1430339192665 1430339184978 12 55 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 13 1 VIII 3 No 4918 -- -- 0 4918 1430339193668 1430339198586 1430339198586 1430339193668 11 52 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 14 1 VI 1 Yes 7025 -- -- 0 7025 1430339199592 1430339206617 1430339206617 1430339199592 12 50 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 15 1 Ia 2 Yes 9239 -- -- 0 9239 1430339207620 1430339216859 1430339216859 1430339207620 14 70 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 16 1 IV 0 Yes 5534 -- -- 0 5533 1430339217862 1430339223395 1430339223395 1430339217861 8 37 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 17 1 Vi 0 Yes 3514 -- -- 0 3513 1430339224398 1430339227911 1430339227911 1430339224397 5 31 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 18 1 IIi 0 Yes 10842 -- -- 1 10843 1430339228914 1430339239757 1430339239756 1430339228914 8 34 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 19 1 III 1 Yes 14593 -- -- 0 14593 1430339240759 1430339255352 1430339255352 1430339240759 5 24 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 20 2 Ia 1 Yes 5270 -- -- 0 5270 1430339256355 1430339261625 1430339261625 1430339256355 18 77 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 21 2 VIII 1 No 9591 -- -- 1 9591 1430339262628 1430339272219 1430339272218 1430339262627 11 46 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 22 2 Ibi 1 Yes 11046 -- -- 0 11046 1430339273222 1430339284268 1430339284268 1430339273222 19 71 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 23 2 III 3 No 13559 -- -- 0 13558 1430339285273 1430339298831 1430339298831 1430339285272 5 16 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 24 2 Ia 0 Yes 5078 -- -- 0 5077 1430339299836 1430339304913 1430339304913 1430339299835 20 64 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 25 2 VI 0 Yes 27707 -- -- 0 27707 1430339305916 1430339333623 1430339333623 1430339305916 18 67 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 26 2 Vi 1 Yes 3128 -- -- 0 3127 1430339334626 1430339337753 1430339337753 1430339334625 6 28 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 27 2 Vii 0 Yes 5372 -- -- 0 5372 1430339338755 1430339344127 1430339344127 1430339338755 6 21 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 28 2 VII 3 Yes 5325 -- -- 1 5326 1430339345129 1430339350455 1430339350454 1430339345129 14 60 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 29 2 VII 1 Yes 4166 -- -- 0 4166 1430339351458 1430339355624 1430339355624 1430339351458 16 66 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 30 2 IIi 1 Yes 7773 -- -- 0 7773 1430339356627 1430339364400 1430339364400 1430339356627 8 44 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 31 2 Ibii 1 Yes 9472 -- -- 0 9472 1430339365405 1430339374877 1430339374877 1430339365405 13 66 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 32 2 IIii 1 No 7523 -- -- 0 7523 1430339375881 1430339383404 1430339383404 1430339375881 9 47 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 33 2 IV 2 Yes 6152 -- -- 0 6152 1430339384406 1430339390558 1430339390558 1430339384406 7 34 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 34 2 IV 3 No 6268 -- -- 0 6268 1430339391560 1430339397828 1430339397828 1430339391560 7 28 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 35 2 III 2 No 4979 -- -- 0 4979 1430339398830 1430339403809 1430339403809 1430339398830 3 14 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 36 2 VIII 0 No 13043 -- -- 0 13043 1430339404812 1430339417855 1430339417855 1430339404812 9 58 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 37 2 VI 3 Yes 15769 -- -- 0 15769 1430339418858 1430339434627 1430339434627 1430339418858 15 82 1 no letters 795942966-1430339465 62 381385 1430339071966 1430339453351 English f no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 6329 QL LQ 8926 16964 1430339234571 1430339251535 1430339242609 1430339236280 12 55 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 1 0 examples 1 No 4369 JF FJ 5936 12007 1430339255048 1430339267055 1430339261119 1430339256750 9 41 2 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 2 1 VI 1 Yes 19759 JB BJ 6029 27489 1430339270572 1430339298061 1430339292032 1430339272273 12 50 2 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 3 1 Ia 2 Yes 11740 LR RL 5961 19402 1430339301579 1430339320981 1430339315020 1430339303280 14 70 2 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 4 1 Vii 1 Yes 9763 JB BJ 4374 15845 1430339324495 1430339340340 1430339335966 1430339326203 6 21 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 5 1 VI 2 Yes 10005 FR RF 4174 15886 1430339343852 1430339359738 1430339355564 1430339345559 19 64 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 6 1 Vi 1 Yes 5495 BX XB 4532 11734 1430339363251 1430339374985 1430339370453 1430339364958 6 28 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 7 1 VII 0 Yes 7103 JB BJ 3856 12659 1430339378491 1430339391150 1430339387294 1430339380191 15 48 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 8 1 Ia 0 Yes 14685 LQ QL 5484 21878 1430339394658 1430339416536 1430339411052 1430339396367 20 64 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 9 1 III 3 Yes 8657 LM ML 4333 14691 1430339420041 1430339434732 1430339430399 1430339421742 5 16 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 10 1 III 2 Yes 7986 JF JF 12519 22205 1430339438239 1430339460444 1430339447925 1430339439939 3 14 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 11 1 VIII 3 No 11570 MF FM 4421 17692 1430339463954 1430339481646 1430339477225 1430339465655 11 52 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 12 1 IIi 1 No 9792 RL LR 4448 15939 1430339485155 1430339501094 1430339496646 1430339486854 8 44 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 13 1 Ibii 1 Yes 12121 QX XQ 4347 18175 1430339504597 1430339522772 1430339518425 1430339506304 13 66 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 14 1 VIII 1 No 8320 QJ JQ 4982 15002 1430339526275 1430339541277 1430339536295 1430339527975 11 46 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 15 1 VII 2 Yes 8193 QX XQ 4141 14034 1430339544784 1430339558818 1430339554677 1430339546484 17 69 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 16 1 IIii 1 No 10206 QB BQ 4537 16445 1430339562335 1430339578780 1430339574243 1430339564037 9 47 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 17 1 Ibi 1 Yes 8237 LH HL 4449 14390 1430339582285 1430339596675 1430339592226 1430339583989 19 71 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 18 1 IV 0 Yes 8156 HB BH 3710 13575 1430339600183 1430339613758 1430339610048 1430339601892 8 37 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 19 1 IV 2 Yes 6383 MQ QM 4160 12247 1430339617261 1430339629508 1430339625348 1430339618965 7 34 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 20 2 VI 0 Yes 15556 FHLR MHF 10839 29796 1430339633020 1430339662816 1430339651977 1430339636421 18 67 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 21 2 Vi 0 Yes 9909 LQFR RFQL 8606 21915 1430339666320 1430339688235 1430339679629 1430339669720 5 31 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 22 2 Ibi 0 Yes 10354 FLQX XQLF 7535 21288 1430339691736 1430339713024 1430339705489 1430339695135 14 53 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 23 2 IIii 0 No 8851 HRBQ QBRH 10036 22286 1430339716527 1430339738813 1430339728777 1430339719926 8 56 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 24 2 Ibii 0 Yes 6743 LRQF FQRL 7870 18017 1430339742316 1430339760333 1430339752463 1430339745720 17 65 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 25 2 IV 3 Yes 4083 QXBR RBXQ 9238 16720 1430339763837 1430339780557 1430339771319 1430339767236 7 28 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 26 2 VIII 0 Yes 13211 MHLQ QLHM 8178 24796 1430339784068 1430339808864 1430339800686 1430339787475 9 58 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 27 2 Vii 0 Yes 10687 RMHB BHMR 10223 24309 1430339812364 1430339836673 1430339826450 1430339815763 6 21 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 28 2 IIi 0 No 5948 MHRJ JRHM 7680 17030 1430339840178 1430339857208 1430339849528 1430339843580 8 34 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 29 2 VI 3 Yes 10562 JFHB BHFJ 8448 22415 1430339860717 1430339883132 1430339874684 1430339864122 15 82 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 30 2 VII 3 Yes 13432 RXQJ JQXR 8633 25466 1430339886637 1430339912103 1430339903470 1430339890038 14 60 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 31 2 VIII 2 Yes 10814 HQML LMQH 7317 21535 1430339915607 1430339937142 1430339929825 1430339919011 12 55 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 32 2 Ia 3 Yes 6948 MHLJ JLHM 6050 16405 1430339940646 1430339957051 1430339951001 1430339944053 15 71 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 33 2 Ia 1 Yes 7641 FXLH HLXF 7422 18466 1430339960555 1430339979021 1430339971599 1430339963958 18 77 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 34 2 VII 1 Yes 5290 XBLM MLBX 7820 16512 1430339982524 1430339999036 1430339991216 1430339985926 16 66 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 35 2 III 1 No 14822 JFHX XHFJ 19262 37484 1430340002548 1430340040032 1430340020770 1430340005948 5 24 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 36 2 III 0 No 4302 QBRL LRBQ 7909 15611 1430340043538 1430340059149 1430340051240 1430340046938 4 25 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 37 2 IV 1 Yes 5971 BRJL LJRB 17759 27129 1430340062659 1430340089788 1430340072029 1430340066058 7 31 1 2 letters first 840564709-1430340138 56 868513 1430339251535 1430340120048 English f no i used words for the letter 0 0 examples 0 Yes 6101 XB D 11866 19670 1430338945133 1430338964803 1430338952937 1430338946836 12 55 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 1 0 examples 1 No 2729 MB BM 2701 7131 1430338968306 1430338975437 1430338972736 1430338970007 9 41 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 2 1 Ia 0 Yes 5690 JHXQ XQJB 13855 22947 1430338979002 1430339001949 1430338988094 1430338982404 20 64 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 3 1 Ibi 0 Yes 7986 QXMR RMXQ 9192 20578 1430339005453 1430339026031 1430339016839 1430339008853 14 53 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 4 1 VII 3 Yes 6153 XMQH HQMX 5656 15209 1430339029540 1430339044749 1430339039093 1430339032940 14 60 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 5 1 III 0 No 5246 JBHM MHBJ 4747 13760 1430339048253 1430339062013 1430339057266 1430339052020 4 25 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 6 1 IV 1 Yes 7705 MLQH QHLM 5044 16149 1430339065518 1430339081667 1430339076623 1430339068918 7 31 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 7 1 Ia 3 Yes 6826 QFHJ HJFQ 8074 18300 1430339085170 1430339103470 1430339095396 1430339088570 15 71 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 8 1 IIii 0 No 12759 JXRQ QRXJ 5440 21599 1430339106974 1430339128573 1430339123133 1430339110374 8 56 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 9 1 VIII 1 No 9628 LHFX XFHJ 6851 20387 1430339132076 1430339152463 1430339145612 1430339135984 11 46 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 10 1 VI 0 Yes 12960 QRJX XJRQ 5224 22222 1430339155966 1430339178188 1430339172964 1430339160004 18 67 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 11 1 Vi 1 Yes 7936 HMRQ JH 2866 14203 1430339181700 1430339195903 1430339193037 1430339185101 6 28 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 12 1 VIII 0 Yes 20433 HRBX XBRH 7060 30893 1430339199407 1430339230300 1430339223240 1430339202807 9 58 3 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 13 1 III 3 No 3471 BLXF FXLB 5791 12663 1430339234005 1430339246668 1430339240877 1430339237406 5 16 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 14 1 IIi 1 Yes 5351 MXJQ QJXM 5378 14130 1430339250170 1430339264300 1430339258922 1430339253571 8 44 3 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 15 1 Vii 1 No 7733 HRJB BJRH 4850 15984 1430339267804 1430339283788 1430339278938 1430339271205 6 21 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 16 1 VI 3 Yes 7645 QRLF LFRQ 6627 17676 1430339287294 1430339304970 1430339298343 1430339290698 15 82 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 17 1 VII 0 Yes 5326 MHFB BFHM 5722 14449 1430339308474 1430339322923 1430339317201 1430339311875 15 48 6 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 18 1 IV 0 Yes 3479 LRQM MQRF 6929 13948 1430339326436 1430339340384 1430339333455 1430339329976 8 37 3 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 19 1 Ibii 0 Yes 10570 QLRM MRLQ 4116 18086 1430339343974 1430339362060 1430339357944 1430339347374 17 65 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 20 2 VIII 2 Yes 6426 FH HF 1955 10844 1430339365567 1430339376411 1430339374456 1430339368030 12 55 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 21 2 IIi 0 Yes 6015 LQ QL 2446 10162 1430339380137 1430339390299 1430339387853 1430339381838 8 34 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 22 2 VIII 3 No 5418 QL LQ 1742 8860 1430339393808 1430339402668 1430339400926 1430339395508 11 52 3 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 23 2 III 1 No 3939 QB QB 2471 8110 1430339406173 1430339414283 1430339411812 1430339407873 5 24 4 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 24 2 III 2 Yes 4399 BQ QB 1696 7796 1430339417787 1430339425583 1430339423887 1430339419488 3 14 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 25 2 VII 1 Yes 3613 RH HR 2364 7677 1430339429086 1430339436763 1430339434399 1430339430786 16 66 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 26 2 VII 2 Yes 11533 MF FM 2225 15458 1430339441016 1430339456474 1430339454249 1430339442716 17 69 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 27 2 VI 1 Yes 3062 JB BJ 1656 6418 1430339459978 1430339466396 1430339464740 1430339461678 12 50 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 28 2 Ibi 1 No 10493 QR FM 27097 39292 1430339469903 1430339509195 1430339482098 1430339471605 19 71 4 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 29 2 IV 2 Yes 5113 RX XR 1604 8418 1430339513016 1430339521434 1430339519830 1430339514717 7 34 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 30 2 IV 3 Yes 393193 JX XJ 4145 399042 1430339524999 1430339924041 1430339919896 1430339526703 7 28 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 31 2 Vii 0 No 3704 RX XR 2204 7612 1430339927548 1430339935160 1430339932956 1430339929252 6 21 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 32 2 Vi 0 Yes 4393 LF XL 1161 7254 1430339938666 1430339945920 1430339944759 1430339940366 5 31 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 33 2 Ia 2 Yes 6408 FL LF 2500 10609 1430339949426 1430339960035 1430339957535 1430339951127 14 70 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 34 2 IIii 1 Yes 6394 BJ GB 4715 12810 1430339963539 1430339976349 1430339971634 1430339965240 9 47 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 35 2 Ibii 1 Yes 5840 XM XB 3367 10907 1430339979853 1430339990760 1430339987393 1430339981553 13 66 1 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 36 2 VI 2 Yes 1388 BJ JB 3211 6300 1430339994283 1430340000583 1430339997372 1430339995984 19 64 2 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 37 2 Ia 1 Yes 4074 BF FB 3928 9702 1430340004086 1430340013788 1430340009860 1430340005786 18 77 4 4 letters first 843065937-1430340032 23 1061223 1430338964803 1430340026026 korean m no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 12186 -- -- 0 12186 1430344577678 1430344589864 1430344589864 1430344577678 12 55 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 1 0 examples 1 No 7600 -- -- 0 7600 1430344590866 1430344598466 1430344598466 1430344590866 9 41 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 2 1 IV 0 Yes 7755 -- -- 0 7755 1430344599469 1430344607224 1430344607224 1430344599469 8 37 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 3 1 IIii 1 No 8876 -- -- 0 8876 1430344608226 1430344617102 1430344617102 1430344608226 9 47 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 4 1 Ibi 0 Yes 10092 -- -- 0 10092 1430344618104 1430344628196 1430344628196 1430344618104 14 53 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 5 1 IV 3 No 9724 -- -- 0 9724 1430344629198 1430344638922 1430344638922 1430344629198 7 28 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 6 1 Vi 0 Yes 8773 -- -- 0 8773 1430344639931 1430344648704 1430344648704 1430344639931 5 31 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 7 1 Ibii 1 Yes 14314 -- -- 0 14313 1430344649707 1430344664020 1430344664020 1430344649706 13 66 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 8 1 III 2 Yes 10999 -- -- 0 10998 1430344665025 1430344676023 1430344676023 1430344665024 3 14 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 9 1 Ia 0 No 14140 -- -- 0 14140 1430344677037 1430344691177 1430344691177 1430344677037 20 64 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 10 1 VII 1 Yes 11294 -- -- 0 11293 1430344692185 1430344703478 1430344703478 1430344692184 16 66 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 11 1 VIII 1 No 16313 -- -- 0 16313 1430344704494 1430344720807 1430344720807 1430344704494 11 46 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 12 1 VIII 0 No 7860 -- -- 1 7861 1430344721818 1430344729679 1430344729678 1430344721818 9 58 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 13 1 VI 3 Yes 13035 -- -- 1 13036 1430344730693 1430344743729 1430344743728 1430344730693 15 82 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 14 1 VII 3 Yes 4800 -- -- 0 4800 1430344744738 1430344749538 1430344749538 1430344744738 14 60 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 15 1 III 1 No 7500 -- -- 0 7500 1430344750555 1430344758055 1430344758055 1430344750555 5 24 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 16 1 VI 0 Yes 7833 -- -- 0 7833 1430344759072 1430344766905 1430344766905 1430344759072 18 67 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 17 1 Ia 2 No 8944 -- -- 0 8944 1430344767927 1430344776871 1430344776871 1430344767927 14 70 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 18 1 Vii 0 Yes 5125 -- -- 0 5125 1430344777885 1430344783010 1430344783010 1430344777885 6 21 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 19 1 IIi 0 Yes 5776 -- -- 0 5776 1430344784015 1430344789791 1430344789791 1430344784015 8 34 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 20 2 VI 2 No 6105 -- -- 0 6105 1430344790793 1430344796898 1430344796898 1430344790793 19 64 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 21 2 III 0 No 5055 -- -- 0 5055 1430344797908 1430344802963 1430344802963 1430344797908 4 25 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 22 2 Vii 1 Yes 4741 -- -- 0 4741 1430344803974 1430344808715 1430344808715 1430344803974 6 21 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 23 2 Ia 3 Yes 8967 -- -- 0 8967 1430344809729 1430344818696 1430344818696 1430344809729 15 71 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 24 2 VII 2 Yes 6593 -- -- 0 6593 1430344819704 1430344826297 1430344826297 1430344819704 17 69 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 25 2 Ibii 0 Yes 8534 -- -- 1 8535 1430344827304 1430344835839 1430344835838 1430344827304 17 65 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 26 2 VII 0 Yes 4152 -- -- 1 4153 1430344836851 1430344841004 1430344841003 1430344836851 15 48 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 27 2 III 3 No 5353 -- -- 0 5353 1430344842008 1430344847361 1430344847361 1430344842008 5 16 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 28 2 IV 2 Yes 4069 -- -- 0 4069 1430344848371 1430344852440 1430344852440 1430344848371 7 34 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 29 2 Vi 1 Yes 5995 -- -- 0 5995 1430344853456 1430344859451 1430344859451 1430344853456 6 28 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 30 2 IV 1 Yes 3981 -- -- 0 3981 1430344860463 1430344864444 1430344864444 1430344860463 7 31 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 31 2 Ia 1 Yes 5546 -- -- 0 5546 1430344865452 1430344870998 1430344870998 1430344865452 18 77 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 32 2 VI 1 Yes 7070 -- -- 0 7070 1430344872002 1430344879072 1430344879072 1430344872002 12 50 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 33 2 VIII 2 No 9419 -- -- 0 9419 1430344880076 1430344889495 1430344889495 1430344880076 12 55 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 34 2 IIii 0 No 8929 -- -- 0 8929 1430344890505 1430344899434 1430344899434 1430344890505 8 56 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 35 2 VIII 3 No 6341 -- -- 0 6341 1430344900450 1430344906791 1430344906791 1430344900450 11 52 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 36 2 Ibi 1 Yes 7884 -- -- 0 7884 1430344907804 1430344915688 1430344915688 1430344907804 19 71 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 37 2 IIi 1 No 7683 -- -- 0 7683 1430344916691 1430344924374 1430344924374 1430344916691 8 44 1 no letters 844709455-1430344946 37 356300 1430344589864 1430344946164 english m no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 5104 HR RH 4679 11483 1430339029602 1430339041085 1430339036406 1430339031302 12 55 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 1 0 examples 1 No 8530 JQ QJ 3347 13578 1430339044587 1430339058165 1430339054818 1430339046288 9 41 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 2 1 VI 1 No 7238 LM ML 2007 10946 1430339061667 1430339072613 1430339070606 1430339063368 12 50 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 3 1 Ia 2 Yes 15172 FH HF 2327 19200 1430339076115 1430339095315 1430339092988 1430339077816 14 70 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 4 1 III 2 No 16469 RJ JR 1959 20129 1430339098818 1430339118947 1430339116988 1430339100519 3 14 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 5 1 VI 0 Yes 5640 XL LX 4403 11744 1430339122451 1430339134195 1430339129792 1430339124152 18 67 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 6 1 Vii 0 Yes 4168 ML LM 1524 7394 1430339137698 1430339145092 1430339143568 1430339139400 6 21 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 7 1 Vi 1 Yes 3697 LX XL 1947 7345 1430339148595 1430339155940 1430339153993 1430339150296 6 28 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 8 1 III 3 No 12901 FR RF 1808 16410 1430339159443 1430339175853 1430339174045 1430339161144 5 16 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 9 1 VIII 0 No 11221 XH HX 1359 14281 1430339179356 1430339193637 1430339192278 1430339181057 9 58 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 10 1 IIi 1 No 4125 MB BM 2303 8129 1430339197139 1430339205268 1430339202965 1430339198840 8 44 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 11 1 IV 2 Yes 3793 JX XJ 1587 7952 1430339208771 1430339216723 1430339215136 1430339211343 7 34 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 12 1 VII 0 Yes 4009 MQ WM 1156 6866 1430339220226 1430339227092 1430339225936 1430339221927 15 48 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 13 1 IV 0 Yes 3704 FL LF 1563 6968 1430339230595 1430339237563 1430339236000 1430339232296 8 37 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 14 1 VII 1 Yes 4327 LH HL 1495 7523 1430339241065 1430339248588 1430339247093 1430339242766 16 66 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 15 1 Ia 3 Yes 4889 BR RB 1371 7961 1430339252090 1430339260051 1430339258680 1430339253791 15 71 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 16 1 Ibii 1 Yes 12669 RQ QR 2056 16426 1430339263555 1430339279981 1430339277925 1430339265256 13 66 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 17 1 VIII 3 No 4261 QH HQ 1543 7505 1430339283483 1430339290988 1430339289445 1430339285184 11 52 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 18 1 Ibi 0 Yes 6001 QH HQ 2868 10569 1430339294492 1430339305061 1430339302193 1430339296192 14 53 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 19 1 IIii 0 No 3769 QJ JQ 1244 6714 1430339308563 1430339315277 1430339314033 1430339310264 8 56 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 20 2 Vii 1 Yes 4973 JFHL LHFJ 4628 13002 1430339318779 1430339331781 1430339327153 1430339322180 6 21 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 21 2 VII 2 No 6761 MRQF LQRM 12711 22872 1430339335283 1430339358155 1430339345444 1430339338683 17 69 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 22 2 VIII 1 No 3685 HBXQ QFBH 13003 20089 1430339361658 1430339381747 1430339368744 1430339365059 11 46 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 23 2 VII 3 Yes 6312 QLRJ JRLQ 3904 13617 1430339385251 1430339398868 1430339394964 1430339388652 14 60 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 24 2 Ia 1 Yes 6328 MJHQ QHJM 3399 13128 1430339402372 1430339415500 1430339412101 1430339405773 18 77 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 25 2 VI 3 Yes 5188 LBXM MXBL 4587 13177 1430339419003 1430339432180 1430339427593 1430339422405 15 82 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 26 2 Vi 0 Yes 5368 BHJX XJMB 18198 26968 1430339435683 1430339462651 1430339444453 1430339439085 5 31 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 27 2 IV 3 Yes 4213 QJFH HFJQ 5404 13018 1430339466154 1430339479172 1430339473768 1430339469555 7 28 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 28 2 VI 2 Yes 4889 HJRX XRJH 7832 16122 1430339482674 1430339498796 1430339490964 1430339486075 19 64 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 29 2 III 0 Yes 2869 MQRX XRQM 13323 19593 1430339502298 1430339521891 1430339508568 1430339505699 4 25 3 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 30 2 Ibi 1 Yes 4162 LJFM MFJL 3319 10881 1430339525394 1430339536275 1430339532956 1430339528794 19 71 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 31 2 Ia 0 Yes 4181 MJQB BQJM 3619 11202 1430339539777 1430339550979 1430339547360 1430339543179 20 64 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 32 2 IIii 1 No 7270 FRLQ QLJF 3650 14321 1430339554482 1430339568803 1430339565153 1430339557883 9 47 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 33 2 IV 1 Yes 3266 MFLX XLFR 2431 9098 1430339572306 1430339581404 1430339578973 1430339575707 7 31 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 34 2 Ibii 0 Yes 7209 MBRQ QRBM 3583 14194 1430339584907 1430339599101 1430339595518 1430339588309 17 65 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 35 2 IIi 0 No 3380 FQHR RHQF 8796 15577 1430339602604 1430339618181 1430339609385 1430339606005 8 34 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 36 2 III 1 Yes 2780 FMQR RQMF 3724 9905 1430339621684 1430339631589 1430339627865 1430339625085 5 24 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 37 2 VIII 2 Yes 6980 FXMB BMXF 3587 13968 1430339635092 1430339649060 1430339645473 1430339638493 12 55 1 2 letters first 84499858-1430339677 30 620255 1430339041085 1430339661340 English f no I started making up little sentences when we did the four letter trials. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 9374 MX XM 5667 16742 1430339976324 1430339993066 1430339987399 1430339978025 12 55 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 1 0 examples 1 No 10961 LQ QL 3198 15859 1430339996571 1430340012430 1430340009232 1430339998271 9 41 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 2 1 VI 1 Yes 70285 FB BF 3707 75692 1430340015935 1430340091627 1430340087920 1430340017635 12 50 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 3 1 IV 2 No 22109 BQ QB 3053 26863 1430340095132 1430340121995 1430340118942 1430340096833 7 34 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 4 1 VII 2 Yes 18000 RB BR 3954 23655 1430340125499 1430340149154 1430340145200 1430340127200 17 69 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 5 1 VIII 1 No 12701 HJ BR 4237 18638 1430340152659 1430340171297 1430340167060 1430340154359 11 46 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 6 1 Vii 1 Yes 14338 RX XR 7175 23214 1430340174802 1430340198016 1430340190841 1430340176503 6 21 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 7 1 Ibii 0 Yes 36799 LQ QL 4995 43494 1430340201521 1430340245015 1430340240020 1430340203221 17 65 14 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 8 1 IIii 0 No 12032 QL QL 5633 19364 1430340248520 1430340267884 1430340262251 1430340250219 8 56 3 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 9 1 VIII 0 No 13380 HR RH 5455 20535 1430340271388 1430340291923 1430340286468 1430340273088 9 58 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 10 1 Ibi 1 Yes 22944 LM ML 4884 29527 1430340295428 1430340324955 1430340320071 1430340297127 19 71 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 11 1 IIi 0 No 6209 JF FJ 7417 15326 1430340328460 1430340343786 1430340336369 1430340330160 8 34 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 12 1 VI 0 Yes 11094 BR RB 3031 15825 1430340347290 1430340363115 1430340360084 1430340348990 18 67 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 13 1 III 3 No 10365 HQ QH 6261 18326 1430340366620 1430340384946 1430340378685 1430340368320 5 16 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 14 1 IV 3 No 14341 BF FB 3630 19671 1430340388451 1430340408122 1430340404492 1430340390151 7 28 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 15 1 VII 0 Yes 7320 LB BL 2411 11431 1430340411626 1430340423057 1430340420646 1430340413326 15 48 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 16 1 Ia 2 Yes 20386 JF BL 2977 25063 1430340426561 1430340451624 1430340448647 1430340428261 14 70 4 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 17 1 Vi 1 Yes 7807 QM QM 3708 13215 1430340455129 1430340468344 1430340464636 1430340456829 6 28 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 18 1 Ia 3 Yes 15248 RX MQ 8913 25861 1430340471849 1430340497710 1430340488797 1430340473549 15 71 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 19 1 III 1 No 7355 FX XF 3156 12212 1430340501213 1430340513425 1430340510269 1430340502914 5 24 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 20 2 Ibi 0 Yes 10397 JBFL LFBJ 9821 23618 1430340516929 1430340540547 1430340530726 1430340520329 14 53 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 21 2 Ibii 1 Yes 10784 JMQF GQMJ 8924 23108 1430340544051 1430340567159 1430340558235 1430340547451 13 66 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 22 2 VII 1 Yes 9194 XMJR RXMJ 6473 19066 1430340570663 1430340589729 1430340583256 1430340574062 16 66 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 23 2 III 2 No 5201 JLFH SHMJ 8490 17091 1430340593234 1430340610325 1430340601835 1430340596634 3 14 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 24 2 IV 1 Yes 11137 HJFM MFHJ 12918 27455 1430340613830 1430340641285 1430340628367 1430340617230 7 31 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 25 2 Ia 0 Yes 17973 BFXH FHJK 7763 29137 1430340644789 1430340673926 1430340666163 1430340648190 20 64 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 26 2 VIII 3 No 10785 XQHL JXQM 5188 19373 1430340677431 1430340696804 1430340691616 1430340680831 11 52 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 27 2 IIii 1 No 11070 JLFR FQMJ 7399 21870 1430340700308 1430340722178 1430340714779 1430340703709 9 47 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 28 2 VI 3 No 25772 HFMR JFMR 3290 32463 1430340725682 1430340758145 1430340754855 1430340729083 15 82 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 29 2 VII 3 Yes 8034 QMRF FRQM 6802 18236 1430340761649 1430340779885 1430340773083 1430340765049 14 60 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 30 2 IV 0 Yes 19524 BLXM MXLB 11766 34690 1430340783390 1430340818080 1430340806314 1430340786790 8 37 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 31 2 Vii 0 Yes 9537 RFQJ JQFR 7350 20287 1430340821584 1430340841871 1430340834521 1430340824984 6 21 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 32 2 VI 2 Yes 14169 XHBM MHBX 11941 29511 1430340845376 1430340874887 1430340862946 1430340848777 19 64 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 33 2 III 0 No 8056 FRJQ QJRF 6253 17710 1430340878392 1430340896102 1430340889849 1430340881793 4 25 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 34 2 VIII 2 No 7970 FRJL LJRF 7558 18929 1430340899608 1430340918537 1430340910979 1430340903009 12 55 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 35 2 IIi 1 No 10140 QXML LMXQ 5497 19037 1430340922043 1430340941080 1430340935583 1430340925443 8 44 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 36 2 Vi 0 Yes 5998 RBXF FXBR 6145 15543 1430340944584 1430340960127 1430340953982 1430340947984 5 31 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 37 2 Ia 1 Yes 16472 MBRF FRBM 5589 25462 1430340963632 1430340989094 1430340983505 1430340967033 18 77 1 2 letters first 850458911-1430341048 29 1017480 1430339993066 1430341010546 English f no it was hard to concentrate after a while because there were too many question 0 0 examples 0 Yes 9569 -- -- 0 9568 1430339323925 1430339333493 1430339333493 1430339323924 12 55 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 1 0 examples 1 Yes 11468 -- -- 1 11469 1430339334497 1430339345966 1430339345965 1430339334497 9 41 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 2 1 VIII 2 Yes 9060 -- -- 0 9060 1430339346969 1430339356029 1430339356029 1430339346969 12 55 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 3 1 III 1 No 10678 -- -- 0 10678 1430339357032 1430339367710 1430339367710 1430339357032 5 24 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 4 1 Ia 1 Yes 8174 -- -- 0 8174 1430339368712 1430339376886 1430339376886 1430339368712 18 77 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 5 1 Vii 1 Yes 22598 -- -- 0 22598 1430339377888 1430339400486 1430339400486 1430339377888 6 21 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 6 1 IIii 1 No 12894 -- -- 0 12894 1430339401488 1430339414382 1430339414382 1430339401488 9 47 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 7 1 VIII 0 No 11798 -- -- 0 11798 1430339415384 1430339427182 1430339427182 1430339415384 9 58 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 8 1 VII 3 Yes 5102 -- -- 0 5102 1430339428183 1430339433285 1430339433285 1430339428183 14 60 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 9 1 VI 1 Yes 11495 -- -- 0 11495 1430339434286 1430339445781 1430339445781 1430339434286 12 50 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 10 1 IIi 0 No 7573 -- -- 0 7573 1430339446783 1430339454356 1430339454356 1430339446783 8 34 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 11 1 III 0 No 10543 -- -- 0 10543 1430339455358 1430339465901 1430339465901 1430339455358 4 25 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 12 1 Ibii 0 Yes 15302 -- -- 0 15302 1430339466902 1430339482204 1430339482204 1430339466902 17 65 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 13 1 VI 2 Yes 7199 -- -- 0 7199 1430339483206 1430339490405 1430339490405 1430339483206 19 64 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 14 1 Vi 1 Yes 4773 -- -- 1 4774 1430339491407 1430339496181 1430339496180 1430339491407 6 28 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 15 1 IV 0 Yes 6438 -- -- 0 6438 1430339497183 1430339503621 1430339503621 1430339497183 8 37 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 16 1 VII 1 Yes 5374 -- -- 0 5374 1430339504623 1430339509997 1430339509997 1430339504623 16 66 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 17 1 Ibi 1 No 9838 -- -- 0 9838 1430339510999 1430339520837 1430339520837 1430339510999 19 71 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 18 1 IV 2 Yes 5525 -- -- 1 5526 1430339521839 1430339527365 1430339527364 1430339521839 7 34 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 19 1 Ia 0 Yes 8951 -- -- 0 8951 1430339528366 1430339537317 1430339537317 1430339528366 20 64 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 20 2 IV 1 Yes 4662 -- -- 0 4662 1430339538319 1430339542981 1430339542981 1430339538319 7 31 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 21 2 Ibii 1 Yes 15822 -- -- 0 15822 1430339543982 1430339559804 1430339559804 1430339543982 13 66 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 22 2 Ibi 0 No 8807 -- -- 0 8807 1430339560806 1430339569613 1430339569613 1430339560806 14 53 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 23 2 IV 3 Yes 5373 -- -- 0 5373 1430339570615 1430339575988 1430339575988 1430339570615 7 28 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 24 2 VI 3 Yes 14094 -- -- 0 14094 1430339576990 1430339591084 1430339591084 1430339576990 15 82 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 25 2 III 2 Yes 6854 -- -- 0 6854 1430339592086 1430339598940 1430339598940 1430339592086 3 14 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 26 2 VI 0 No 7206 -- -- 0 7206 1430339599942 1430339607148 1430339607148 1430339599942 18 67 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 27 2 VIII 1 No 7838 -- -- 0 7838 1430339608150 1430339615988 1430339615988 1430339608150 11 46 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 28 2 IIii 0 No 8957 -- -- 0 8957 1430339616990 1430339625947 1430339625947 1430339616990 8 56 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 29 2 VII 0 Yes 6798 -- -- 0 6798 1430339626949 1430339633747 1430339633747 1430339626949 15 48 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 30 2 Ia 3 Yes 8990 -- -- 0 8990 1430339634749 1430339643739 1430339643739 1430339634749 15 71 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 31 2 VIII 3 No 9807 -- -- 0 9807 1430339644741 1430339654548 1430339654548 1430339644741 11 52 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 32 2 Ia 2 Yes 12300 -- -- 1 12301 1430339655550 1430339667851 1430339667850 1430339655550 14 70 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 33 2 Vii 0 Yes 7125 -- -- 0 7125 1430339668854 1430339675979 1430339675979 1430339668854 6 21 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 34 2 Vi 0 Yes 5221 -- -- 1 5222 1430339676981 1430339682203 1430339682202 1430339676981 5 31 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 35 2 VII 2 Yes 15104 -- -- 0 15104 1430339683204 1430339698308 1430339698308 1430339683204 17 69 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 36 2 III 3 Yes 15239 -- -- 0 15239 1430339699309 1430339714548 1430339714548 1430339699309 5 16 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 37 2 IIi 1 Yes 4166 -- -- 0 4166 1430339715549 1430339719715 1430339719715 1430339715549 8 44 1 no letters 876177992-1430339752 53 413671 1430339333493 1430339747164 english m no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 17715 LR RL 19943 39368 1430341319663 1430341359031 1430341339088 1430341321373 12 55 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 1 0 examples 1 No 18566 JH HJ 5528 25808 1430341362557 1430341388365 1430341382837 1430341364271 9 41 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 2 1 Ibii 1 Yes 37501 LJHB BHJL 13740 54656 1430341391884 1430341446540 1430341432800 1430341395299 13 66 3 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 3 1 VIII 1 No 27322 HBFM MFBH 13871 44608 1430341450070 1430341494678 1430341480807 1430341453485 11 46 2 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 4 1 IIi 1 No 14600 HFQX XQFH 14011 32011 1430341498194 1430341530205 1430341516194 1430341501594 8 44 3 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 5 1 Ibi 1 Yes 23347 LMJX XJML 13941 40702 1430341533731 1430341574433 1430341560492 1430341537145 19 71 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 6 1 VII 1 Yes 24294 HBJF FJBH 11740 39434 1430341577954 1430341617388 1430341605648 1430341581354 16 66 3 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 7 1 Vi 1 Yes 15507 HRLJ JLRH 9962 28883 1430341620917 1430341649800 1430341639838 1430341624331 6 28 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 8 1 VII 0 Yes 13409 FRHJ JFRH 11633 28457 1430341653332 1430341681789 1430341670156 1430341656747 15 48 2 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 9 1 III 3 No 31983 RXMJ JMXR 11894 47290 1430341685298 1430341732588 1430341720694 1430341688711 5 16 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 10 1 Ia 1 Yes 29128 RMLF FLMR 9276 41818 1430341736120 1430341777938 1430341768662 1430341739534 18 77 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 11 1 IV 2 Yes 17409 LJRB MRJL 12949 33772 1430341781468 1430341815240 1430341802291 1430341784882 7 34 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 12 1 VIII 3 No 18289 JXQB BMXJ 12044 33739 1430341818766 1430341852505 1430341840461 1430341822172 11 52 2 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 13 1 VI 2 No 12788 JXRL LRXJ 8881 25069 1430341856032 1430341881101 1430341872220 1430341859432 19 64 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 14 1 Ia 2 Yes 20945 QLMF FMLQ 11445 35804 1430341884628 1430341920432 1430341908987 1430341888042 14 70 2 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 15 1 IIii 1 No 12073 JXRM MLXJ 9651 25123 1430341923953 1430341949076 1430341939425 1430341927352 9 47 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 16 1 III 1 Yes 23851 JFHM MHFJ 10220 37486 1430341952594 1430341990080 1430341979860 1430341956009 5 24 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 17 1 VI 0 Yes 15177 XMHF FHMX 16054 34638 1430341993597 1430342028235 1430342012181 1430341997004 18 67 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 18 1 Vii 0 Yes 14822 BQML LMQB 11637 29872 1430342031763 1430342061635 1430342049998 1430342035176 6 21 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 19 1 IV 1 Yes 10390 XRJL LRXM 10427 24217 1430342065160 1430342089377 1430342078950 1430342068560 7 31 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 20 2 VIII 0 No 30894 MJ ML 2442 35036 1430342092895 1430342127931 1430342125489 1430342094595 9 58 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 21 2 VII 2 Yes 12979 MR RM 1663 16356 1430342131443 1430342147799 1430342146136 1430342133157 17 69 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 22 2 VI 3 No 11476 RF FR 3833 17023 1430342151317 1430342168340 1430342164507 1430342153031 15 82 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 23 2 Vii 1 Yes 13598 BH HB 2945 18243 1430342171860 1430342190103 1430342187158 1430342173560 6 21 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 24 2 Ibi 0 No 10607 QH HQ 1891 14212 1430342193623 1430342207835 1430342205944 1430342195337 14 53 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 25 2 III 0 Yes 12813 QL LQ 3109 17623 1430342211359 1430342228982 1430342225873 1430342213060 4 25 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 26 2 IIi 0 No 6462 JX XJ 1995 10157 1430342232512 1430342242669 1430342240674 1430342234212 8 34 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 27 2 III 2 Yes 7420 BH HB 2766 11886 1430342246192 1430342258078 1430342255312 1430342247892 3 14 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 28 2 Ia 3 Yes 16705 XQ QX 3615 22019 1430342261605 1430342283624 1430342280009 1430342263304 15 71 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 29 2 IV 3 Yes 5507 RF FR 4261 11468 1430342287173 1430342298641 1430342294380 1430342288873 7 28 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 30 2 Vi 0 Yes 8537 XJ JX 1869 12120 1430342302166 1430342314286 1430342312417 1430342303880 5 31 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 31 2 VIII 2 Yes 5299 MJ JM 5504 12518 1430342317811 1430342330329 1430342324825 1430342319526 12 55 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 32 2 VII 3 Yes 6745 RF FR 3912 12371 1430342333849 1430342346220 1430342342308 1430342335563 14 60 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 33 2 VI 1 No 9058 BM MB 1743 12516 1430342349744 1430342362260 1430342360517 1430342351459 12 50 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 34 2 Ibii 0 Yes 21183 RB BR 3630 26528 1430342365780 1430342392308 1430342388678 1430342367495 17 65 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 35 2 Ia 0 Yes 13187 JQ QJ 2286 17185 1430342395828 1430342413013 1430342410727 1430342397540 20 64 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 36 2 IV 0 Yes 7405 BL LB 1956 11060 1430342416541 1430342427601 1430342425645 1430342418240 8 37 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 37 2 IIii 0 No 15064 HM MH 1781 18551 1430342431126 1430342449677 1430342447896 1430342432832 8 56 1 4 letters first 895832000-1430342581 72 1111878 1430341359031 1430342470909 English f no I repeated outloud the 4-letter ones several times to memorize them. I then typed the 4 letters as shown, then reversed them and then deleted the first 4 letters I typed. For the 2-letter ones, I tried to come up with a name for the letters and then reversed them. 0 0 examples 0 Yes 6814 -- -- 0 6814 1430345699249 1430345706063 1430345706063 1430345699249 12 55 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 1 0 examples 1 No 3172 -- -- 0 3172 1430345707068 1430345710240 1430345710240 1430345707068 9 41 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 2 1 VIII 1 No 4991 -- -- 0 4991 1430345711233 1430345716224 1430345716224 1430345711233 11 46 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 3 1 IIii 0 No 5159 -- -- 0 5159 1430345717217 1430345722376 1430345722376 1430345717217 8 56 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 4 1 Ia 3 No 7421 -- -- 0 7421 1430345723383 1430345730804 1430345730804 1430345723383 15 71 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 5 1 IV 0 Yes 4072 -- -- 0 4072 1430345731816 1430345735888 1430345735888 1430345731816 8 37 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 6 1 Ibii 0 Yes 7922 -- -- 0 7922 1430345736886 1430345744808 1430345744808 1430345736886 17 65 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 7 1 VIII 0 No 7765 -- -- 0 7765 1430345745819 1430345753584 1430345753584 1430345745819 9 58 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 8 1 Vii 1 Yes 6585 -- -- 0 6585 1430345754585 1430345761170 1430345761170 1430345754585 6 21 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 9 1 III 2 Yes 6445 -- -- 0 6445 1430345762179 1430345768624 1430345768624 1430345762179 3 14 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 10 1 VI 3 No 7104 -- -- 0 7104 1430345769619 1430345776723 1430345776723 1430345769619 15 82 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 11 1 Vi 0 Yes 6018 -- -- 0 6018 1430345777742 1430345783760 1430345783760 1430345777742 5 31 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 12 1 VI 2 Yes 6107 -- -- 0 6107 1430345784772 1430345790879 1430345790879 1430345784772 19 64 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 13 1 III 0 Yes 3830 -- -- 0 3830 1430345791877 1430345795707 1430345795707 1430345791877 4 25 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 14 1 VII 3 Yes 5989 -- -- 0 5988 1430345796707 1430345802695 1430345802695 1430345796706 14 60 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 15 1 Ia 2 No 4546 -- -- 1 4546 1430345803702 1430345808248 1430345808247 1430345803701 14 70 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 16 1 Ibi 0 Yes 7498 -- -- 0 7498 1430345809254 1430345816752 1430345816752 1430345809254 14 53 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 17 1 VII 2 Yes 8397 -- -- 0 8396 1430345817764 1430345826160 1430345826160 1430345817763 17 69 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 18 1 IV 1 Yes 11771 -- -- 1 11772 1430345827157 1430345838929 1430345838928 1430345827157 7 31 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 19 1 IIi 1 No 6522 -- -- 0 6522 1430345839934 1430345846456 1430345846456 1430345839934 8 44 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 20 2 Vi 1 Yes 6786 -- -- 0 6786 1430345847454 1430345854240 1430345854240 1430345847454 6 28 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 21 2 Vii 0 Yes 5347 -- -- 0 5347 1430345855229 1430345860576 1430345860576 1430345855229 6 21 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 22 2 IV 3 Yes 5020 -- -- 1 5021 1430345861587 1430345866608 1430345866607 1430345861587 7 28 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 23 2 III 3 Yes 2708 -- -- 0 2708 1430345867628 1430345870336 1430345870336 1430345867628 5 16 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 24 2 IIii 1 No 6912 -- -- 0 6912 1430345871336 1430345878248 1430345878248 1430345871336 9 47 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 25 2 IV 2 Yes 3439 -- -- 0 3439 1430345879248 1430345882687 1430345882687 1430345879248 7 34 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 26 2 Ibii 1 Yes 7916 -- -- 0 7916 1430345883684 1430345891600 1430345891600 1430345883684 13 66 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 27 2 Ia 0 Yes 5885 -- -- 0 5885 1430345892595 1430345898480 1430345898480 1430345892595 20 64 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 28 2 Ibi 1 Yes 5519 -- -- 0 5519 1430345899505 1430345905024 1430345905024 1430345899505 19 71 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 29 2 VI 1 Yes 4060 -- -- 0 4060 1430345906020 1430345910080 1430345910080 1430345906020 12 50 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 30 2 Ia 1 Yes 8864 -- -- 0 8864 1430345911096 1430345919960 1430345919960 1430345911096 18 77 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 31 2 VIII 2 No 6422 -- -- 0 6421 1430345920955 1430345927376 1430345927376 1430345920954 12 55 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 32 2 VII 1 Yes 5634 -- -- 0 5633 1430345928375 1430345934008 1430345934008 1430345928374 16 66 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 33 2 IIi 0 No 3544 -- -- 1 3545 1430345934999 1430345938544 1430345938543 1430345934999 8 34 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 34 2 III 1 Yes 4266 -- -- 0 4266 1430345939549 1430345943815 1430345943815 1430345939549 5 24 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 35 2 VII 0 Yes 3329 -- -- 0 3329 1430345944815 1430345948144 1430345948144 1430345944815 15 48 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 36 2 VI 0 Yes 50648 -- -- 0 50648 1430345949144 1430345999792 1430345999792 1430345949144 18 67 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 37 2 VIII 3 No 5230 -- -- 0 5230 1430346000805 1430346006035 1430346006035 1430346000805 11 52 1 no letters 900767291-1430342749 53 323859 1430345706063 1430346029922 English f no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 7046 LH HL 6596 15344 1430347818380 1430347833724 1430347827128 1430347820082 12 55 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 1 0 examples 1 No 5674 LF FL 6973 14350 1430347837229 1430347851579 1430347844606 1430347838932 9 41 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 2 1 IIi 0 No 11170 FR RF 10951 23824 1430347855083 1430347878907 1430347867956 1430347856786 8 34 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 3 1 VI 0 No 11073 HX XH 8474 21249 1430347882419 1430347903668 1430347895194 1430347884121 18 67 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 4 1 III 3 No 10635 XQ QX 7158 19497 1430347907178 1430347926675 1430347919517 1430347908882 5 16 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 5 1 Vi 1 Yes 8160 JR RJ 6777 16639 1430347930182 1430347946821 1430347940044 1430347931884 6 28 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 6 1 III 1 No 5107 HL LH 6947 13750 1430347950325 1430347964075 1430347957128 1430347952021 5 24 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 7 1 Vii 1 Yes 8637 QM MQ 10390 20737 1430347967586 1430347988323 1430347977933 1430347969296 6 21 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 8 1 IV 2 Yes 5739 LR RL 6806 14247 1430347991851 1430348006098 1430347999292 1430347993553 7 34 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 9 1 VIII 1 No 9849 HR RH 5124 16675 1430348009623 1430348026298 1430348021174 1430348011325 11 46 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 10 1 VII 3 Yes 8843 BM MR 8394 18940 1430348029806 1430348048746 1430348040352 1430348031509 14 60 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 11 1 Ibi 0 Yes 13411 JX XJ 8042 23155 1430348052263 1430348075418 1430348067376 1430348053965 14 53 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 12 1 Ibii 1 Yes 7965 LH HL 7984 17653 1430348078916 1430348096569 1430348088585 1430348080620 13 66 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 13 1 IIii 1 Yes 8753 RH HR 4535 14990 1430348100084 1430348115074 1430348110539 1430348101786 9 47 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 14 1 Ia 2 No 10990 BF FB 5838 18530 1430348118583 1430348137113 1430348131275 1430348120285 14 70 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 15 1 IV 0 Yes 4495 XF FX 6808 13015 1430348140626 1430348153641 1430348146833 1430348142338 8 37 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 16 1 Ia 3 Yes 8565 XJ JX 5131 15395 1430348157150 1430348172545 1430348167414 1430348158849 15 71 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 17 1 VIII 2 Yes 13595 RB BR 4993 20300 1430348176045 1430348196345 1430348191352 1430348177757 12 55 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 18 1 VII 2 Yes 9374 MR RM 4848 15925 1430348199859 1430348215784 1430348210936 1430348201562 17 69 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 19 1 VI 2 No 9191 QB BQ 5448 16342 1430348219298 1430348235640 1430348230192 1430348221001 19 64 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 20 2 Ia 0 Yes 20907 HRXQ QXRH 8784 33096 1430348239161 1430348272257 1430348263473 1430348242566 20 64 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 21 2 III 2 Yes 5798 HBJR RJBH 13898 23093 1430348275772 1430348298865 1430348284967 1430348279169 3 14 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 22 2 VIII 3 Yes 8925 JBLX XLBB 12174 24510 1430348302370 1430348326880 1430348314706 1430348305781 11 52 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 23 2 Vi 0 Yes 6547 RFBX XBFR 10525 20469 1430348330395 1430348350864 1430348340339 1430348333792 5 31 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 24 2 Ibii 0 Yes 8912 QFBM MBFQ 15406 27731 1430348354372 1430348382103 1430348366697 1430348357785 17 65 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 25 2 VII 0 Yes 6454 QBLJ JLBQ 8411 18270 1430348385610 1430348403880 1430348395469 1430348389015 15 48 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 26 2 III 0 Yes 5782 RFQM MQFR 10392 19586 1430348407389 1430348426975 1430348416583 1430348410801 4 25 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 27 2 Ia 1 Yes 6802 XMHJ JHMX 10737 20939 1430348430484 1430348451423 1430348440686 1430348433884 18 77 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 28 2 VI 1 Yes 10578 BQXR RXQB 11472 25457 1430348454926 1430348480383 1430348468911 1430348458333 12 50 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 29 2 VI 3 Yes 7516 LJHF FHJL 14806 25728 1430348483894 1430348509622 1430348494816 1430348487300 15 82 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 30 2 VIII 0 Yes 6405 JFMR RMFJ 11108 20919 1430348513135 1430348534054 1430348522946 1430348516541 9 58 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 31 2 IV 3 Yes 7819 JRFX XFRJ 9844 21061 1430348537553 1430348558614 1430348548770 1430348540951 7 28 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 32 2 Ibi 1 Yes 8875 XQBJ JBQX 13848 26128 1430348562118 1430348588246 1430348574398 1430348565523 19 71 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 33 2 Vii 0 Yes 6870 LFRH HRFL 15549 25824 1430348591750 1430348617574 1430348602025 1430348595155 6 21 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 34 2 IV 1 Yes 6084 LJHQ HQJL 13265 22751 1430348621078 1430348643829 1430348630564 1430348624480 7 31 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 35 2 IIi 1 No 6831 MQFH HFQM 12847 23083 1430348647338 1430348670421 1430348657574 1430348650743 8 44 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 36 2 IIii 0 Yes 3519 HBLX XLBH 9797 16721 1430348673932 1430348690653 1430348680856 1430348677337 8 56 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 37 2 VII 1 Yes 4332 FMHB BHMF 10081 17822 1430348694167 1430348711989 1430348701908 1430348697576 16 66 1 2 letters first 96963239-1430348749 47 903418 1430347833724 1430348737142 English f no Sentence association 0 0 examples 0 Yes 1447 JH HJ 1728 4885 1430341728151 1430341733036 1430341731308 1430341729861 12 55 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 1 0 examples 1 No 23033 FH LB 4307 29041 1430341736555 1430341765596 1430341761289 1430341738256 9 41 4 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 2 1 Vi 1 No 7670 BQFR QB 4589 15666 1430341769108 1430341784774 1430341780185 1430341772515 6 28 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 3 1 Vii 1 Yes 13880 HBMX XMBH 4914 22200 1430341788285 1430341810485 1430341805571 1430341791691 6 21 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 4 1 Ibi 1 Yes 32830 JBFL LFBJ 5055 41288 1430341813998 1430341855286 1430341850231 1430341817401 19 71 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 5 1 Ibii 1 Yes 26794 RJXL LXJR 7391 37595 1430341858794 1430341896389 1430341888998 1430341862204 13 66 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 6 1 VI 1 No 9969 LMRH HRML 6386 19755 1430341899911 1430341919666 1430341913280 1430341903311 12 50 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 7 1 VIII 3 No 20383 XBRQ QRBX 7708 31493 1430341923183 1430341954676 1430341946968 1430341926585 11 52 3 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 8 1 III 1 No 22648 XMQJ JQMX 6294 32349 1430341958185 1430341990534 1430341984240 1430341961592 5 24 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 9 1 VII 1 Yes 8473 FRHM MHRF 6689 18573 1430341994047 1430342012620 1430342005931 1430341997458 16 66 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 10 1 VIII 2 Yes 15146 MHLB BLHM 8882 27430 1430342016141 1430342043571 1430342034689 1430342019543 12 55 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 11 1 Ia 1 Yes 6912 XBMJ JMBX 18089 28402 1430342047088 1430342075490 1430342057401 1430342050489 18 77 3 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 12 1 VI 2 No 9703 XLBM MBLX 7727 20838 1430342079002 1430342099840 1430342092113 1430342082410 19 64 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 13 1 IV 1 Yes 5731 XQHJ JHQX 6685 15818 1430342103360 1430342119178 1430342112493 1430342106762 7 31 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 14 1 III 0 No 10638 BLXJ JXLB 6520 20561 1430342122694 1430342143255 1430342136735 1430342126097 4 25 3 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 15 1 IIi 1 No 2860 RHQB JVRF 3625 9895 1430342146770 1430342156665 1430342153040 1430342150180 8 44 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 16 1 IIii 1 No 17378 LHQB BQHL 8956 29744 1430342160176 1430342189920 1430342180964 1430342163586 9 47 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 17 1 IV 3 No 11598 RHQX XQHR 6454 21461 1430342193431 1430342214892 1430342208438 1430342196840 7 28 3 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 18 1 Ia 3 Yes 8439 MBFX XFBM 5618 17464 1430342218407 1430342235871 1430342230253 1430342221814 15 71 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 19 1 VII 3 Yes 8945 QRHL LHRQ 8782 21135 1430342239387 1430342260522 1430342251740 1430342242795 14 60 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 20 2 VI 0 No 11962 JQ QJ 4271 17940 1430342264038 1430342281978 1430342277707 1430342265745 18 67 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 21 2 IV 0 Yes 22618 QM MQ 3356 27681 1430342285490 1430342313171 1430342309815 1430342287197 8 37 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 22 2 Ia 2 Yes 35865 HB BH 2724 40294 1430342316676 1430342356970 1430342354246 1430342318381 14 70 3 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 23 2 VI 3 No 10244 QR RQ 5139 17083 1430342360485 1430342377568 1430342372429 1430342362185 15 82 4 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 24 2 Vi 0 Yes 5820 FB BF 4353 11874 1430342381087 1430342392961 1430342388608 1430342382788 5 31 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 25 2 VIII 0 No 15513 QH HQ 4258 21472 1430342396478 1430342417950 1430342413692 1430342398179 9 58 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 26 2 Ia 0 Yes 17247 ML LM 2970 21919 1430342421479 1430342443398 1430342440428 1430342423181 20 64 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 27 2 IIii 0 No 6738 RL LR 3344 11793 1430342446903 1430342458696 1430342455352 1430342448614 8 56 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 28 2 III 3 No 19812 FH HF 3986 25506 1430342462223 1430342487729 1430342483743 1430342463931 5 16 3 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 29 2 Vii 0 Yes 12565 QJ JQ 2979 17244 1430342491242 1430342508486 1430342505507 1430342492942 6 21 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 30 2 Ibii 0 Yes 53398 HX XH 4525 59623 1430342512004 1430342571627 1430342567102 1430342513704 17 65 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 31 2 IV 2 Yes 5418 JB BJ 5302 12424 1430342575136 1430342587560 1430342582258 1430342576840 7 34 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 32 2 VIII 1 No 19594 QF FQ 5313 26615 1430342591081 1430342617696 1430342612383 1430342592789 11 46 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 33 2 Ibi 0 Yes 6637 RM MR 4606 12946 1430342621213 1430342634159 1430342629553 1430342622916 14 53 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 34 2 VII 2 Yes 12373 MJ JM 2915 16988 1430342637675 1430342654663 1430342651748 1430342639375 17 69 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 35 2 III 2 No 5863 XB BX 3006 10580 1430342658175 1430342668755 1430342665749 1430342659886 3 14 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 36 2 VII 0 Yes 39397 MQ QM 3757 44865 1430342672272 1430342717137 1430342713380 1430342673983 15 48 1 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 37 2 IIi 0 No 4792 HF FH 2811 9305 1430342720651 1430342729956 1430342727145 1430342722353 8 34 2 4 letters first 992330992-1430342766 23 1021697 1430341733036 1430342754733 English m no none 0 0 examples 0 Yes 6807 HR DRH 25457 33964 1430351422895 1430351456859 1430351431402 1430351424595 12 55 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 1 0 examples 1 No 8210 HL LH 66983 76894 1430351460362 1430351537256 1430351470273 1430351462063 9 41 8 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 2 1 Vii 0 Yes 9953 RM MR 9393 21047 1430351540760 1430351561807 1430351552414 1430351542461 6 21 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 3 1 IV 0 Yes 11113 LF FL 9633 22447 1430351565311 1430351587758 1430351578125 1430351567012 8 37 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 4 1 VI 3 No 19017 QF FQ 7945 28663 1430351591262 1430351619925 1430351611980 1430351592963 15 82 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 5 1 III 0 No 14027 RM MR 5785 21512 1430351623428 1430351644940 1430351639155 1430351625128 4 25 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 6 1 VII 1 Yes 13282 JH HJ 6281 21264 1430351648443 1430351669707 1430351663426 1430351650144 16 66 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 7 1 VIII 0 No 14875 MF FM 5681 22256 1430351673210 1430351695466 1430351689785 1430351674910 9 58 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 8 1 IIii 0 No 9674 QM MQ 4705 16080 1430351698969 1430351715049 1430351710344 1430351700670 8 56 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 9 1 Ia 3 Yes 22471 FH HF 5178 29351 1430351718553 1430351747904 1430351742726 1430351720255 15 71 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 10 1 IV 3 Yes 10866 QB BQ 4881 17448 1430351751407 1430351768855 1430351763974 1430351753108 7 28 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 11 1 Ibi 1 No 10769 FH HF 4705 17175 1430351772359 1430351789534 1430351784829 1430351774060 19 71 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 12 1 VIII 3 No 7881 HQ QH 6258 15840 1430351793038 1430351808878 1430351802620 1430351794739 11 52 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 13 1 VII 2 Yes 11593 BR RB 4826 18119 1430351812382 1430351830501 1430351825675 1430351814082 17 69 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 14 1 Vi 1 Yes 9380 FB BF 4681 15761 1430351834003 1430351849764 1430351845083 1430351835703 6 28 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 15 1 III 3 No 7033 RF FR 4673 13407 1430351853268 1430351866675 1430351862002 1430351854969 5 16 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 16 1 Ia 1 No 11802 JR RJ 6065 19567 1430351870179 1430351889746 1430351883681 1430351871879 18 77 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 17 1 VI 1 No 11553 XB BX 5058 18312 1430351893250 1430351911562 1430351906504 1430351894951 12 50 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 18 1 Ibii 1 No 22473 XH HX 4393 28566 1430351915066 1430351943632 1430351939239 1430351916766 13 66 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 19 1 IIi 1 No 7673 JM MJ 4306 13680 1430351947136 1430351960816 1430351956510 1430351948837 8 44 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 20 2 VIII 1 No 10118 RBFJ JFBR 8642 22160 1430351964319 1430351986479 1430351977837 1430351967719 11 46 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 21 2 VI 0 No 21173 MLHR RHLM 8241 32815 1430351989982 1430352022797 1430352014556 1430351993383 18 67 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 22 2 III 2 No 9893 FQRB BRQF 12097 25391 1430352026301 1430352051692 1430352039595 1430352029702 3 14 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 23 2 Vi 0 Yes 10087 JRFX XFRJ 8073 21560 1430352055195 1430352076755 1430352068682 1430352058595 5 31 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 24 2 VII 0 Yes 9340 JXBH HBXJ 8553 21294 1430352080260 1430352101554 1430352093001 1430352083661 15 48 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 25 2 Ia 2 No 11661 LXMJ JMXL 13961 29023 1430352105058 1430352134081 1430352120120 1430352108459 14 70 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 26 2 Vii 1 No 19757 MXFL LHXM 11649 34807 1430352137585 1430352172392 1430352160743 1430352140986 6 21 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 27 2 VII 3 Yes 8191 BXFR RFXB 7681 19272 1430352175895 1430352195167 1430352187486 1430352179295 14 60 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 28 2 IV 1 Yes 9094 MHBL LBHM 10953 23448 1430352198670 1430352222118 1430352211165 1430352202071 7 31 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 29 2 Ibi 0 Yes 19461 BMJX XJMB 7945 30807 1430352225621 1430352256428 1430352248483 1430352229022 14 53 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 30 2 IIi 0 No 9629 LXBJ JBXL 8897 21927 1430352259932 1430352281859 1430352272962 1430352263333 8 34 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 31 2 IIii 1 No 9941 XRMF FMRX 8673 22015 1430352285363 1430352307378 1430352298705 1430352288764 9 47 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 32 2 Ia 0 No 8597 MHQR RQHM 6074 18072 1430352310882 1430352328954 1430352322880 1430352314283 20 64 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 33 2 Ibii 0 Yes 9860 XJLQ QLJX 6330 19591 1430352332458 1430352352049 1430352345719 1430352335859 17 65 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 34 2 III 1 No 8872 HLFX XFHL 8809 21081 1430352355551 1430352376632 1430352367823 1430352358951 5 24 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 35 2 VIII 2 No 8510 QBJM MJBQ 6505 18415 1430352380136 1430352398551 1430352392046 1430352383536 12 55 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 36 2 IV 2 Yes 7878 XLBJ JBLX 7217 18496 1430352402054 1430352420550 1430352413333 1430352405455 7 34 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 37 2 VI 2 No 11581 JFRL LRFJ 8001 22983 1430352424054 1430352447037 1430352439036 1430352427455 19 64 1 2 letters first 993132842-1430352481 21 1018728 1430351456859 1430352475587 english m yes 0 0 examples 0 Yes 4833 -- -- 0 4833 1430344315437 1430344320270 1430344320270 1430344315437 12 55 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 1 0 examples 1 No 3061 -- -- 0 3061 1430344321294 1430344324355 1430344324355 1430344321294 9 41 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 2 1 IIi 0 No 5002 -- -- 0 5002 1430344325360 1430344330362 1430344330362 1430344325360 8 34 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 3 1 Vi 1 Yes 4140 -- -- 0 4140 1430344331374 1430344335514 1430344335514 1430344331374 6 28 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 4 1 VII 0 Yes 4786 -- -- 0 4786 1430344336525 1430344341311 1430344341311 1430344336525 15 48 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 5 1 III 3 Yes 7291 -- -- 0 7291 1430344342325 1430344349616 1430344349616 1430344342325 5 16 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 6 1 Vii 0 Yes 5117 -- -- 0 5117 1430344350624 1430344355741 1430344355741 1430344350624 6 21 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 7 1 Ibii 1 Yes 5507 -- -- 0 5507 1430344356757 1430344362264 1430344362264 1430344356757 13 66 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 8 1 VIII 2 No 4099 -- -- 0 4099 1430344363274 1430344367373 1430344367373 1430344363274 12 55 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 9 1 Ia 1 Yes 10970 -- -- 0 10970 1430344368391 1430344379361 1430344379361 1430344368391 18 77 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 10 1 VII 1 Yes 3744 -- -- 0 3744 1430344380374 1430344384118 1430344384118 1430344380374 16 66 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 11 1 VIII 0 No 7833 -- -- 0 7833 1430344385127 1430344392960 1430344392960 1430344385127 9 58 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 12 1 III 2 No 2279 -- -- 0 2279 1430344393973 1430344396252 1430344396252 1430344393973 3 14 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 13 1 Ibi 1 Yes 5658 -- -- 0 5658 1430344397275 1430344402933 1430344402933 1430344397275 19 71 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 14 1 IIii 0 No 4426 -- -- 0 4426 1430344403940 1430344408366 1430344408366 1430344403940 8 56 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 15 1 VI 3 Yes 5740 -- -- 0 5740 1430344409377 1430344415117 1430344415117 1430344409377 15 82 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 16 1 IV 1 Yes 4450 -- -- 0 4450 1430344416140 1430344420590 1430344420590 1430344416140 7 31 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 17 1 VI 2 Yes 3833 -- -- 0 3833 1430344421606 1430344425439 1430344425439 1430344421606 19 64 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 18 1 Ia 2 Yes 5775 -- -- 0 5775 1430344426455 1430344432230 1430344432230 1430344426455 14 70 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 19 1 IV 2 Yes 2141 -- -- 0 2141 1430344433245 1430344435386 1430344435386 1430344433245 7 34 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 20 2 Vii 1 Yes 3656 -- -- 0 3656 1430344436405 1430344440061 1430344440061 1430344436405 6 21 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 21 2 IIii 1 No 7799 -- -- 0 7799 1430344441071 1430344448870 1430344448870 1430344441071 9 47 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 22 2 III 1 No 2918 -- -- 0 2918 1430344449880 1430344452798 1430344452798 1430344449880 5 24 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 23 2 IIi 1 No 2485 -- -- 0 2485 1430344453806 1430344456291 1430344456291 1430344453806 8 44 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 24 2 IV 3 Yes 3753 -- -- 0 3753 1430344457307 1430344461060 1430344461060 1430344457307 7 28 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 25 2 Vi 0 Yes 5855 -- -- 0 5855 1430344462067 1430344467922 1430344467922 1430344462067 5 31 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 26 2 IV 0 Yes 2065 -- -- 0 2065 1430344468936 1430344471001 1430344471001 1430344468936 8 37 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 27 2 VI 0 Yes 4097 -- -- 0 4097 1430344472020 1430344476117 1430344476117 1430344472020 18 67 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 28 2 Ia 0 Yes 5061 -- -- 0 5061 1430344477125 1430344482186 1430344482186 1430344477125 20 64 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 29 2 Ia 3 Yes 4459 -- -- 0 4459 1430344483204 1430344487663 1430344487663 1430344483204 15 71 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 30 2 VIII 1 No 4133 -- -- 0 4133 1430344488671 1430344492804 1430344492804 1430344488671 11 46 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 31 2 VII 2 Yes 3891 -- -- 0 3891 1430344493820 1430344497711 1430344497711 1430344493820 17 69 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 32 2 VI 1 No 3477 -- -- 0 3477 1430344498735 1430344502212 1430344502212 1430344498735 12 50 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 33 2 VIII 3 No 6202 -- -- 0 6202 1430344503236 1430344509438 1430344509438 1430344503236 11 52 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 34 2 Ibii 0 Yes 9556 -- -- 0 9556 1430344511807 1430344521363 1430344521363 1430344511807 17 65 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 35 2 VII 3 Yes 4743 -- -- 0 4743 1430344522392 1430344527135 1430344527135 1430344522392 14 60 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 36 2 Ibi 0 Yes 3102 -- -- 0 3102 1430344528150 1430344531252 1430344531252 1430344528150 14 53 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 37 2 III 0 No 3780 -- -- 0 3780 1430344532270 1430344536050 1430344536050 1430344532270 4 25 1 no letters 994718093-1430344553 25 228645 1430344320270 1430344548915 English f no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 8771 FM MF 3669 14153 1430511831619 1430511845772 1430511842103 1430511833332 12 55 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 1 0 examples 1 No 6844 FX XF 3141 11701 1430511849292 1430511860993 1430511857852 1430511851008 9 41 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 2 1 VIII 2 Yes 11986 RH HR 3108 16801 1430511864526 1430511881327 1430511878219 1430511866233 12 55 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 3 1 IV 2 No 12021 XR RX 3744 17473 1430511884842 1430511902315 1430511898571 1430511886550 7 34 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 4 1 VII 2 Yes 12390 HJ JH 2896 16997 1430511905840 1430511922837 1430511919941 1430511907551 17 69 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 5 1 Vi 0 Yes 8264 XF FX 2659 12637 1430511926358 1430511938995 1430511936336 1430511928072 5 31 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 6 1 IIi 1 Yes 10776 FX XF 2880 15386 1430511942528 1430511957914 1430511955034 1430511944258 8 44 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 7 1 VI 3 No 13691 HQ QH 2469 17875 1430511961432 1430511979307 1430511976838 1430511963147 15 82 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 8 1 Ibi 1 No 9251 QM MQ 7555 18520 1430511982821 1430512001341 1430511993786 1430511984535 19 71 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 9 1 VIII 0 No 20871 RX XR 2456 25040 1430512004875 1430512029915 1430512027459 1430512006588 9 58 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 10 1 IIii 0 Yes 7773 BJ JB 2938 12422 1430512033444 1430512045866 1430512042928 1430512035155 8 56 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 11 1 VI 2 Yes 23185 FB BF 2546 27442 1430512049376 1430512076818 1430512074272 1430512051087 19 64 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 12 1 Ia 0 Yes 8748 JH HJ 2478 12936 1430512080345 1430512093281 1430512090803 1430512082055 20 64 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 13 1 Ia 2 Yes 9864 HQ QH 2975 14554 1430512096792 1430512111346 1430512108371 1430512098507 14 70 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 14 1 III 3 No 11000 BX XB 2085 14794 1430512114879 1430512129673 1430512127588 1430512116588 5 16 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 15 1 III 1 No 6822 QR RQ 3667 12196 1430512133192 1430512145388 1430512141721 1430512134899 5 24 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 16 1 Ibii 1 Yes 17291 XJ XJ 2235 21231 1430512148917 1430512170148 1430512167913 1430512150622 13 66 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 17 1 IV 1 No 8265 BJ JB 2840 12834 1430512173664 1430512186498 1430512183658 1430512175393 7 31 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 18 1 Vii 0 No 7851 QM MQ 2539 12099 1430512190014 1430512202113 1430512199574 1430512191723 6 21 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 19 1 VII 0 Yes 6452 FM MF 2522 10682 1430512205630 1430512216312 1430512213790 1430512207338 15 48 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 20 2 Ibii 0 Yes 20415 QJRF RFQJ 5182 29013 1430512219828 1430512248841 1430512243659 1430512223244 17 65 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 21 2 III 2 No 9793 LXRJ JRXL 5858 19055 1430512252369 1430512271424 1430512265566 1430512255773 3 14 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 22 2 III 0 No 9170 MHJB BJHM 8333 20912 1430512274950 1430512295862 1430512287529 1430512278359 4 25 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 23 2 Ia 3 Yes 3654 MLQX XQLM 8202 15265 1430512299382 1430512314647 1430512306445 1430512302791 15 71 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 24 2 Vi 1 Yes 6232 XRLF FLRX 4105 13746 1430512318184 1430512331930 1430512327825 1430512321593 6 28 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 25 2 Ia 1 Yes 6998 MXHR RHXM 3872 14283 1430512335466 1430512349749 1430512345877 1430512338879 18 77 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 26 2 VII 3 Yes 6598 LXJM MJXL 3653 13660 1430512353268 1430512366928 1430512363275 1430512356677 14 60 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 27 2 IIi 0 No 9604 MJBX XBJM 4324 17336 1430512370451 1430512387787 1430512383463 1430512373859 8 34 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 28 2 Ibi 0 No 11848 XJFM MFJX 4641 19903 1430512391318 1430512411221 1430512406580 1430512394732 14 53 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 29 2 VI 0 Yes 8000 JFLR RLFJ 3890 15301 1430512414751 1430512430052 1430512426162 1430512418162 18 67 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 30 2 VIII 1 No 5352 FXMJ JMXF 4046 12806 1430512433568 1430512446374 1430512442328 1430512436976 11 46 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 31 2 VII 1 Yes 4794 LMXQ QXML 7108 15310 1430512449903 1430512465213 1430512458105 1430512453311 16 66 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 32 2 VIII 3 No 8032 FJLX XLJF 4080 15523 1430512468736 1430512484259 1430512480179 1430512472147 11 52 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 33 2 IV 0 Yes 10485 HFBJ JBFX 3690 17590 1430512487784 1430512505374 1430512501684 1430512491199 8 37 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 34 2 Vii 1 No 4502 RXJF FJXR 5672 13586 1430512508902 1430512522488 1430512516816 1430512512314 6 21 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 35 2 IIii 1 Yes 4381 MJRH MJRH 3855 11648 1430512526006 1430512537654 1430512533799 1430512529418 9 47 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 36 2 IV 3 Yes 9494 XHQJ JQHX 7130 20041 1430512541169 1430512561210 1430512554080 1430512544586 7 28 2 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 37 2 VI 1 Yes 4146 LQBM MBQL 3139 10697 1430512564735 1430512575432 1430512572293 1430512568147 12 50 1 2 letters first 996419381-1430339799 24 747392 1430511845772 1430512593164 ENGLISH f no 0 0 examples 0 Yes 8389 -- -- 0 8388 1430342186866 1430342195254 1430342195254 1430342186865 12 55 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 1 0 examples 1 No 4644 -- -- 0 4643 1430342196261 1430342200904 1430342200904 1430342196260 9 41 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 2 1 Vii 0 Yes 23611 -- -- 0 23611 1430342201911 1430342225522 1430342225522 1430342201911 6 21 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 3 1 IV 3 Yes 11028 -- -- 0 11028 1430342226528 1430342237556 1430342237556 1430342226528 7 28 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 4 1 IV 1 Yes 3154 -- -- 0 3154 1430342238562 1430342241716 1430342241716 1430342238562 7 31 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 5 1 IIi 0 No 3070 -- -- 0 3070 1430342242725 1430342245795 1430342245795 1430342242725 8 34 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 6 1 Ia 0 Yes 15288 -- -- 1 15289 1430342246803 1430342262092 1430342262091 1430342246803 20 64 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 7 1 VIII 0 No 16075 -- -- 0 16075 1430342263099 1430342279174 1430342279174 1430342263099 9 58 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 8 1 VIII 3 No 4138 -- -- 0 4138 1430342280180 1430342284318 1430342284318 1430342280180 11 52 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 9 1 Ia 3 Yes 6128 -- -- 0 6128 1430342285328 1430342291456 1430342291456 1430342285328 15 71 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 10 1 VI 1 No 8322 -- -- 0 8322 1430342292466 1430342300788 1430342300788 1430342292466 12 50 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 11 1 VI 2 No 9432 -- -- 0 9432 1430342301793 1430342311225 1430342311225 1430342301793 19 64 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 12 1 VII 2 Yes 8662 -- -- 1 8662 1430342312233 1430342320895 1430342320894 1430342312232 17 69 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 13 1 III 0 No 2749 -- -- 1 2750 1430342321901 1430342324651 1430342324650 1430342321901 4 25 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 14 1 III 2 Yes 37220 -- -- 0 37220 1430342325659 1430342362879 1430342362879 1430342325659 3 14 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 15 1 IIii 1 No 5542 -- -- 0 5542 1430342363886 1430342369428 1430342369428 1430342363886 9 47 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 16 1 Ibii 1 Yes 8835 -- -- 0 8835 1430342370438 1430342379273 1430342379273 1430342370438 13 66 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 17 1 Vi 0 Yes 12175 -- -- 0 12175 1430342380283 1430342392458 1430342392458 1430342380283 5 31 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 18 1 Ibi 1 Yes 9004 -- -- 0 9004 1430342393465 1430342402469 1430342402469 1430342393465 19 71 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 19 1 VII 0 Yes 4353 -- -- 0 4353 1430342403477 1430342407830 1430342407830 1430342403477 15 48 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 20 2 III 1 No 5923 -- -- 0 5923 1430342408835 1430342414758 1430342414758 1430342408835 5 24 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 21 2 VII 1 Yes 3399 -- -- 0 3399 1430342415767 1430342419166 1430342419166 1430342415767 16 66 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 22 2 Ibii 0 Yes 6954 -- -- 0 6954 1430342420175 1430342427129 1430342427129 1430342420175 17 65 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 23 2 IV 0 Yes 3941 -- -- 0 3941 1430342428138 1430342432079 1430342432079 1430342428138 8 37 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 24 2 Ia 1 Yes 7133 -- -- 0 7133 1430342433088 1430342440221 1430342440221 1430342433088 18 77 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 25 2 IIii 0 No 6311 -- -- 0 6311 1430342441227 1430342447538 1430342447538 1430342441227 8 56 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 26 2 VI 0 No 11013 -- -- 0 11013 1430342448545 1430342459558 1430342459558 1430342448545 18 67 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 27 2 Ibi 0 Yes 3824 -- -- 0 3824 1430342460566 1430342464390 1430342464390 1430342460566 14 53 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 28 2 VI 3 No 7070 -- -- 0 7070 1430342465396 1430342472466 1430342472466 1430342465396 15 82 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 29 2 VIII 1 No 2773 -- -- 0 2773 1430342473473 1430342476246 1430342476246 1430342473473 11 46 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 30 2 Vii 1 Yes 3622 -- -- 0 3622 1430342477252 1430342480874 1430342480874 1430342477252 6 21 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 31 2 VII 3 Yes 3194 -- -- 0 3194 1430342481881 1430342485075 1430342485075 1430342481881 14 60 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 32 2 IIi 1 Yes 3624 -- -- 0 3624 1430342486082 1430342489706 1430342489706 1430342486082 8 44 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 33 2 VIII 2 No 3257 -- -- 0 3257 1430342490713 1430342493970 1430342493970 1430342490713 12 55 2 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 34 2 Ia 2 Yes 27060 -- -- 0 27060 1430342494977 1430342522037 1430342522037 1430342494977 14 70 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 35 2 Vi 1 Yes 2909 -- -- 0 2909 1430342523044 1430342525953 1430342525953 1430342523044 6 28 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 36 2 III 3 No 3590 -- -- 0 3589 1430342526960 1430342530549 1430342530549 1430342526959 5 16 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no 37 2 IV 2 Yes 2725 -- -- 0 2725 1430342531555 1430342534280 1430342534280 1430342531555 7 34 1 no letters 996496386-1430342549 25 351944 1430342195254 1430342547198 english m no